Welcome to the Secular Franciscan Order - USA Ecumenical / Interfaith Committee Network
Summer 2018 Newsletter
"Our vision is to educate and to raise the awareness of our Franciscan sisters and brothers in the United States to the ecumenical and interfaith movements in the Church."
Upcoming Events
   In the company of my OFS brother Michael Carsten of the Troubadours of Saint Clare fraternity of SE Michigan, I participated in the 16th annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days in Washington DC. Good Christians all were we, gathered to enter into the reality of and the need to respond to “A World Uprooted: Responding to Migrants, Refugees, and Displaced People,” this year’s EAD theme. We had three days to pray, prepare and share and one day to meet with our reps in the halls of the House and Senate office buildings to advocate for our brothers and sisters suffering within and beyond our borders.

Divine Mercy Region, at its April, 2018 regional gathering, announced the appointment of Ms. Cami Mann, OFS to the position of regional chair for ecumenical outreach. Cami is a member of Our Mother of Sorrows Fraternity, Grand Rapids, MI. She brings a wealth of experience in ecumenism, having worked in ecumenical and interfaith outreach ministry for many years. Mike Carsten informed us that Divine Mercy is the first region to officially appoint such a position. We certainly are looking forward to having Cami lead us in this effort.

Formation Spotlight
The U.S. Holocaust Museum recently made available some online videos on some timely topics.
They are:

  • Nature and Nurture: Are we hard-wired to hate?

  • What is driving the rise of white supremacy? 

  • Can technology and civic engagement disrupt extremist movements? 
Session 1: Nature and Nurture: Are we hard-wired to hate?
Session 2:
What is driving the rise of white supremacy?
Session 3:
Can technology and civic engagement disrupt extremist movements? 
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Saint Francis is attributed with saying, “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
How time flies! Ten years ago about 150 Franciscans and Franciscan hearted people gathered in Baltimore for a meeting which resulted in the creation of the Franciscan Action Network (FAN). FAN was commissioned to present a unified Franciscan voice for peace and justice in Washington, D.C. Since the early days, FAN has grown into a well-respected organization. Watch & share this video of some of our accomplishments. We’ve collaborated with both faith based and secular partners and have been lead organizers for a variety of campaigns including Fast 4 Families where we advocated for immigration reform, the People's Climate Marches in both NYC and DC , Pope Francis' Visit to the U.S. and screenings of the Sultan and the Saint docudrama. FAN has become known throughout Washington, D.C. and beyond as being rooted in Gospel values and the rich tradition of peacemaking, concern for human dignity and care for creation handed down to us through the examples of Saint Francis and Saint Clare. It is through the support and prayers of our Franciscan family that we have been able to grow this far.
We are striving to do what is impossible with your help and the help of God and St. Francis and St. Clare. For committing to a monthly pledge of $10 , we will send you a complementary copy of the Sultan and the Saint DVD , FREE! Set in a past period of East-West discord, this film speaks with urgency to our present. It is the story of Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt, and their meeting on a bloody battlefield during the period of Christian-Muslim conflict known as the Crusades.
Please consider investing in the future of FAN and help us continue to bring the Franciscan voice to Washington, D.C. and across the country.
Peace and All Good,
Patrick Carolan Sr. Margaret Magee
FAN Executive Director FAN Board President
Mike Carsten OFS | OFS-USA Ecumenical/Interfaith Committee | 313-309-1277 | 313-963-9076| mikecars10@gmail.com | www.ofsusaecumenicalinterfaith.org
OFS-USA www.secularfranciscansusa.org