York County Trails
Over the past few years SMPDC has been working with local land trusts, cities, towns, the Eastern Trail and state and federal partners to establish an interconnected system of trails for hiking and biking (and in some cases snowmobiling) throughout York County. The idea behind this came from the realization of the breadth of public trails in the region – owned and managed by land trusts, towns, non-profits and state agencies. These trails are not only a recreational resource, but an economic development resource and – we think - a critical element of branding this region for a younger, more active demographic (with craft beer involved of course!).
Assisted by grants from the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund and Maine Community Foundation, SMPDC has been working with all the above mentioned groups to lay out, plan and develop connections for a regional trails system, which we are simply calling York County Trails. It is a huge task.
Recently SMPDC was awarded assistance through the National Park Service, Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program to provide support for our efforts. In the upcoming year, SMPDC and our partners (Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative, NPS, Kennebunk Land Trust, Kennebunkport Conservation Trust, Sanford Trails, the Eastern Trail and the Mt Agamenticus Conservation Region) will continue the effort by:
Creating a York County Trails Vision Map
Refining our GIS Story Map (showing existing and future trails) so that it is available for discussion
and outreach
Choosing a pilot town for detailed maps and brochures
Choosing an attainable trail connection to the Eastern Trail for focused development
Establishing a York County Trails clearinghouse for trails info
Seeking additional funding
SMPDC has already developed a lot of information and mapping on trails. We would like to clean it up a bit before putting it out to the public through the Story Map. We also have researched methods to develop trail systems. That can be found here:
Strategies for Trail Development Document
We invite anyone interested in this effort to contact Paul at
pschumacher@smpdc.org, for additional information. This is truly a regional project tying in areas from the coast northward. And for what it’s worth – it’s fun!