~A weekly newsletter of grace and information~
January 12, 2025
Be a pointe of grace — God’s grace, to everyone you meet . . .
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As people of Grace, made one in the waters of baptism, we are strengthened by diversity. We are a community that welcomes people of every ability, age, citizenship status, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, language, life circumstance, marital status, political perspective, race, sexual orientation, and creed.
Whether you are a believer, doubter, or seeker, or something in between,
you are welcomed and valued here. We celebrate God’s unconditional love and respond joyfully to all of God’s diverse people present here.
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The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. (Ps. 29:3) | |
Service of Healing Prayer
Sun, Jan 12 at 10:30am
The Pointe of Grace Care and Prayer Team will offer a Service of Healing Prayer immediately after worship. The service is expected to last 20-30 minutes and will include quiet time for contemplation and private prayer, a Scripture reading and short reflection, and a time where prayer ministers are available to pray with you. You are welcome to request prayer for yourself or anyone else for any reason at all. You may choose to pray with a prayer minister or simply to pray by yourself during the service. This is a wonderful gift and we encourage you to attend.
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Boomwhacker Chorus is HERE!!
Sunday, Jan 12 & 19 at 11am
For students 1st-12th grade who want to make music in a VERY unique way. What are "boomwhackers" you ask.....Boomwhackers are glorified PVC pipes, cut to particular lengths to make a particular note on the musical scales.
We will have our FIRST orientation of the instruments on Sunday, 1/12 at 11am in the sanctuary. Music to be determined later. We will begin the Boomwhacker Chorus on 1/19, and continue on the 3rd Sunday of every month.
Come see what it's all about and join the amazing FUN!!
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Worship Planning Meeting
Sunday, Jan. 19 at Noon in the Meeting Room
If you have musical skills you would like to share, come! If you have a desire to be part of the thematic and musical choices of worship, come! We are always eager for more hands and heads in the planning of the worship services. We generally meet once a month to plan the upcoming month/liturgical season.
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January Packing Parties:
Jan. 21 from 4:30-6:00 pm
February Packing Parties:
Feb. 4 from 6:30-8:00 pm
Feb. 18 from 4:30-6:00 pm
Providing weekend “packs” of food for food insecure students in the Mukilteo School district. Come join the food bag filling fun.
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Youth Group
Every Sunday at 11am in the Hive
Youth Group Every Sunday at 11am Every Sunday the youth (5th-12th graders) are welcomed into The Hive at 11:00 AM.
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Children's Church
1st and 3rd Sunday of Each Month
during 9:30 am Service
We welcome our youngest worshipers to Children's Church on the first and third Sunday of the month. Children will begin service in the sanctuary with their families, and then are invited to go to Children's Church in The Hive. After crafts, games, and a bible lesson, children return to the sanctuary and their families during the Passing of the Peace.
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Council Update on Property Projects
Sun, Jan 26 at 11am
All of Council will share updates on the property projects and give a brief financial update for the year end of 2024 on Sunday, January 26th at 11am. Please plan to attend this conversation and update from your hard working Council.
Monthly approved council minutes and financials can be reviewed in the Congregational Drive. Please contact the office directly if you have forgotten how to access or need the link.
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Adult Choir at Pointe of Grace
Starts on Feb. 2
Every Sunday at 8:45 am
Meet around the Piano
Choir is on break for January.
Choir practices will resume on Feb 2nd in preparation for Lent and Easter.
Questions? Email Rebecca at
Play an instrument and want to be a part of music at Pointe of Grace, email Rebecca at
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Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
Sat, Feb. 1 from 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Work with teenagers and want to #bethedifference to help save lives?
Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches you how to assist and support others who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge. Class is Saturday, February 1st, 2025 from 9-5 P.M. on Point of Grace Lutheran Church's campus. Light refreshments will be provided.
Cost is $28 per seat. In order to get materials on time, please click here to register no later than Sunday, January 12, 2025. Please also give your full name, email address, phone number, and mailing address for materials. Budget about an hour of your time to complete prework asynchronously prior to the class. Bring a laptop to class to complete certification postwork/troubleshoot tech issues.
Questions? Email instructor Laura Umetsu at
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Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st & 3rd Thursdays each month at 10am
Like to knit or crochet? Consider joining the Prayer Shawl Ministries. We are caring people who wish to share our God-given talent of knitting and crocheting with a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of peace, comfort and solace.
If you would like more information on this ministry, contact Karen Evans, or contact the church office.
