2019 Maine Land Use Law Booklet Available!
Now that the 129
th Regular session of the Legislature is over there are a couple of things that you all should be aware of:
- Subdivision law change: If you have a site plan review process that includes Multi-Family buildings as part of the review then you will not require them to follow the Subdivision law any longer provided your review includes storm-water management, sewage disposal, water supply and vehicular access. If your Subdivision definition is in conflict by design with the State law, you must register that ordinance with the registry of deeds no later than June 30th, 2020.
- It is no longer required for plans to be submitted to the registry of deeds on MYLAR. The requirement now calls for all plans to be recorded on white paper with a minimum weight of 20 pounds. This change takes effect on January 1st, 2020, so please prepare amendments to the subdivision regulations at your next opportunity.
Regional & Rural Planning
Upcoming Workshops
New England Chapter of the American Planning Association Annual Conference
November 14&15 is the Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association Annual Conference at the Mount Washington Hotel in NH. Lee Jay will be on a panel discussing Tiny Homes, Accessory Dwelling Units and Short Term rentals in Maine.
New Solar Regulations in Southern Maine
With recent changes in the Maine Statute regarding the development of solar in Maine, SMPDC is planning to hold a workshop to educate our members on various aspects of the new regulations. The workshop will include topics discussing the changes, their meaning, and how we can build municipal and community support regarding local solar projects. We'd also discuss how municipalities can take an active role in siting, and expanding the awareness of the economic and environmental benefits of solar.
Recent Workshops
Role of the Conservation Commission in Development Review
SMPDC Planning Staff are very busy in the community! On October 29
th Abbie and Lee Jay spoke to a group in the Falmouth/Portland Region on behalf of the Casco Bay Estuary Project regarding the Role of the Conservation Commission in development review with the Planning Board. This subject was also presented a year ago at the Wells Reserve and was very well received.
Boardsmanship Workshop
On October 30th, SMPDC staff and Natalie Burns held a workshop regarding recent court decisions and how they effect the local Planning Board and Zoning Board process. Other topics included Roberts Rules and the local Planning Process as well as the latest updates on the Marijuana laws. Over 80 people registered for this workshop.
SMPDC Receives Coastal Resiliency Grant from Maine Coastal Program
Working closely with the municipalities of York, Kennebunk and Wells, SMPDC will investigate municipal-level economic and social impacts of sea level rise and storm surge hazards and develop locally-relevant adaptation and resiliency planning strategies that address local and regional vulnerabilities. The project team and advisory committee will use recently updated and downscaled sea level rise projections, storm surge modeling, and local tax and property data, to conduct an economic vulnerability assessment of flood hazard impacts to coastal private property, evaluate associated implications for the municipal tax base, and research, evaluate, and implement locally relevant, creative adaptation strategies to help towns and the region prepare for sea level rise.
Maine 200 Signs Available
Maine is celebrating its Bicentennial next year. This is a unique occasion to draw residents, visitors, public servants and private businesses together in order to commemorate 200 years of statehood.
SMPDC has signs made by DOT (pictured to the right) for Maine's Bicentennial. If you would like a sign please contact
For more information on Maine 200, visit their
Assistance on Roadway Plans
SMPDC is offering assistance to towns wishing to create capital and maintenance roadway plans. Through using MaineDOT’s
Road Surface Management Software (RSMS) program, SMPDC has access to data for each of its 39 towns on road length, ownership, and other attributes. RSMS allows a town to gather inventory on all of its roadways and visualize their conditions, update maintenance and repair costs (broken down by severity). This results in the ability to create long term plans that will help municipalities keep track of what roads have been maintained, and how much was or will be allocated to each municipal roadway project. If your town is interested in utilizing the RSMS software please contact
Eric Sanderson
or (207) 571-7065.
National Traffic incident Response Awareness Week
November 10-16
SMPDC is participating again this year in TIM awareness week. Over the years, we have worked to staff and expand the number of TIM committees throughout the State – now located in six regions and also coordinated by a Statewide TIM committee.
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) consists of a planned and coordinated multi-disciplinary process to detect, respond to, and clear traffic incidents so that traffic flow may be restored as safely and quickly as possible. Effective TIM reduces the duration and impacts of traffic incidents and improves the safety of motorists, crash victims, and emergency responders.
As part of National TIM Week, SMPDC is working with the Maine Turnpike Authority, MaineDOT and several police and fire departments to hold a press event on the morning of November 12
. The purpose of the event, being held at the Maine Turnpike Authority, is to raise awareness of the dangers faced by first responders, and to remind the traveling public how important it is to slow down and move over when approaching and passing an incident scene in order to provide a protective buffer for responders and other motorists.
SMPDC 2019 NADO Impact Award Recipient
We are pleased to have received a 2019 NADO Impact Award for "Revitalizing the Region: SMPDC's Brownfield's Program"
Our Brownfields projects have come to recognize a 25 to 1 leveraging of project funds to EPA Brownfields funds. Our active portfolio includes 4.924 million dollars in loans for Brownfields clean-up and another 2.2 million dollars in grants have been provided to the regions municipalties and non-profits.
here for more information on the programs positive economic impact on the region, and program highlights / successes, or visit
our project page.
SMPDC Recieves EPA Recreation for Rural Communities Grant to assist Fryeburg
SMPDC, the town of Fryeburg and Fryeburg Academy are pleased to have received the EPA Recreation for Rural Communities Grant.
Recreation Economy for Rural Communities is a planning assistance program aimed at helping communities develop strategies and an action plan to revitalize their Main Streets through Outdoor Recreation. SMPDC is looking forward to working with Fryeburg to promote outdoor recreation and enhance the downtown's outdoor recreation amenities and opportunities.