Encouraging Amateur and Professional Artists

Meeting update for 2023

We’re excited to start our new lineup of meetings and demos in the new year by meeting in the MAA studio, located upstairs in historic Town Hall at 120 W. Main in Midway. (Please note that there is no elevator in this facility - attendees must be able to climb a flight of stairs).

NEW - We will have some grids available for you to bring a painting or two to share with the group for discussion, or for critiquing by other members or by the guest artist.

We also have space for snacks so feel free to bring something to share with friends and neighbors - cookies, candy, or any wrapped snacks - anything that is easy to handle and share.

Of course, we will also have our raffle for those who stay throughout the entire demo!

Please join us and share your thoughts and ideas in an open discussion on how your organization can better serve you and the art community.

Join us for a demo by Kathryn Stats on Wednesday, January 18th

Kathryn Stats

Wednesday, January 18th

Kathryn will be our guest artist for January. We will meet at the MAA studio upstairs in Town Hall, 120 W. Main, at 6:00 pm.

Bring a snack and, if you wish, a painting to share with the group for discussion or critique.

Check out Kathryn’s beautiful work HERE.

MAA Gallery news

A gallery opportunity for members to show their work!

Have you visited the MAA Gallery lately? The work of 7 talented member artists are on display through January, with a new group starting in February. The MAA Gallery is a benefit to all paid members to show their art. In return for this opportunity, we ask that members displaying their work volunteer some time at the Gallery on a Friday or Saturday. All gallery slots are currently booked for 2023, but we are accepting reservations for next year. Visit the MAA website at www.midwayartassociation.org to sign up, or click HERE.

MAA Membership

MAA is supported by membership dues - only $25 annually. We are collecting dues for 2023 now, so please renew your membership. If you are new to MAA or renewing, please complete a membership form available on the website and pay your dues for the year. We will have forms available at the next meeting as well. We welcome your membership and appreciate your support!

Click HERE for membership form.

Shanna Kunz

February 15th

Our February meeting will feature Shanna Kunz as guest artist. Join us as Shanna demonstrates her skill in creating a unique and stunning landscape. This meeting will be held in the MAA studio, upstairs in historic Town Hall, 120 W. Main St, Midway. Check out Shanna’s work HERE.

Get involved!

MAA is a membership organization overseen by an elected board of directors and volunteer members. We are always in need of support from volunteers who can contribute their skills and assist with meetings, events, publicity, financial reporting, and other tasks. We are open to anyone interested in and supportive of our goals and mission to support artists. If you are willing and able to help, please email us at MidwayArtAssociation@gmail.com, or join us at our next meeting on January 18th. Our monthly meetings are free to the public - bring a friend! Everyone is welcome to join us and share in our vision for this organization.

If you are unable to join our meeting on January 18th and wish to share comments or feedback, please send us a message HERE

Visit our Website

Visit us on Facebook at Midway Art Association Organization or on Instagram at MidwayArtsAssociation.

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