Sacramento Clean Cities' goal is to reduce fossil petroleum consumption in the transportation and energy sectors.
In this March 24th eNewsletter from Sacramento Clean Cities
Upcoming Grants - Funding for a wide range of transportation and energy programs and projects
Upcoming Workshops - Participate in the decision making process
New Updates, Regulations & Requirements - Regulations and requirements that may affect your operations
Alternative Fuel & Zero-Emission Insights - Learn what’s new and what’s coming soon
Conferences, Programs - Educational, networking and presentation opportunities
Presentations Slides and Videos from Previous Sacramento Clean Cities Webinars
Presentation Slides and Recordings posted Here
Grants Accepting Applications
Low-No Federal Transportation Grant
FTA-2023-002-TPM-LWNO, FTA-2023-003-TPM-BUS
- $1.7B ($1.2B Low or No Emission Grants; $470M Bus & Bus Facility Grants)
- Transition the nation’s transit fleet to the lowest polluting and most energy efficient transit vehicles
- Grant Applications due by 4/13/23
EPA EJ Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program
- Projects that address environmental and public health issues within an affected community;
- Assist recipients building partnerships to address environmental and public health concerns;
- $25,000,000 for up to 50 awards to Community Based Organizations (CBOs) proposing projects for up to $500,000 each.
- $5,000,000 for up to 33 awards to qualifying small CBOs with 5 or fewer full-time employees proposing projects for up to $150,000 each;
- Applications due April 10.
EPA Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) Program
- Projects that transform under-served communities into healthy, thriving communities;
- Funding for governmental and tribal entities;
- Support activities that lead to measurable environmental or public health results in disproportionately burdened communities;
- $20,000,000 for up to 20 awards for States partnering with Community Based Organizations (CBOs);
- $20,000,000 for up to 20 awards for tribal governments partnering with CBOs;
- $20,000,000 for up to 20 awards for local governments partnering with CBOs;
- $10,000,000 for up to 10 awards for U.S. Territories, Freely Associated States, Puerto Rico, and tribes in remote areas;
- Applications are due April 10.
EPA's Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
- Eligible applicants are limited to federally recognized tribal governments;
- Help communities understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks;
- $1.6 million for up 16 to 20 grants of up to $100,000 each;
- Applications are due by May 20
US DOT - Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program (693JJ323NF00004)
- $2.5B over Five Years, $700K in 2023
- Strategically deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in the places people live and work, urban and rural areas alike, in addition to along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors
- Two Funded Categories
1) Community Charging and Fueling Grants (Community Program);
- (2) Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants (Corridor Program)
- Eligible Applicants: State governments, County governments, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education, Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), City or township governments, Special district governments
Grant application Info HERE
- Grant submittal Deadline: May 30, 2023
New Updates, Regulations, and Requirements
CEC Hydrogen Planning Workshop
March 28 - Virtual
- Potential Solicitation forMD/HD H2 Corridor Projects
- Gather feedback from interested parties
The US DOE has issued a $14M Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to spur the development of technologies to convert biomass and other waste streams into biofuels and bioproducts. The two categories in the FOA are 1) Overcoming Barriers to Syngas conversion; and 2) Strategic Opportunities for Decarbonization of the Chemicals Industry Through Biocatalysts.
Assemblymember Jackson Proposes Banning Diesel Trucks
Assemblymember Corey Jackson, representing California District 60 (Riverside County) has introduced Assembly Bill 627 to ban diesel trucks from operating on city or county roads in Riverside or San Bernardino counties beginning in 2030.
- March 29 & April 4 - Heavy-duty SMOG Check
- April 4 - In-use Off-road Diesel Vehicle Regulation
- April 5 - Transport Refrigeration Units
- April 20 - New Programs and Regulations
Sacramento Clean Cities Sponsors Make The News
Ford Autonomous Vehicles May Repossess Themselves
Own a Ford and get behind in the payments? Ford has filed a patent on a future technology that would enable your autonomous vehicle to unpark itself and drive itself to the impound yard.
Ford has filed a patent for solid state batteries, and is investing heavily in a solid state battery company, Solid Power. Ford is also switching to Lithium-Iron Phosphate battery technology for their Mach-E and Lightning vehicles.
Cummins Forms Cleantech Division
Cummins has rolled their zero-emission technology into a new subsidiary, Accelera, where they will place their battery, fuel cell, EV component and green hydrogen production efforts. Cummins is recognized as a world leader in diesel engine drivetrains, and now wants to also be recognized as a world leader in zero-emission drivetrains and fuels.
Hydrogen Combustion Engines
Several companies, including Cummins, Hyundai and JCB are developing both fuel cell and combustion tracks for using hydrogen in the power trains that they build. Electric vehicles are touted as having lower maintenance costs, but batteries have energy density, charging time drawbacks, a requirement for major technician retraining and damage to a battery pack can result in an insurance total loss. Some of these same issues will plague fuel cell vehicles as well, making hydrogen combustion an interesting option. Read more about these companies’ hydrogen combustion efforts.
