Happy New Year! The Medical Society is excited to welcome in 2020.
With each new year, it is customary to begin with goals to work towards. We felt that it would be beneficial to do just that as a Board of Directors for the Medical Society.
- Membership - We want to expand our membership and be able to bring the benefits that CMA as well as our local society to all physicians practicing in our 2 counties. Please think about how we can reach those who have not joined us. Consider bringing them as your guest to our next Spring Seminar.
- Building a Social Media Presence. Social Media is how the rest of the world communicates with each other. Consider the energy that can be given to the physicians of the Medical Society when they participate in each of our events during the year.
- CME's - We know that each of you are required to continue your education each year. The process of allowing the Medical Society to offer CME's to you is lengthy and requires accreditation. We are currently looking into that process as well as looking into other areas that we can partner with to bring you live CME's.
The Medical Society is excited to serve our community of physicians. We hope that your needs are not being ignored and you feel that you are being heard.
We welcome in the new 2020 Medical Society of Tulare and Kings Counties Board of Directors
Executive Board
President: Antonio Sanchez, M.D.
Immediate Past President: Jerry Jacobson, M.D.
President - Elect: Anil Patel, M.D.
Secretary/Treasurer: Lamar Mack, M.D.
Board of Directors
Benjamin Brennan, M.D., Pradeep Kamboj, M.D., Matthew Kirkman, M.D., Yinka Omololu, M.D., Abraham Betre, M.D., Kunal Sukhija, M.D., Ahmad Shahroz, M.D.
CMA Delegates
Roger Haley, M.D., Mark Tetz, M.D., Robert Allen, M.D.
CMA Alternate Delegates
Kunal Sukhija, M.D., Antonio Sanchez, M.D., Thomas Enloe, M.D.
Medical Society Events - 2020
We hope to see you there!
March 19, 2020 - Improve the Patient Experience Seminar @ Left of Center 12:00-2:00 p.m.
March 19, 2020 - Spring General Meeting
6:30 p.m. @ Visalia Country Club
April 24, 2020 - Wine Social
6:00 p.m. @ Chinese Cultural Center
May 6, 2020 - High School Physicals
12:30-3:30 El Diamante & Golden West
May 13, 2020 - High School Physicals
12:30-3:30 Mt. Whitney & Redwood
May 20, 2020 - High School Physicals
1:00-3:30 Exeter Union
September 3, 2020 - Meet the Residents/Students Social
October 8, 2020 - Fall General Meeting
December 3, 2020 - Annual Holiday Party
6:00 p.m. @ Visalia Country Club
2019 George Tiss and Physician of the Year
The Medical Society was pleased to announce the 2019 George Tiss and Physician of the Year Award winner to Dr. Ralph Kingsford at out Annual Holiday Dinner in December.
Dr. Kingsford, diligently works to support his patients in our community as well as an advocate for you with the California Medical Association.
Please join us in thanking him for all his years of service and dedication.
AB 890 introduced by Assemblymember Jim Wood, DDS, grants full practice authority to nurse practitioners (NP). This bill would remove critical patient protections by allowing NPs to practice without physician supervision.
AB 890 is merely an outline of a major policy change which lacks critical details related to nurse practitioner competency requirements, scope limitations, requirements to actually serve underserved populations or regions, and many other details. As it stands, it is a dangerous bill to move forward and will still do nothing to improve access to health care in California.
This bill is moving forward; on January 27 it passed the Assembly Floor! It has now been referred to the Senate, one step closer to the Governor's office!
Nominations Solicitation: California Delegation to the AMA
California Delegation to the AMA:
Members of the AMA House of Delegates serve as an important communications, policy and membership link between the AMA and grassroots physicians. The delegate/alternate delegate is a key source of information on activities, programs and policies of the AMA. The delegate/alternate delegate is also a direct contact for the individual member to communicate with and contribute to the formulation of AMA policy positions, the identification of situations that might be addressed through policy implementation efforts and the implementation of AMA policies. Delegates and alternate delegates to the AMA are expected to foster a positive and useful two-way relationship between grassroots physicians and the AMA leadership. To fulfill these roles, AMA delegates and alternate delegates are expected to make themselves readily accessible to individual members by providing the AMA with their addresses, telep hone numbers and e-mail addresses so that the AMA can make the information accessible to individual members through the AMA website and through other communication mechanisms.
Applicant/nominee must be a member of both the CMA and the AMA.
Applicant/nominee must be able to adhere to the time commitment above.
Selection Criteria:
Ideal candidates will be team-oriented, passionate, constructive, energetic, knowledgeable on CMA policy, forward-thinking, and willing to play an active role in the delegation and support the goals of the delegation.
Completed Nomination Form (REQUIRED)
Brief CV (less than 5 pages) (REQUIRED)
11:59 p.m. on Feb. 28, 2020
Timeline for Decision:
The Committee on Nominations will present its recommendations to the Board of Trustees at the Board Meeting on April 13, 2020, and appointments will be announced shortly thereafter.