January 2021 / Issue 002

PRAYER is many things but at it's core it is fellowshipping with God! Yes! Prayer can and does involve bringing our needs to God and asking Him based on His Word, for them to be met. In Mark 11:24 Jesus said, What things so ever you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them. (NKJV). This is referred to in other verses as the Prayer of Faith. In Ephesians 6:18, the Apostle Paul writes, Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance for all saints. Various translations bring out the truth that Praying with all kinds of prayer; Praying with all types of prayer; Praying with all manner of prayer; and The Goodspeed Translation reads, Use every kind of Prayer and Entreaty...!
THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS OF PRAYER - Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, in speaking about prayer shared that it was impossible to accept the statement, that PRAYER IS PRAYER! He would respond by saying, Well, sports is sports then! But you can't play baseball by football rules! Or Hockey by basketball rules! If you tried to do that you would be confused. The same is true when it comes to prayer. There are different kinds of prayer and each kind of prayer has a different set of rules that govern them or there will be confusion and unanswered prayer resulting.
Here's a list of different kinds of prayer; The Prayer of Faith; The Prayer of Agreement; The Prayer of Consecration; The Prayer of Commitment or Casting Your Cares Upon the Lord; The Prayer of Intercession; The Prayer of Praise & Worship and the Prayer of Praying in the Spirit or Other Tongues. It is important that you utilize the right kind of prayer for the right circumstance. If you asked me the question, which kind of prayer should we pray more than any other? I would answer that we should use the prayer that is necessary for your circumstance. Yet I would have to say, that the majority of our prayer should be invested in praying in the Holy Spirit or in other tongues. Thus you are Building up yourselves on your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Ghost. (Jude 1:20). This would include praying the Word of God as in Ephesians 1:15-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21 which are included below.
"Every failure is a prayer failure!" E.W. Kenyon
A LIVE Praise & Worship Album by Pastors Mike & Cynthia Burns. All Original Songs and Digitally Remastered!
This LIVE album is available for Digital Download Only from both iTunes and Google Play today.

  1. Psalm 95
  2. Crown Him With Many Crowns
  3. Full Sway
  4. Jesus Paid It All
  5. Building Me Up
  6. Spontaneous Worship
  7. Lord You Are Worthy To Be Praised
  8. Lord I Worship You
  9. Consecrated To Thee
  10. Let Your Glory Fill This House
  11. Through Christ
  12. Jesus Is Coming Back Again
Praying for Yourself

The Apostle Paul listed two prayers that he ceased not to pray in Ephesians 1:15-23 & Ephesians 3:14-21. Here is how you can pray the prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23 for yourself and others. Insert Your Name or a loved one's name!

Ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for Christians everywhere,
16. I have never stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly,
17. asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.
18. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future he has promised to those he called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people.
19. I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power
20. that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms.
21. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else in this world or in the world to come.
22. And God has put all things under the authority of Christ, and he gave him this authority for the benefit of the church.
23. And the church is his body; it is filled by Christ, who fills everything everywhere with his presence. (New Living Translation)

It is important to pray for others!
Praying for Yourself & Others

The Apostle Paul listed two prayers that he ceased not to pray in Ephesians 1:15-23 & Ephesians 3:14-21. Here is how you can pray this prayer for yourself and others. Pray this prayer and insert your name or the name of a loved one based on whom your are praying.

The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write a powerful prayer that I would like to suggest that you pray everyday. I am going to show you how to personalize this prayer for yourself or a loved one. It's found in Ephesians 3:14-21;
14 When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, 15 the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.
16 I pray that from his(your) glorious, unlimited resources he(you) will empower you(me) with inner strength through his(your) Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make his home in your(my) heart(s) as you(I) trust in him. Your (My) roots will grow down into God's love and keep you(me) strong.
18 And may you(I) have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is(for me).
19 May you(I) experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully(from a human standpoint). Then you(I) will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us(me), to accomplish infinitely more than we(I) might ask or think.
21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. ESV 
This is Pastor Mike Burns 1st life changing book available in Soft Cover and Digital Versions!
Our ministry comes with a strong biblical teaching that is confirmed with signs, wonders and miracles of healing following!
MJB Ministries
4617 Sabal Key Drive
Bradenton, Florida 34203
Phone: 516.351.7685