FirstElement and Hyundai Partner on FCEV Project
FirstElement, one of California’s major hydrogen station providers has partnered with Hyundai, a leading fuel cell technology company and international heavy-duty fuel cell truck manufacturer, have joined together to demonstrate heavy-duty fuel cell trucks with refueling from FirstElement’s “True Zero” hydrogen stations and a FirstElement mobile refueler.
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety EV Concerns
While recognizing the concerns about EV battery fires, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has expressed more concern over the danger created by EVs that are much heavier than ICEs, a problem that becomes more significant as OEMs put larger and larger battery packs in EVs to extend range and improve acceleration performance.
EV Owners Notice Electricity Price Hikes
EV owners in states where ratepayers don’t subsidize EV charging have become significantly less satisfied. Nationally, there has been a 9% increase in electric rates paid by homeowners, and a 22% increase in the Northeast.
Hydrogen Fueled Ferry in San Francisco Bay
A 70 foot, 75 passenger hydrogen fuel cell powered commercial ferry operated by the San Francisco Bay Ferry system is undergoing final sea trials in the San Francisco Bay. The ferry operator is planning to replace their diesel fleet with zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell ferries by 2035.
Nuclear Energy Producing Green Hydrogen
The Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station in Oswego, New York has begun operating electrolyzers with a fraction of their electrical energy to make green hydrogen. The hydrogen is used by the station for cooling, and will replace hydrogen that was trucked into the facility, but demonstrates a model for how green hydrogen can be made for transportation.
Lyft and Uber Drivers Remain Contractors
A California appeals court has ruled that drivers working for app-based driving services like Lyft and Uber may be contractors, and are not mandated to be employees of the services.
High Voltage Transmission Lines Needed
The US DOE has completed a study that indicates a 57% increase in high voltage transmission lines, amounting to 47,000 GigaWatt miles, will need to be built by 2035.
Read more about the US DOE Study Here
Read more about transmission line issues Here
7-11 has announced plans for a major implementation of chargers, including DCFCs, at their stores nationwide, expanding beyond their current chargers in California, Colorado, Florida and Texas.
LCFS Renewable Fuel Pathways
California Average Grid Electricity Carbon Intensity: California average grid electricity used as a transportation fuel in California: 81.49gCO2e/MJ.
CARB Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Credits-$71.50
Zero Emission Transportation Fuels
Check CARB CI Pathways Here
CEC Hydrogen Planning Workshop
March 28 - Virtual
- Potential Solicitation for MD/HD H2 Corridor Projects
- Gather feedback from interested parties
NAFA Leadership Development Institute
April 16 & 17 - Virtual
Helpful strategies and crucial answers to solve even the most difficult dilemmas when it comes to learning exactly how to become a respected and effective leader.
Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM)
April 16 - 19 - Virtual
- Cutting-edge education offered at CAFM Live
- Advanced fleet education covering all eight CAFM certification modules
- Accelerates preparation for Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM) examination
May 2023 will bring another “May is Bike Month” sponsored by the Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA). This is a great show how you can reduce your carbon footprint while increasing your health! In 2022:
- 284 Workplaces Participated
- Nearly 40,000 Vehicle Trips Were Avoided
- Over 550,000 Cycling Miles Were Traveled
- 30 tons of CO2 Saved
Read more about SABA Here
Connect with May is Bike Month Here
Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo
May 1 - 4 - Anaheim Convention Center
- Largest advanced transportation technologies and clean fuels conference and trade show
- Hands-on access to the fuels, technologies, and vehicles driving the future of transportation
- Product debuts and major announcements from leading OEMs and suppliers
- Unparalleled networking opportunities with 8,500+ transportation leaders
- Access to the most extensive assembly of advanced commercial vehicles anywhere
California Mobile Command Center Expo
May 4 - Lodi Grape Festival Fairgrounds
- Demo your command centers
- View a wide range of command center equipment
May 15 - 17, 2023
- We are a proud Community Partner for the 2023 #RoadmapForth Conference!
- Join 1k+ automakers, utilities, gov. agencies, NGOs & more May 15-17 for the nation's premier #electrictransportation conference.
EVS36 "Driving the Transition to E-Mobility"
June 11 - 14, 2023 - Sacramento Convention Center
- Annual international gathering of the world’s EV experts
- Cutting-edge research
- Innovative technologies
- EV Market developments
Read more about EVS36 Here
- EVS36 Call for papers covering:
- Research
- Market and government programs
- Activities across all fields related to hybrid, battery & fuel cell technologies
- EV infrastructure and services.
Read more about submitting papers Here
Green Transportation Summit and Expo "Accelerate to Zero"
August 22 - 24 - Tacoma, Washington
- West Coast’s Premier Fleet Modernization & Sustainable Transportation Event
- Networking, Information Sessions, Workshops, Vehicle Walk-throughs
Register Here (Use Discount Code SACRAMENTO-CC-30 for a 30% Discount)
"ZEB Con" Zero Emission Bus Conference
Sept 26-28 San Diego
- Site Tours of Electric Bus Deployments
- ZEB 101 Course
- Charge Management
- Hydrogen Fueling
- ZEB Depot Planning
- Financing
- Workforce Development
- ZEB Transition Planning
- Microgrids
Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition | 916 - 622 - 8433