
June 2024

Our Maturity in Christ Course is now available!

Early this summer, the Oikeos Christian Network released the filmed course of “Our Maturity in Christ.” This seven-module course examines valuable truths regarding how to live as God intended after becoming a Christian.

Excerpt from Module 5The Walk is a Lifestyle:

“There is something about walking in God’s spiritual light that actually makes our job easier; it makes navigating challenges easier. Whether you are dealing with a person or an institution that seems insurmountable, walking in light helps you navigate challenges because you can actually see clearly what’s going on (sometimes behind the scenes). Clarity and freedom of thought is what spiritual light produces. So often in this world we want to rush everything, but sometimes the timing isn’t quite right. We need God’s precise wisdom to know the ‘what’ and ‘when’ and ‘how’ of a situation so we can move ahead.

“Typically, people are incarcerated by their schedules; it’s what runs their lives. Calendars and schedules are tools to assist us, not run our lives. If we let it, the world will fill our schedules so quickly that we crowd out the things of God. Then there will be days filled with annoyances and hardships and labor that produce no good fruit. How do we get around this? God can show us the right thing to do at the right time. God can guide us so that our lives are fruitful and abundant.”


Courses like this are essential to a solid foundation of biblical understanding for practical living. Nothing is more practical than knowing precisely what God is holding out to you for your benefit on a regular basis—but He goes further! God makes known to us exactly what we need to know during key moments of decision making. That spiritual knowledge and wisdom gives guidance to achieve goals and endure hardships. It allows you the satisfaction of knowing where you came from, where you stand and where you are going together with God.

If you are interested in running this course in your local area, send your request to

Bite-Sized Blessings

Also on the website, there is a new category of “Blessings” which are short inspirational videos shared by people who have seen God at work in their lives in specific ways. Fresh “Blessings” will be added on a regular basis. 

Click for more on "Blessings"

Teachings to Encourage and Strengthen

As always on the website, you will find hundreds of teachings about the power and presence of God. These can be found listed in chronological order and according to topics. 

Click for more on “Teachings”

Living and Sharing God’s Grace Conference

In just a few months, believers from across the country will gather for the Living and Sharing God’s Grace 2024 Conference. For three days, October 25-27, participants can set aside their normal routines and celebrate God’s pervasive favor at the Christian Retreat Conference Center in Bradenton, Florida. To take part in the learning and make lasting connections with other believers, there are registration details available on the Oikeos website.

Click for more on “Grace Conference"