CanLearn Society

December Highlights

What a great year!

Thanks, CanLearn Family! We had another impactful year at CanLearn.

Click here to read the CanLearn 2022 Annual Report.

The CanLearn Volunteers of the Year

Congratulations to our 2022 CanLearn Volunteer of the Year award winners, Alex and Isabelle Yeo!

Not only do we celebrate this year's winners, but we recognize those who have dedicated their precious time and efforts to us over the years. From all of us at CanLearn, we thank you for your incredible generosity.

Paul Harris Fellow Award

Congratulations to our CEO, Krista Poole, for receiving the Paul Harris Fellow Award for her outstanding career of furthering literacy and learning in Alberta!

This award is Rotary’s top honour to citizens. Krista says she “is deeply touched to be recognized“ and that the true award goes to her staff that work directly with learners. Literacy has the power to change lives and build community. Thanks you Gerry Meek, Rotary West for nominating Krista and for your exceptional contribution to literacy in Calgary.

Sending a sincere thank you to the Canadian Federation of University Women – Calgary Chapter for inviting CanLearn to their Christmas luncheon on December 3rd, 2022.

In 1998, CFUW-Calgary undertook My Very Own Book Project to provide less fortunate children with books they can own. We feel proud and fortunate to be one of the recipients of the MVOBP donations this year.

~ Nada Jerkovic and The CanLearn Team

Thank You Rotary West!

A big Thank You to Rotary West for donating about $4000 in grocery cards to CanLearn families who need help this year.

Welcome New CanLearn Board Members

A warm welcome to our new Board of Director members! Visit the Board page.

New Blogs

Dr. Brandy Callahan updates us on the research project the U of C is working on with CanLearn on the Effectiveness of ADHD Programs. Read Blog.

Looking for ways to Cope with Holiday Stress? Read Blog.

Office Closure

Our office will be closed from December 23, 2022, to January 2, 2023.

Winter Programs - Register Now!

Calm Kids, Happy Families

This is a 6-week group for parents with children (aged 6-12) with ADHD and related conditions. Learn strategies, problem solve, discuss, and seek advice on best supporting your child's social, emotional, and behavioural needs. This online group is on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

The next group runs from January 24 to February 28, 2023. 

Learn more

Let's Talk ADHD

A 7-week group for adults with ADHD. Come learn skills and tools for common challenges associated with ADHD in adulthood. Meet others with ADHD. Designed for adults 18+. Wednesdays 5:30-7:00 pm. There are in-person and online options to choose from.

The next group runs from January 25 to March 8, 2023.

Learn more

Reading Pilots

Reading Pilots is an innovative approach to success for struggling readers. With COVID-19 school closures, young, struggling readers are further behind in their reading skills.

The Winter group starts in January, 2023. 

Learn more


The program is designed to help your Grade 1 or 2 child become a confident and engaged reader. WordPlay is offered online. Our upcoming sessions are offered on Tuesdays from 4:00 – 5:30 PM starting January 12, 2023, and on Thursdays from 4:00 – 5:30 PM starting January 14, 2023.

Contact us by email at or by phone 403 701-1660 to register.

Learn more


Clinical Programs - Ongoing Registration

For Children and Families

ADHD Coaching

Autism Spectrum Coaching - New

1:1 Friends and Teen Talk

Counselling Services

Reading Pilots

For Adults

ADHD Coaching

Autism Spectrum Coaching - New

Counselling Services

Academic Strategies

For Schools

Friends and Teen Talk

Contact us to register by email at or call 403-686-9300 Ext. 102.

Visit our Programs Page

Literacy Programs - Ongoing Registration

For Families

Magic Carpet Ride

Learning Starts at Home

For Children

Share the Magic

For Adults

Taking Charge

Reading Connections

CALL (Community Access to Literacy Learning)

Basic Math for Adults

Contact us to register by email at or call 403-686-9300 Ext. 128.

Visit our Literacy Page

Celebrate Family Literacy Day 2023 with Barbara Reid

Barbara Reid, Family Literacy Day Honorary Chair, will demonstrate how to use clay to create a picture. Barbara Reid is a picture book illustrator and author whose award-winning artwork is created with Plasticine. She will share unique techniques you can use to make different things. You can register now for this free event.

Register Now
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