Welcome to the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission's bi-weekly roundup of news, trends, and events related to regional planning! To see previous editions of this newsletter,
click here.
More than 500 Attend A Greater Madison Vision Presentations Across the Region
Steering Committee members and staff have been working together to arrange and give presentations about A Greater Madison Vision around the region. The purpose of the presentations is to increase awareness and support for the initiative.
A Greater Madison Vision’s strategy for community engagement set a goal of reaching between 200 to 500 “stakeholders” through presentations and conversations. A stakeholder is someone who has an interest in the outcome of a regional plan for growth.
As of June 12, a total of 565 people have attended various presentations. According to Larry Palm, Steering Committee Co-Chair, “Steering Committee members played an important role in opening doors and making connections so we could share the message with as many leaders across the region as possible." Mr. Palm is also Executive Chair of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission, the agency facilitating the initiative.
The Steering Committee seeks “broad and inclusive” participation. Accordingly, presentations and conversations occurred to a broad cross section of the region. Attending presentations were 299 representatives from local governments, 129 from businesses, and 137 from non-profits and educational institutions. Non-profit organizations represented include environmental, community service and advocacy, food and agriculture, and transportation.
This engagement serves as a foundation for more widespread public participation around the question of how the region should grow. Opportunities to participate include the just launched iPlan Greater Madison computer simulation game, and driving forces workshop.
If you missed a presentation in your area, we’ve provided a narrated slideshow on the "A Greater Madison Vision" website! Check it out here.
And don’t forget to visit www.AGMV.vision and follow the initiative on Facebook and Twitter.
Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee Gives Recommendations
A Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), chaired by Professor Ken Potter, presented its final recommendations to a joint meeting of the Capital Area Regional Planning and Dane County Lakes and Watersheds Commissions on May 11th. The TAC’s recommendations focused on decreasing flood risks by reducing the stormwater volume reaching waterways. Last summer, the Stormwater TAC – comprised of consultants and staff from municipalities, Dane County, the Regional Planning Commission, UW-Madison and WDNR – was tasked with developing recommendations for improving stormwater runoff volume controls. They examined existing standards and the feasibility of achieving no net increase in runoff volume from new development, compared to pre-development conditions. Increased flood risk and channel erosion has spurred a shift of stormwater management from conveying runoff to facilitating “stay-on” (the portion of stormwater remaining in a location). Reductions in the volume of stormwater run-off can be accomplished through a variety of practices that promote infiltration and/or evapotranspiration. Current Dane County standards require 90% of pre-development stay-on to remain after development. This allows new development to discharge additional runoff volume to the region’s waterways. The net increase from pre-development runoff volumes can result in increased flooding. A requirement of 100% pre-development stay-on would remove this additional stress, resulting in no net runoff volume increases from new development.
The TAC recommends that new development not increase stormwater runoff volumes and that redevelopment be required to match 50% of pre-development stay-on. Control practices could include onsite installation of infiltration basins, vegetated swales, or previous pavement, to name a few. For cases where these practices are impractical or prohibited by site conditions, the TAC recommends a stormwater volume trading program be established that would reduce compliance costs by implementing less expensive control practices elsewhere. For example, the county could invest in regional volume control facilities that would create credits available for purchase by projects where onsite controls would be impractical. This program could also be combined with other programs, such as those for phosphorus reduction or wetland habitat creation, further reducing costs.
The Dane County Lakes and Watersheds Commission is now considering how to integrate these recommendations into policy. Future steps include developing guidelines for trading, followed by a possible revision to the county stormwater ordinance.
A Greater Madison Vision Launches “iPlan Greater Madison”
A Greater Madison Vision is pleased to announce the official launch of “iPlan Greater Madison,” the regional planning simulation game!
Where do you think 150,000 new residents should go? Click on different parts of the regional map to add people and jobs. Watch what happens to indicators such as housing, environment, and farmland. Get feedback from different stakeholders about your choices. Work with others to balance competing interests and create your best plan for the region. Your plan will help A Greater Madison Vision create a compelling vision and plan for our future!
For more information about events, see http://www.agmv.vision/iplan-greater-madison-workshops-begin/
Future workshops dates and registration are available! Click the “register here” links under each workshop to learn more.
Waunakee Village Center
Wednesday, June 28th, 5-7pm
Register Here
Stoughton Public Library
Monday, July 10th, 5-7pm
Register Here
Sun Prairie Public Library
Thursday, July 20th, 4:30-6:30pm
Register Here
Rosemary Garfoot Public Library (Cross Plains)
Wednesday, July 26th, 5-7pm
Register Here
Developer to Present Planned Net Zero Subdivision
For the first time, homebuyers in Wisconsin will have the option of purchasing a new house with the capability of producing as much electricity from solar power as it consumes. Developed by Pewaukee-based Neuman Companies and designed by Madison-based Tim O’Brien and Pewaukee-based Sunvest Solar, homes in the Red Fox Crossing Subdivision located in New Berlin, Wisconsin will all feature solar electricity systems. When fully built, Red Fox Crossing hopes to become Wisconsin’s first so-called “net zero” community, which means it produces at least as much renewable energy as it consumes.
The subdivision’s developer, Neumann Companies, will give a presentation on the project to the Sustainable Madison Committee on Monday, June 19 in Room 351 of the City-County Building at 4:30pm.
American Planning Association-Wisconsin Plan4Health Workshop
The American Planning Association’s Wisconsin Chapter will be hosting a one day workshop to engage planners, public health, and economic development professionals to learn about partnerships, processes, and policies that improve the health of our communities.
Register Now
Planners4Health Workshop Tuesday, June 20th, 2017, 9am to 3pm Goodman Community Center 149 Waubesa Street Madison, WI 53704
Next RPC Commission Meeting:
July 13th, 2017 @ 6:00pm
Location: TBD