City of Benicia This Week
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In this edition: Solano County Implements Stay Home Order, Vaccinate All 58, Traffic Improvement Project Approaches Completion, Holiday Closure, Take My Tree, Please!, Adopt-a-Family Thank You!, Photo Contest Ending Soon, Recycle Your Beverage Containers, Benicia Named to Best Small Cities in America, Information on Historic Preservation, Sister City Retires Benicia Fire Truck, City Awarded LEAP Grant

Message from the Interim City Manager
December 21, 2020

Hello Everyone and Happy Holidays,
This will be the last edition of City of Benicia This Week of the year. And what a year it’s been. As I’ve said, it’s my sincere hope that, through our amazing community members, businesses and City staff, we will come out of this pandemic stronger than ever. We’ve talked in previous editions about our efforts in the business community (with our BOOST Grant program, now up to BOOST 4), as well as our community efforts (the Family Resource Center’s Citizen Assistance Program). I’d like to point out some of our staff’s efforts to take our city to the next level during this difficult time.

While we know we are imperfect and we have plenty of room to grow and get stronger as an organization, the staff you have are committed to providing this community the very best. As an example of that, despite holding many positions open (both strategically due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 as well as due to challenges recruiting) Public Works has been doing amazing work. As your Interim City Manager, I feel that the Public Works Department is in great hands with its leadership team and hardworking team members. Just this month the Public Works Department received a major award from the Solano Transportation Authority for capital improvement project delivery. To say the least, they are maximizing their resources to the greatest benefit of the community.

I’d like to also point out that our Finance Department was recently awarded the Government Finance Officers Association award of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. Another department severely impacted by staffing issues, doing their very best to serve this community at the highest level.

While these are just two examples of excellence during these trying times, I want to assure the community that everyone on your City team is working as hard as they can to best serve this community under the challenges and limitations presented by this pandemic. We are honored to serve you and are committed to providing the best, most efficient, and community-focused service possible.

I’d to close with a story. I’ve always been a runner, and I used to run the 400 meter. In this race, like many others, we would talk about hitting the wall in the beginning of that last 100 meters. Long distance runners talk about hitting the wall as well. It usually happens some distance from the finish line, often when it is just out of sight. It’s the beginning of the end of the race where we really have to look for that last reserve of inner strength. When I was in the Police Academy, I started a tradition in our class where the best runners, when they finished, if they could, would turn around and run back to those in the back who were struggling. To encourage them and help carry them through. I would ask everyone in our community to follow that same tradition. Be that runner, that though tired themselves but who still has a strength of reserve left, to return back to help those in our community struggling through. Our neighbors. Our businesses. Even our staff. Look for those who need that last lift and let’s come through strong and as one community, united.

Thank you for your interest in the City of Benicia This Week!

Erik Upson
Interim City Manager
City News
Solano County Implements Stay Home Order
Last Thursday at midnight, Solano County, along with the remainder of the Bay Area Region, implemented the state’s mandated regional stay-at-home order, a protective measure to limit the spread of COVID-19 disease and support the most vulnerable community members and hospital frontline workers. 
The State’s regional stay-at-home order, originally issued on December 3, 2020, identifies five regions statewide, and requires closure of all sectors, except for retail and essential services, in any region when the regional Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity of hospitals falls below 15 percent. The purpose of the state’s order is to address the increasing transmission among non-household members and further prevent our healthcare system from being overwhelmed. The requirements of the state’s order supersede local Health Officer orders within any region when there is less than 15 percent ICU capacity. 
“Solano County is experiencing high levels of transmission of COVID-19 at an alarming rate, and our hospitalizations are rising, both of which are indicators that ICU impacts are a given now, not just locally but regionally,” said Bela T. Matyas, M.D., M.P.H., Solano County Health Officer. “This time of year poses a special challenge in preventing transmission of COVID-19. While we may want to gather and celebrate with family and friends, such gatherings can cause spread of this devastating virus to our family and friends, effecting our loved ones and the community. Getting out of this situation will depend on everybody to take serious actions to reduce the spread in our community – stay home as much as possible, leave only for essential activities, don’t gather outside of your household, use a face covering in public settings always, and maintain 6 ft physical distancing from others everywhere outside of your household. Help keep yourself and others safe.”
Tracking of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in the Bay Area Region by Solano County Public Health shows that COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are surging with several hundred new COVID-19 cases confirmed daily and ICU capacity declining across the Bay Area Region. The order is expected to remain in place for at least three weeks before re-evaluation by the State.
Pursuant to the Regional Stay at Home Order the following sectors are required to close or remain closed for all operations, including:
  • Indoor playgrounds
  • Indoor recreational facilities
  • Hair salons and barbershops
  • Personal care services
  • Museums, zoos, and aquariums
  • Movie theaters
  • Wineries
  • Bars, breweries, and distilleries
  • Family entertainment centers
  • Cardrooms and satellite wagering
  • Limited services as defined by the State
  • Live audience sports
  • Amusement parks
The following sectors have additional modifications, in addition to 100 percent masking and physical distancing, including:
  • Outdoor recreational facilities: Allow outdoor operation only without any food, drink, or alcohol sales. Additionally, overnight stays for recreational visits at campgrounds will not be permitted.
  • Retail: Allow indoor operation at 20% capacity with entrance metering and no eating or drinking in the stores. Additionally, special hours should be instituted for seniors and others with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems.
  • Shopping centers: Allow indoor operation at 20% capacity with entrance metering and no eating or drinking in the stores and all common areas closed. Additionally, special hours should be instituted for seniors and others with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems.
  • Hotels and lodging: Allow to open for critical infrastructure support only.
  • Restaurants: Allow only for take-out, pick-up, or delivery.
  • Offices: Allow remote only except for critical infrastructure sectors where remote working is not possible.
  • Places of worship and political expression: Allow outdoor services only.
The following sectors can remain open with appropriate infectious disease preventive measures, including 100% masking and physical distancing, including:
  • Critical infrastructure
  • Non-urgent medical and dental care
  • Outdoor playgrounds
  • Childcare
Help stop the spread of germs by practicing good hand washing and health habits, including:
  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and warm water
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
  • Stay home when you are sick and keep your children home when they are sick
  • Wear a face covering and maintain at least a six-foot distance from others in public settings
For more information about COVID-19 in Solano County contact the Solano County Warmline at 707.784.8988.