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Women's Bible Study
Every Wednesday at 10:00 am
The Women’s Bible Study at Pointe of Grace Lutheran is a group of women committed to the study of the Scriptures, to prayer and to each other. The joy we experience learning and the support we receive as we look into the meaning of the Scriptures keeps us returning each week. The women in the study come from a variety of church experiences although most attend Pointe of Grace. What this study does is deepen faith and friendship as we go out to do what we learn. Please join us! If you have any questions, contact Evelyn at
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We will begin the Life Guide study of Daniel: Spiritual Living in a Secular World by Douglas Connelly on January 15, 2025. It is available at Amazon and various other sites.
Contact Evelyn if you need help getting the study book.
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New Day for the New Year
Grief Support Group
1st Monday each month at 12:30pm
at the Mukilteo YMCA
Know anyone who is grieving? Pastor Pam facilitates a grief support group at the Mukilteo YMCA which is open to all.
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Love & Logic Parenting Class
3rd Sunday of Each month at 11 am in Meeting Room
When kids hit their teen years, parenting takes on a whole new dimension. Along that, kids are frequently dealing with the challenges of social media and other technologies that we didn't have as kids ourselves. Still, we want them ready for their adult lives ahead while empowering them to make positive decisions and learning from their mistakes. During the 2024-25 adult learning cycle, we are offering a parenting class and support group to help gain new perspective and strategies as parents.
We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month at 11am in the Meeting Room. The class is taught by Karl Olson, church member, Love and Logic trainer, educator, and parent, on Sundays during adult learning time. If you have any questions please e-mail him at
While parenting can feel lonely, this is a chance to come together to celebrate and collaborate.
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January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Thank you Women of the ELCA f(WELCA) for the following information:
71% of victims of human trafficking are women and girls. National Human Trafficking Prevention Month is an opportunity to educate others about identifying human trafficking, prevention and supporting victims. Here are articles and resources to raise awareness of human trafficking and engage in advocacy in your congregation and community.
#WearBlueDay: This year, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is January 11.
Learn about Wear Blue Day and get involved.
Polaris Project: Learn how to recognize the signs of Human Trafficking.
National Human Trafficking Hotline: If you or someone you know may be a victim of human trafficking or at risk of being trafficked, help is available. Call 888-373-7888 or Text INFO to 233733 or chat online at The National Human Trafficking Hotline is available in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States.
Women of the ELCA publications and resources to end human trafficking: Since 2005, Women of the ELCA has been actively working to end human trafficking. At the Eleventh Triennial Convention (2021), the voting members adopted a resolution setting the four weeks prior to the annual NFL Super Bowl as a time of prayer to end human trafficking and called on women of this organization to engage in prayer. This year, the 2025 Super Bowl is Sunday, February 9.
Download 28 daily prayers to be prayed individually or in a group beginning January 12.
See a list of articles about the issue of Human Trafficking from Gather magazine.
"Commercial Sexual Exploitation and the everyday" by Elizabeth Hunter, Cafe (, 1/2013.
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FREE LiVE Project
Weekly Online Bible Study
Abide: Going Deeper
Tuesdays via Zoom, 7pm-8pm
We invite you to abide curiously in God's Word together. The LiVE retreats and courses are not meant to be stand alone offerings. Go deeper into the Biblical grounding of the course/retreat themes in this weekly synod-wide FREE Bible Study. No need to pre-register.
Join us any week! More info and Zoom link click here.
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Embracing Differences
Sat, Feb. 8, 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Our Saviors, Everett
In today’s polarized society, we are daily called to navigate racial, political, and social differences. Engaging with difference means recognizing the inner tension it can create, managing our emotional and reactive responses, and approaching situations from a calmer, more centered place. This retreat is a practical workshop that will help us learn to listen to others, to ourselves, and to connect across difference and diversity.
Who should be sure to attend?
- Church Leaders
- Faith Formation Teams
- Evangelism/Discipleship Teams
- Anti-racism/DEIB teams
Registration is FREE for Pointe of Grace congregants, use the promo code: LIVEBUNDLE2024. Register HERE.
Guest Faculty
Fred Oduyoye is the founder of Reachable Reconciliation Ministry and facilitated one of our Faith in Public Life sessions last fall. Reachable Reconciliation is dedicated to building cultural bridges and reconciliation in families, churches, schools, corporations and communities.
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Learning Love Lenten Course
6 weeks starting March 6
Thursdays at 7:00pm via Zoom
This year’s installment of LiVE’s Lenten “Gospel & Culture” series. In her book All About Love, bell hooks explores the transformative power of love through a commitment to personal growth, justice, and self-awareness. Come and deepen our calling to love as we explore her writing together.
Registration is FREE for Pointe of Grace congregants, use the promo code: LIVEBUNDLE2024. Register HERE
Upon registering, you’ll receive an invitation to our Online Learning Platform for course material, zoom links, and online discussion.
