Dear Community,
It’s been a challenging weather weekend with the powerful rains doing their best to squash the Christmas Parade on Saturday. Our Public Works crews have been working hard to keep the drains flowing and ensure they are not overwhelmed. As a reminder, it's critically important to keep leaves and other debris from building up and blocking our storm drains. Currently, we do not have any enforcement for our street sweeping program, so in many ways it is not effective as it could be. A robust enforcement program that ensures streets are clean and free of parked vehicles so that the street sweeper can make its passes is the only way to successfully clean the streets. Meanwhile, we’d love to enlist your help in keeping your leaves, other debris, and pollutants from ending up in our streets and in our drains.
The rains, of course, are much needed, as is the snow that came down in the mountains over the weekend. Lake Herman water has increased approximately 2% over the last few weeks, which may seem like a small number, but actually represents quite a bit of water. We are very fortunate to have Public Works Director Kyle Ochenduszko at the helm - from managing our water, negotiating and managing our water purchases, and operating both our water treatment plant and our wastewater treatment plant. Kyle’s background as the former Chief of Water Rights Enforcement at the California State Water Resources Control Board as well as previously serving as an Engineer, Senior Engineer, and Engineering Advisor in the California Department of Water Resources gives us a great advantage in managing our water enterprise.
We are having a special combined City Council and Planning Commission meeting this Tuesday night, December 13th, at 6 p.m. to advance our Housing Element and ensure it's certified in time. You can find out more about our Housing Element here:
Some other big issues will be coming before Council in the coming months. In January, we will be tackling parking, with a special focus on downtown parking. In February - March, we will have a presentation on water reuse (recycling our wastewater), electrification of the fleet of City vehicles and electric vehicle charging citywide, as well as our annual Priority Goal Setting Workshop. As these dates get closer, I will call these meetings out in this newsletter.

Erik Upson
City Manager