For more information about the State’s Stay Home Order, visit

For the most recent local COVID-19 health information, including the number of COVID-19 cases in Solano County, visit the Solano County website at Facebook at (@SolanoCountyPH).
Vaccinate ALL 58
A COVID-19 vaccine is one of the most important tools to end the COVID-19 pandemic. The State of California wants you to know that they will distribute a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine fairly to everyone in California who wants it.

The Solano County Department of Health and Social Services, Public Health division, anticipated an initial delivery of 7,900 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Solano County – 3,900 doses from Pfizer-BioNTech, after Emergency Use Authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration was granted – and 4,000 doses from Moderna, pending authorization from the federal government.
Starting last week, initial doses of both vaccines were to be made available to individuals in the highest risk categories, as defined by the federal government and State of California, including people at risk of exposure to COVID-19 through their work in direct health care or long-term care settings. Residents of long-term care facilities are also expected to receive the vaccines during the first phase of the rollout.
The initial vaccine allocations provided to the County will be limited. As the vaccine becomes more readily available, Solano Public Health will continue their work with community-based COVID vaccine advisory groups comprised of healthcare professionals, community-based organizations and residents to ensure equitable distribution of the vaccine to highly impacted communities.
Solano County continues to receive information from the federal and state governments about vaccine prioritization, allocation, requirements, and timelines, and will continue to share that information with stakeholders and the public as soon as possible.
As Solano County moves forward with distributing COVID-19 vaccines, it is crucial to continue to slow the spread of the virus through social distancing measures and by practicing good hand washing and health habits.

Learn more about California’s campaign to equitably distribute a safe and effective vaccine to all 58 counties in the state at
Traffic Improvement Project Approaches Completion
The City of Benicia Public Works Department provides an update on the Military West & West 7th Street Traffic Signal Improvement Project noting that the subcontractor is completing the construction of curb ramps, sidewalks and asphalt paving and striping.
The next phase is the electrical connection of nine existing traffic signal poles, three new signal poles and the new traffic signal controller. This type of work requires a contractor with specific expertise of which there are only three in the state of California. The city’s contractor, W. Bradley Electric, has scheduled this phase to begin on Monday, December 21, 2020.
In order to perform this work, the traffic signals will be turned off at 7 a.m. after stop signs are placed at all approaches. The new traffic signal controller cabinet will be activated at mid-day in order to turn on the new traffic signals by sunset. 
The remaining work during that week includes removing existing traffic signal equipment including mast arms, wiring and utility boxes.
Questions or comments on the project may be directed to the project engineer, Dan Sequeira, PE at 707.746.4237 or
Holiday Closure
The City of Benicia City Hall offices, Fire Department administrative offices, Public Library and certain other facilities will be closed for business beginning Thursday, December 24, 2020 through Sunday, January 3, 2021, and reopen for normal business services on Monday, January 4.

Emergency response from the Fire and Police Departments will not be affected by these closures. If you need immediate assistance during the closure or have a request for emergency water and sewer service, please contact the Benicia Police Department, 200 East L Street, or call 707.745.3412. All other phone messages and email correspondence will be returned after the closure.
Take My Tree, Please!
If you have a live tree at Christmas time, take advantage of the opportunity to recycle it with this convenient community service and fundraiser from the Benicia's Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venture Crew. You can drop off your tree or you can register for pick-up at your home or business. Once recycled, the trees are chipped and used for ground cover on City properties. This project is run in full cooperation with the City of Benicia and Republic Services.

To Register for Pickup (Benicia only)
Visit or call the tree recycle hotline at 707.551.4520. Appointments are required. Dates are listed below (same dates for Drop-off & Pick-up). Flocked trees are accepted. Please have your tree on they sidewalk by 9 a.m.

