Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands asks you to be bold and courageous this month in everything you do. Your creative energies are high, which in turn will help you feel optimistic, confident, and full of ideas which you will want to share with others. You know what you want and how to get it, and you are skilled at engaging with others to achieve your goals. You are talented and must stay determined and focused whilst remaining friendly and optimistic with those around you.
Speak your own truths today, and do not be led by what other people may feel to be right for you. Take time to consider all sides before deciding what to do, because if you make hasty judgement calls or decisions things may not work the way you have planned. Weigh options, hear everyone out, look at every pro + con carefully.
Nine of Pentacles
You are being reminded today of the importance of hard work and effort and I see the encouragement to give it your all today. I am also seeing the importance of independence and of doing what is right for you! Make your own mind up, do what feels right to you and know that you can trust your own judgment today.
Ace of Pentacles
This month give as good as you receive and vice versa, maintain balance and stay on top of your game metaphorically speaking. If you have been wondering about a possible promotion, new job, an investment, or financial proposition then this ace is a signal for you to go for it. It shows the start of something, where many things can become possible!
Seven of Pentacles
A little play time this month Aries will do you good, so take your foot off the gas pedal, relax, and have fun. The seven also asks that you take time to ponder whatever it is that has been bothering you of late. Try looking from a new angle or try a different approach. Sometimes you have to re-think things if you want to make a change and move in a new direction.
Wheel of Fortune
Go with the flow this month as much as possible, this is one of those times where changes are happening, some you will be aware of, and others are stirring beneath the surface in your life. The wheel asks that you take control of your life and that you make choices that favor you and the people that mean the most to you. Turn the tides in your favor!
Today is all about maintaining your focus and directing your will. The Magician assures you that you have all you need right in front of you and that it is all about piecing things together in the correct order. The Magician is also reminding you that you must work on mastering your skills and talents through practice.
Two of Pentacles
You may feel a bit uneasy this month with all the juggling that you find yourself needing to do at this time of year. The two is therefore asking you to take some time to de-stress and to prioritize, look at what you can delegate, what is not yours to worry about and what can wait. You must aim to have a bit more fun.
Page of Cups
Make time for play this month, nurture your inner child, have fun, and let your hair down metaphorically speaking! Let your imagination lead the way! Tap into the realm of ideas and dreams for inspiration. Listen to your inner voice and heart, and do not be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve a bit more especially when it comes to romance and matters of the heart. If you are looking for love, it might well be on the way!
The lovers are asking that you put all your relationships at the top of your priority list this month. Listen and take the time to connect, if you are struggling with a relationship aim Put others to meet in the middle, because the more willing you are to meet halfway, the better your relationships will be. Strong relationships are the key this month. If you are seeking love, it is on the way!
The Fool
The fool is asking that you take a leap of faith, whatever that may mean for you today. Trust your heart and gut feelings to direct you, rather than logic or the opinions of others. Have complete faith in the path you choose to walk today, it is right. The fool also speaks about adventure and fun, he says go for it!
Three of cups
The three is a fantastic card to get at a weekend, because it suggests having fun and letting your hair down. It says spend time with others, get together with friends and have a laugh. Laughter is the best medicine; it is uplifting and will boost your energy. This three also says some good news is on the way so listen out for this.