Fueling the Bottom Line

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Opportunity Zone - Non-Residential Opportunities

Propane is a clean-burning fuel that is easy to maintain and transport and doesn’t release harmful toxins into the air, which makes it an efficient fuel source for non-residential uses. If you are not currently targeting local companies who use propane, you may be missing out on a year-round opportunity to increase your propane sales. Below are different types of companies that use propane and may be located in your community:

  • Agriculture - irrigation engines, grain dryers, flame weed control
  • Landscaping - commercial mowers and other equipment
  • Construction - temporary heat for remodeling companies
  • Warehouse Facility - forklifts, pickers and pallet trucks
  • Hospitality - catering and outdoor events

Did You Know - RV Travel Can Drive Propane Sales

According to Wakefield Research, 99% of Americans are planning leisure travel in 2023 and 61% are planning on taking a road trip or vacation in an RV.

In addition to grilling, RV travelers use propane for heating, cooling, cooking and refrigeration. Depending on the size of the RV and the length of the trip that can add up to a lot of propane and cylinder refills for you!

Summer Cylinder Refill Campaigns

Summer time is a great time to use digital ads to drive customers to your location to refill their tank. Our location finder page streamlines the process for customers and prospective customers. Here are some stats from our recent digital campaigns:

Memorial Day:

Reach: 3,597,304

Impressions: 4,033,189

Page Engagement: 7,355

Clicks: 7,159

July 4th:

Reach: 6,267,916

Impressions: 7,314,780

Page Engagement: 11,682

Clicks: 24,433