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Journeying Together
We are journeying together as a synod - to share the love of God across our territory. As you know, this takes partnership and teamwork! As a way of inviting your participation, we will be sharing LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES for YOU to consider. This week - The 2025 PRIDE Planning Team!
This team will begin meeting monthly - soon! Their primary responsibilities are to plan, organize, and seek ways in which to lift up and support the LGBTQIA+ community across our Synod, especially during June (PRIDE month). They are hoping for 6-8 folks from around the synod territory to join in the leadership fun - if you are a person who is creative, organized, and/or good at networking - please reach out to Pr. Gina Herman who is serving as the chair of the team:
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See More Synod Events
Click here for the latest Synod News.
The weekly electronic newsletter contains news and events from around our Synod as well as important news from the National Church.
Click here to sign up.
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Sunday, January 12
9:30 am Worship Service—onsite & online
Baptism of our Lord
10:30 am Service of Healing Prayer—onsite
11:00 am Youth Group (6th-12th)—onsite
1:00-6:00 pm Unity Church—onsite
Monday, January 13
9-1:00pm Harbour Pointe Preschool—onsite
5:30-9:00 pm Boy Scouts—onsite
Tuesday, January 14
9-1:00pm Harbour Pointe Preschool—onsite
8:30-11:00 am Preschool Pictures—onsite
10:00 am PoG Staff Meeting—onsite
5:30-7pm LoTH AA—onsite
7:00-9:00 pm Sober on the Sound AA—onsite
Wednesday, January 15
9-1:00pm Harbour Pointe Preschool—onsite
8:30-11:00 am Preschool Pictures—onsite
10:00am Women's Bible Study—onsite
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Thursday, January 16
9-1:00pm Harbour Pointe Preschool—onsite
10:00-11:00 am AA Meeting—onsite
10:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry—onsite
5:30-8:00 pm Girl Scouts—onsite
6:30 pm Council Meeting—online
7:00 pm All for Peace—online
7:30 pm OSL Prayer & Bible Study—online
Friday, January 17
9-1:00pm Harbour Pointe Preschool—onsite
Saturday, January 18
2:30-4:30 pm Girl Scouts—onsite
Sunday, January 19
9:30 am Worship Service—onsite & online
Children's Chapel (PreK-5th)
11:00 am Parenting with Love & Logic—onsite
11:00 am Boomwackers Chorus (1st-12th)
12:00 pm Worship Planning Meeting—onsite
1:00-6:00 pm Unity Church—onsite
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For more information, go to the Pointe of Grace website or call the office at 425-263-8730. | |
Pastoral Care Emergencies
If you or a loved one is in need of pastoral care in an emergency (hospitalization or death) the pastoral care cell phone has now been changed to 425-561-8658.
This will be updated in all correspondence and the website. Please make a note for your own records as well.
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Packs for Kids Packing Party
A huge THANKS to all who helped!
280 packs were completed!
Well done,
good and faithful servants!
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Welcome Team
Do you like to say "hi" to new visitors? Do you like to get to know more about others and help them get connected to ministries they are passionate about? Do you want to be a shepherd to new members? Then we are looking for your outgoing spirit to be part of the Welcome Team! Please contact Pastor Pam to see how you can help on Sundays or to meet up for coffee/tea with our visitors during the week.
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Nominating Team
Wants to Hear from YOU!
As we enter into 2025 and discernment for our new leaders at church, we want to hear from you!
We will be having open positions on Council, Synod Assembly, Nominating Team and other ministry teams. If you or someone you know would be a good candidate, please reach out to the Nominating Team members and let us know your thoughts.
Laura Crawford, Anne Sadler, Ron Karlsten, David Kinner Jr., Pastor Pam
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Celebrating Birthdays
The hospitality team would love to celebrate YOU! The first Sunday of every month we will celebrate all the month's birthdays during Fellowship Time at 10:30am.
Please make sure that you have updated your DOB in the Tithely database, so we can celebrate you accordingly every month! :)
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Do you have a child ready to go to Preschool?
Enrolling your child in preschool is an exciting milestone that sets the foundation for their educational journey. Preschool provides opportunities for social, emotional, and cognitive development in a nurturing environment. Registration begins in February 3rd for "in-house" students and families and February 10th to the public, so it’s important to research local programs, gather necessary documents, and secure your child’s spot early. Many preschools have limited availability, and early registration ensures you have the best chance of finding a program that fits your child’s needs and your family’s schedule. Harbour Pointe Christian Preschool might be the one! Don’t miss this important step in preparing your little one for a bright future!
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New Office Hours
Starting December 3, the office will be opened Tuesday-Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
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Holy Communion at Your Home
Pastor Pam loves to visit and share Holy Communion with our shut ins and those who are hospitalized. Building a team of Home Holy Communion Ministers is forming. If you are interested in being part of this team, please contact Pastor Pam. If you are in need of having Holy Communion brought to your home, due to being homebound please contact Pastor Pam.
