Hello Ram Family! Thank you for making me feel so welcome when I returned to WNA last August. We truly have an amazing community of faculty, staff, students and, of course, alumni. Much has changed on campus, but the most important things have not changed – the strong sense of community, the belief in the potential of each child, and the transformational power of WNA to positively impact a student’s life. The things you likely recall fondly.
I decided to revive WNA Today to engage alumni with the school and to keep our community connected. But the idea came from an alum. Thank you! One Saturday in February, an alum had arranged to meet with me on campus to share ideas. I love meetings like that! Along with many great ideas, he suggested we bring back the monthly newsletter so that alums know all the great things that are happening on campus. Done. Please keep the ideas coming!
We’ve been working hard all year to build alumni engagement, both with one another and with the school. During my many conversations with alumni this year, the question that usually comes up is, “What can I do to help?” Here’s what you can do: Be proud Rams! Wear your WNA gear, share information about WNA to friends, and to refer capable students to your alma mater, West Nottingham Academy! If you know someone who is ready to unleash their incredible potential, contact the admissions office (admissions@wna.org) or me (swirth@wna.org). Please also reach out if you have ideas, want to share your WNA story, or just want to connect.
Thank you.