June 1, 2017 Newsletter
 Welcome to the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission's bi-weekly roundup of news, trends, and events related to regional planning! To see previous editions of this newsletter, click here.
News Around the Region
Stay up to date with our roundup of planning and development news around the region presented on an interactive online map,

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Regional Innovations in Sustainability-MMSD Envisions Pumping Station 15

When considering how to rehabilitate an aging pumping station in Madison’s Marshall Park, the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) decided it was a great opportunity to use the Envision framework from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI). This project, which began with planning in 2015, is resulting in an upgrade of Pumping Station 15 that includes much more attention to the broader sustainability metrics of the project than a traditional pumping station rehab, thanks to using the Envision process.

Marshall Park contains a boat launch, and is in close proximity to soccer fields and a bike path, which made it particularly important to include stakeholder involvement throughout the planning process. Stakeholders identified a desire for additional park restrooms, which have also been incorporated into the facility upgrade. The project includes a number of design features that contribute to the sustainability of the project. The park’s boat launch area will have an aquatic invasive species control center, which will drain into a bioretention basin for improved water quality. Saris, a local bike accessory company, has donated a bike maintenance station that will be connected by permeable pavers to the bike path. In addition to upgraded equipment and additional capacity, the pumping station will also include educational signage and viewing windows to help visitors understand MMSD’s collection and treatment system. A portion of the building will have a green roof and the rest will be covered in solar panels to provide renewable energy for running the pumps.

This upgrade of the station will meet MMSD’s service goals as well as improve the overall park experience for visitors. The City of Madison Parks Division has been an essential partner on the project, which is the first in the state to pursue an Envision award. While the Envision process is generally used for large infrastructure projects, this project demonstrates its benefits for enhancing stakeholder engagement and integrating sustainable features into projects of any size.  For further information about the Pumping Station 15 project, contact Jen Hurlebaus, MMSD’s Project Engineer, at JenH@madsewer.org.

UW-Stevens Point Center for Land Use and Education Releases Megatrends Report

Recently, the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point released their 2017 Wisconsin Land Use Megatrends report.  In this edition of megatrends, researchers address issues of the impact of transportation on individuals, businesses, communities, the environment and the state by taking a closer look at statewide land use and transportation trends.  This edition provides a timeline of Wisconsin transportation history and discusses how people and goods move around, how different users rely on the transportation system, and the impact of transportation on the economy, environment and human health.  Through case studies, land use and transportation policies are examined as a means of understanding how policy shapes local communities. 


Full Report

The previous edition of Megatrends (published in 2015) is also available and explores housing trends in homeownership, property values, land conversion, residential energy use, and commuting. Historic projected changes in housing density from 1940 to 2030 are also portrayed using a series of statewide maps.

This statewide look at transportation and its relationship with land use complements the annual Regional Trends reports published by the Regional Planning Commission along with the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board’s “Performance Measures” report, which tracks the health of the region’s transportation systems across a broad set of indicators.

For all previous editions prior to 2015 Click Here 

Madison to Host National Environmental Design and Research Association Conference 

On May 31st the National Environmental Design and Research Association kicked off their 48th annual conference for environmental design professionals from across the county at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center. 

The theme of this year’s conference, “Voices of Place”, invited socially motivated design professionals and researchers to come together with a shared commitment to creating environments that matter to people and where people and their needs and input matter. The UW-Madison School of Human Ecology partnered with faculty member and conference co-chair Dr. Jung-hye Shin to host a one-day intensive workshop with community partners.

Workshop activities included a visit to one of two Madison sites identified by the Madison City Planning Department for community-engaged planning and development in the near future. In the Darbo-Worthington neighborhood, on Madison’s east side, and in the Bayview neighborhood, on the city’s south side,  access to resources and quality of life is more challenging than in other parts of the community. Both areas are, however, surrounded by meaningful community assets and include natural resources such as creek frontage.

After visiting sites, attendees participated in multidisciplinary, round-table mini-charrette exercises where EDRA participants and community-engaged planning professionals worked together to develop proposals for sites visited.

Local agencies, including the Regional Planning Commission and the City of Madison,  presented material and sought input about current planning initiatives like A Greater Madison Vision and Imagine Madison, the city’s comprehensive plan update.

Game Changer Grants- Call for Submissions Deadline Extended 
Forward Community Investment has extended the deadline for the Game Changer Grants from May 31st  to June 12th, 2017 at noon. These grants are intended to provide opportunities for organizations, programs, or initiatives that are aligned with the mission and vision of FCI. In 2017, they will be awarding one $3,000 grant every month of the year to grantees committed to addressing racial inequities, food access and community building.  

There are two parts to the application process:

1.) The Video (3-5 minute video explaining how your organization/program/initiative is addressing racial inequities)

2.) The Short Form (basic organizational/program/initiative info)

In December 2016, Forward Community Investment received more than 55 video submissions during the first call for applications and are expecting even more during the second round! The submissions that are received from May 1 – June 12 will be reviewed to determine  the awardees for July-December 2017. 

For more information, check out the overview of the Game Changer Grants or visit our the Forward Giving Program webpage.    
Questions may be emailed to: grants@forwardci.org.

Next RPC Commission Meeting:
June 8th, 2017 @ 6:00pm
Madison Water Utility
 119 E Olin Ave, Madison, WI 53713