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Financial Snapshot
For month ending November 2024:
General Fund Balance — $ 120,473.54
Monthly Income — $ 50,315.83
Monthly Expenses — $ 25,354.89
Monthly Net Revenue — $ 24,960.94
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God and Mental Health Challenges
free, online, self-paced course
What You’ll Learn:
- Thinking theologically about mental health
- What it means to care for yourself & others
- Practical definitions and skills for supporting others with specific mental health challenges
- Intersection of spiritual and medical perspectives
- The value of deep listening and other best practices and resources for caregivers
- Why the spiritual practice of lament matters
- Clear processes for identifying when professional help is necessary
Faith+Lead, along with generous donors with a passion for mental health in church communities, now offers a mental health course for free. If you need support navigating the overwhelming frontlines of mental health challenges in your community, “God and Mental Health Challenges” was created to provide you with those useful tools! Learn more and register here.
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Packs for Kids Amazon Wish List:
The Pack for Kids Alliance has created an Amazon Wish List to help collect food donations and raise awareness of the charity within Mukilteo Community.
Click here to find the Wish List.
The Alliance is a group of community members (Packs for Kids Ministry, Packs for Kids WA, Girl Scouts, YMCA, Mukilteo School District, Rotary etc) who are working together to provide food to children in Mukilteo School District who experience food insecurity over the weekends; students in ECAP and High School have access to food pantries and students K-8th are provided with a bag of food on Friday to help provide food for the weekend.
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Having a Ministry Meeting????
Schedule your meeting space with the Office.
Pointe of Grace is used by community members as well as our ministries. To ensure there is space for your meeting, please contact the Office at at least two business days before your meeting.
Please remember, the office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-2:30pm.
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Worship Leaders
If you are interested in learning about or being a worship leader, please contact the people below using your church directory. They will schedule you accordingly. We will no longer be using the sign up sheet on the clipboard.
Assisting ministers: Coe Hutchison
Lectors: Jeff Mach
Communion Servers: J.W. Karlston
Ushers/Greeters: Ron Evans
Acolyte & Crucifers: Alicia Raaum
Altar Guild: Janet Hutchison
Fellowship: Shelley & Bill Franz
Tech Booth: David Kinner Jr.
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Grace Notes Deadline
Announcements for the Grace Notes must be received by noon on Wednesday.
If articles are not received before the deadline, they will be added to the next week's edition.
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Fundraising efforts and other charitable initiatives at Pointe of Grace and the NW Washington Synod will not be publicized in Grace Notes unless reviewed and approved by the church council beforehand. | |
ELCA Truth & Healing Movement
The ELCA’s Truth & Healing Movement is an opportunity for this church to increase our understanding of our colonizing impacts on Indigenous people in the past and present.
Right Relations Training
An experiential training designed to provide a guide to Christian and settler-descended volunteers who want to engage in movements for Indigenous Justice.
In 2025, the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery will offer monthly online training! They will rotate between "Right Relations" and "Decolonizing and Organizing for Systems Change" training modules.
This coming January, the Coalition will offer online "Right Relations Training" training in 2 two-hour modules. "Right Relations Training" is an experiential training designed to provide a guide to Christian and settler-descended volunteers who want to engage in movements for Indigenous Justice.
Module 1: January 18 at 11am (Central) REGISTER FOR MODULE 1
Module 2: January 22 at 6:30pm (Central) REGISTER FOR MODULE 2
NEW: A discussion guide is now available to help readers think more deeply and critically about Custer Died for Your Sins, the wisdom that Vine Deloria Jr offers therein, and the challenges Indigenous people still face today. Download the guide below and begin a Truth and Healing Movement Reading Circle with members of your community.
Visit to learn more about all upcoming events
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The Spirit
Click here for the January 2025 edition of The Spirit, a monthly publication of the NW Washington Synod.
This month's edition features articles written by our Synod Vice President, Kay Edgerton and Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee.
You can find previous editions at
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We acknowledge
that our service is being held on the original and ancestral homelands of the Salish Coastal peoples, and we give thanks for their presence here since time of old. We remember and celebrate the Indigenous peoples and tribal nations who were the first to love, pray, grow, celebrate, cry, drum, and sing upon these lands. We also wish to recognize and honor all our Indigenous siblings who have and continue to call this land their home.
May all of us work towards learning and growing, and sharing in the journey towards truth and healing – especially as we work to fulfill our commitments as stated in "A Declaration of the ELCA to American Indian and Alaska Native People” as well as the 2022 Resolution that was passed by the Northwest Washington Synod Council to renew, restore, continue and grow in relationship with the Indigenous peoples who are our neighbors.
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