The Montana Historical Society invites session proposals for the 2020 Montana History Conference— 20/20 Vision: Looking Clearly at the Past. The conference will be held September 24–26 in Butte at the Copper King Convention Center. Preference will be given to topics devoted to the history of the Mining City and the surrounding region ; women’s history in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment ; and Montana Indian history .
What you need to know before submitting:
  • The initial deadline for submitting proposals is March 6, 2020. Late proposals will be considered as space allows.
  • After the March 6 deadline, the History Conference Committee will meet to evaluate the proposals and put together a comprehensive program. You will be notified by March 30 whether your proposal has been accepted (please note that we generally receive far more proposals than the schedule will accommodate).
  • Our conference is primarily comprised of three concurrent sessions that last a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes each. Normally, each session has two speakers who each present for 25 minutes with the remaining time used for introductions and joint Q&A (if there are three presenters, each gets 20 minutes). The program committee pairs speakers together so that their topics relate in some way or, if you prefer, you can submit a panel proposal comprising an entire session.
  • Although we greatly appreciate the time and effort that a presentation at the history conference entails, we are, unfortunately, not in a position to pay for speakers’ travel or lodging expenses. We do, however, provide speakers with a complimentary, full-conference registration, including all meals and events.
To submit a proposal:
For more information, contact:
Kirby Lambert, Outreach and Interpretation Program Manager
Montana Historical Society
P.O. Box 201201
Helena, MT 59620-1201
(406) 444-4741