All donations are welcome ($11 suggested). After registering, attach donation to tree or mail donation with your information to:
Christmas Tree Recycling
P.O. Box 485
Benicia CA 94510

To Drop Off
Bring your tree to Benicia Community Park (behind Matthew Turner Elementary School) or to First Baptist Church, 1055 Southampton Road:
Sunday, 12/27
Saturday & Sunday, 1/2 & 1/3
Saturday & Sunday, 1/9 & 1/10
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Important Information for Placing Tree in Yard Waste Cart
You may place unflocked trees in your green yard waste cart. Branches must be 6" or less in diameter and 3 feet or less in length. Cut off tree top and remove tree stand. Remove lights, ornaments, tinsel, nails and stands. Cart lid must be closed. No plastic bags.

Flocked trees can be collected curbside for a fee of $40 per tree. Pickups must be scheduled in advance by calling Republic Services at 707.747.0608.
Adopt-a-Family Thank You!
Kendall Lara, Coordinator with the Benicia Police Department's Family Resource Center (FRC), sends a big THANK YOU to all the generous people and organizations that donated to this year's Adopt-a-Family program.

Families registered with FRC and submitted their wish lists, then families were anonymously assigned to people and groups interested in adopting a family. Once gift donations were received, they were quarantined, before going on to assist over 200 people from 60 Benicia families. In addition, pajamas for each child were donated by Soroptimist International of Benicia.

Lara said, "We were able to bring joy to 60 families. I am overwhelmed with the outpouring of generosity."

If you find yourself in need due to COVID-19, help is available through the Family Resource Center.
Photo Contest Ending Soon
The Visit Benicia Photo Contest ends Thursday, December 31 at midnight. If you've been meaning to enter those great photos sitting in your phone, now is the time! You could win up to $250 in Downtown Dollars for each winning photo showing off Benicia at its best.

Enter as many photos as you like. Find more details and entry link at
Recycle Your Beverage Containers
Don't forget to recycle your CRV beverage containers this holiday season. Details at
Benicia Named to Best Small Cities in America
With so many people working from home this year due to COVID-19, many are choosing to move their home, and home office, for a better quality of life. Benicia should be considered for that move.

WalletHub recently released their list of the Best Small Cities in America. Benicia ranked in the 80th percentile out of 1,268 U.S. cities with populations between 25,000 and 100,000 based on 43 key indicators of livability. Safety was a key factor.

We share that ranking with our neighbors in Napa. Check it out and see why we think it's better in Benicia!
Information on Historic Preservation
The City of Benicia has launched an updated historic preservation webpage at You'll find information on

In addition, find documents dedicated to the protection of our historic resources:

Check out the page. You'll find photos submitted in the Visit Benicia Photo Contest by talented Benicia photographers. If you have questions not answered there, call 707.746.4320 or email
Sister City Retires Benicia Fire Truck
In November 1990, Benicia Fire Department donated a brush truck to the fire department in our Sister City of Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. That truck has recently been retired and is now on prominent display in Tula with a plaque that reads:

Botanical Garden
"Firefighters of Tula and Benicia"
Honoring 41 years of brotherhood & collaboration
between the heroic firefighters of the
cities of Tula and of Benicia
- City Council.
December 2020.

On December 10, Benicia firefighters honored their friendship with Tula firefighters by attended the ceremony dedicating the plaque and memorial via videoconference.
City Awarded LEAP Grant
In 2020, the City of Benicia applied for and was awarded a Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant in the amount of $150,000 from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). This grant provides non-competitive funding to cities and counties for planning activities and process improvements that accelerate the production of housing. $150,000 was the maximum amount of non-competitive funds that Benicia was eligible for based on the city’s size. These funds will be used to offset the cost of a new permit software system and the cost of implementing our 2023-2031 Housing Element.

The new software system, Open Gov, will reduce processing time for building and planning permits and it will provide greater transparency for applicants and the community during the permitting process.

The City intends to update the Housing Element of the General Plan by early 2023, in accordance with State law, and it is anticipated that the City will have to rezone land to accommodate additional housing production as a part of this update. The costs associated with rezoning land, or other work necessary to implement the Housing Element, will also be offset by the LEAP grant.
Press Releases

Recent City of Benicia Press Releases are available on the City of Benicia website under Main/Announcements.
Modified service due to COVID-19
City Hall is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you require entrance to City Hall offices outside of these hours, please make arrangements with staff from the department that you will be visiting.

All visitors shall be required to enter City Hall from East L street through the door located on the left (East) side of the building closest to the Post Office. Please check in with the staff person at the designated Welcome Window.

You will be required to wear a face covering over both your nose and mouth for the duration of your visit to City Hall. Please maintain 6 feet of social distancing between other visitors and staff. Do not visit City Hall if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Appointments can always be rescheduled.
City of Benicia This Week is published each Monday morning. Previous editions are available here. We also communicate on and Sign up now!