Shawn Price (fighting cancer) /Phyllis Lewis
Drew Wolynies (ongoing health issues / Marilyn Magers)
Amelia List (ongoing health issues) / Pastor Ken
Pamela and Bobby Hall (continuing spiritual support) /M. Magers
Weltha Martin (Hospice care ) /Pastor Ken
James Bennett (Parkinson's disease) Pastor Ken
Anne Blackwell (prayers for ongoing issues) /Leslie Cooper
Ella Campbell ongoing health issues/friend of Marilyn Magers
Jimmie Stewart (cancer) /J. Krenzer
Carl and Jean Blaylock /friends of J. Krenzer
Joseph Border (Lynn Arnson's dad) /J. Krenzer
Ken Douthitt (ongoing health issues/healing) /M. Magers
Rebeka Carlin and her husband Joshua) /niece of Karen Whitley
Jeffery Sligh (cancer treatment/ friend of the Magers) /M. Magers
Shirley Robinson (mother of Joy Robinson/ cancer screening) / M. Magers
Martha Zook (ongoing health issues) /J. Marriott
Kathy Glancy (Ray Kilburg's daughter) /A. Kilburg
Irene Lewis (in hospital ) /P. Lewis
Margaret Matteson (cancer diagnosis/ daughter of Ellen Morrison) P. Ken
Libby Welter (complications from diabetes/ mother of Robin Brooks) P. Ken
Joy and Shirley Robinson (storm damage to house/displaced) /P. Ken
Keyara Bellamy (recovering leg injuries / granddaughter of Anne Kilburg) P. Ken
Mona Belk (Karen Hall's cousin)
Pauline Zazula (Julie List's mother/under Hospice care) /Pastor Ken
Julie List ( recovering from surgery) /Pastor Ken
Sherry and daughter Kaitlyn (car accident/surgery/ cousins of James Brooks)
Family of Fran Raney (death of Fran 1/13/2024) Pastor Ken
Updated 2/7/2024
Important Reminder: Please call the church office to update your prayer request. If you don't update your prayer request after two months, they probably will be removed. You can always add them back. (J. Waldrop)