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May 31, 2023

School Hours:

Mon – Thurs: 8:30am – 3:00pm

Fri: 8:30am – 12:30pm

There is only one Choice

Keep healthy in hot weather

As summer is almost here, and we get close to end of the current school year, we should be aware of the hot weather that waits us. To stay well during hot weather, you should:

  • Drink plenty of water and fluids, even if you don't feel thirsty.
  • Keep your body cool by staying in an air-conditioned indoor location as much as possible, wearing loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing and sunscreen, and pacing yourself.
  • Keep your house cool by shutting curtains and blinds during the day.
  • Take care of others by visiting or calling elderly friends, neighbours or relatives at least once a day.
  • Plan ahead.
  • Keep your food safe.

Upcoming events

Thursday June 1

Outdoor Fun day

Monday June 5

Cedar and Oak class to Stanley Park

Monday June 12 - Friday June 16

Experiential Week

Monday June 12

Capilano Salmon Hatchery

Tuesday June 13

Grouse Mountain

Wednesday June 14

Beach Clean up

Thursday June 15

Art in the Park

Friday June 16

Closing ceremony

Student led conferences

For the first time, Choice School held student led conferences. This is a relatively new way to showcase student performances. Throughout the country, educators are transforming parent-teacher conferences in favor of student-led meetings. This has a higher level of engagement from the students.

Student led conferences allow an ideal opportunity for students to showcase their own learning. Students are encouraged to take responsibility and ownership for their work and are proud to display this to parents.

Depending on the class teacher, our student-led conferences included portfolios, PowerPoint presentations and a collection of various pieces of work that your students completed.

At our first student-led conference, we had an over 80% attendance by parents. Clearly, this was a successful format and we will be looking to repeat this next year.

Fresh Roots Farm

On Friday May 12th Cedar class had the amazing opportunity to explore local plant life at Fresh Roots Farm.

This farm is hosted by Vancouver Technical Secondary and is located in the city of Vancouver. Cedar class was able to learn about different flowers and the process of pollination through a few different creative lessons.

First the students engaged in a scavenger hunt, discovering all the different colours that are native to our area. Next, the students worked together to put together anatomical puzzles about the different parts of a flower, and then dissected flowers to use magnifying glasses to inspect each component.

Cedar class was very excited about the farm and asked to help with some upkeep, and after learning the difference between plants and weeds, they worked around the farm to help keep the beautiful flowers and fruits healthy. After some hard work, the students were taught to make ‘seed bombs’ and created their own to help the distribution of seeds around the city. The field trip finished off with the students harvesting native flowers and making their own tea, and we even got to taste some rhubarb grown on the farm.

A huge thank you to the Fresh Roots Farm team for an amazing hands-on learning experience! 

Trip to science world

On Monday, May 15th all students in grades 6, 7 and 8 went on a field trip to Science World in Vancouver.

Students had a blast using their coding skills to program Finch robots to draw shapes and tessellations. They then explored the rest of the museum, including the brand-new exhibit on skin. They learned about living things, electricity, the human body, and water.

They even got to hang out with their former teacher, Ms. Miao!

Tuesday May 23, 2023 was a professional development day for teachers. For todays presentation, we had invited a speaker to talk about differentiation.

Why is it important to differentiate instruction in the classroom? Over 20 percent of children learn differently and struggle with traditional modes of instruction. In this workshop, educators learned to personalize instruction through developing a deeper understanding of their students’ learning profiles, readiness to learn and personal interests.

Integrating this approach into your teaching team’s practice will inspire them to tailor content and instruction to include all students in the learning process.

Gauss Math contest

The University of Waterloo is a premier place to study mathematics. It is a university that writes math contests for many grades . One of these contests is the Gauss contest. The Gauss contests introduce students in Grades 7 and 8 to a broader perspective of mathematics in a fun, accessible way. Intriguing problems and a multiple-choice format make the Gauss contests a wonderful opportunity for all participants to grow their interest in and get curious about the power of math.

We are thrilled that Ganeev Chohan won the gr 8 contest and Louie Liu won the grade 7 contest. It should be noted that Louie is only in grade 5, yet did very well at grade 7 level mathematics.

A walk in the park

On Wednesday May 24, Cedar class went to Terra Nova Park and walked the Dyke.

It was such a lovely day and a gentle walk in the park is just what the class needed. We are so proud of them as they walked over 4 kilometers! The students worked so hard; it was a fabulous field trip.

Experiential week

This term's experiential week run from June 12 till June 16. The them is "Goin' Green", and the focus is on environmental issues. We have a lot of events planned including field trips to promote environmental awareness.

Monday June 12 - Capilano Salmon Hatchery

Tuesday June 13 - Environmental programs at Grouse Mountain

Wednesday June 14 - Beach Clean up

Thursday June 15 - Art in the Park

Friday June 16 - Closing ceremonies

All parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, and friends are invited to join us for Art in the park and Closing ceremonies.

Please email the school or call for further information.

Although we now have the use of a school bus, there are many occasions when parent drivers are needed for field trips. This is especially true when the whole school is on a field trip. At this moment, we are looking for parent drivers for the environmental field tip to Grouse Mountain.

This would involve driving a few students to Grouse Mountain (and back). Parent drivers will be able to use the skyride to the mountain and spend the day on the mountain. Please call the office right away if you are able to help!

Please note the following for the last day of the 2022/23 school year:

  • Friday June 16 will be the last day
  • Earthquake kits will be returned to all students 
  • The lost and found will be stationed outside, please take a look and see if there is anything in there that belongs to your child. Anything left behind will be donated to the Canadian Diabetes Association.
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Choice School

20451 Westminster Highway North

Richmond, BC,V6V 1B3

Tel: 604.273.2418

Fax: 604.273.2419


Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!