Morningside United Methodist Church | October 2020
October 2020 Newsletter
Sunday Worship Services
Open Door Sunday Worship
"I Promise" Sermon Series - Prayers
Sunday, October 4th, 10:00 AM
1 Corinthians 10: 15-17
Join us as we begin our annual Stewardship Sermon Series. This year's we will focus on "I Promise" as our stewardship campaign.

All are invited to join us via our Open Door Churches Facebook page or the Open Door Churches YouTube Channel. Share this invitation with your family, friends and neighbors. These online services are a wonderful opportunity to share the love of our faith community with everyone, near and far!

See you online! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
World Communion Sunday
Please prepare you communion elements ahead of the service and have them ready to share in a very special World Communion Sunday worship.
October Sermon Series
"I Promise" - Stewardship Sermon Series
We'll focus on stewardship during the month of October, culminating with a celebration of All Saints Day on Nov. 1st.

October 4th -
  • "Prayers", 1 Corinthians 10:15-17

October 11th -
  • "Presence", Genesis 2:1-3

October 18th -
  • "Giving", Deuteronomy 8:7-18

October 25th -
  • "Service", 1 Corinthians 12

November 1st -
  • "Witness", All Saints Day
Open Door Churches
Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020 Worship
Video Now Available
In case you weren't able to join us on Open Door Churches YouTube Worship this past Sunday, here is the video from our service featuring Rev. Jeff Lowery as he shares his story of faith as the final week of our "This is My Story" sermon series.

It is loaded on YouTube so no Facebook account is needed. This is a wonderful way to be connected with our entire Open Door Churches family during these challenging times!
Midweek Devotional
We welcome back Pastor John from his time off traveling back to Texas to be with his family. This week he brings us a midweek reflection on our lives of stewardship.

Note: These devotionals are uploaded
on the Open Door Churches YouTube page scheduled for Wednesdays each week.
Our Church Family
Doing God's Work...
What has Morningside UMC been doing during these unusual times?
Keeping the work of the church going during the time of COVID has been challenging, to be sure, but knowing that the need for what we do (as a church) is greater than ever makes it even more important!

Let's check in with some of Morningside UMC's busy teams:
Finance Committee:

Greetings, fellow worshipers,

Despite this pandemic, pledged church giving is on target. Plate giving is as low as physical attendance. On line attendance is high for these very inspiring zoom worships. We are beginning to work on budgeting earlier this year to better coordinate with our United Methodists Open Door Churches. Soon, we will be asking for pledges in order to accurately and realistically estimate resources in building next year’s budget. Thank you for your faithful financial support of Morningside UMC.
  • Bill Burgess, Finance Committee

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The Morningside United Methodist Church (MUMC) Foundation continued to operate via emails these last few months.

During that time, the Foundation approved three requests from the Trustees to help with electronic equipment upgrades to our sanctuary.  The $3,850.00 to support these requests was from the Royal Tarter memorial fund and the Ken Amend memorial fund.

Here is a look at our finances. The endowment fund grew to $199,928 (about 3 percent) as of July 31, 2020, after starting the year at $194,470. For comparison, endowment earnings dropped by 6.7 percent in 2018, but increased by 20.8 percent in 2019.

Money with Pioneer Trust Bank totals $14,597 as of July 31, 2020. Most of this total is from memorial gifts designated for a specific purpose, most commonly trustee projects or education activities.
  • Kelly Freels & Brigitte Rolph, Morningside UMC Foundation

Family Ministries:

Tes Lacy, our new Family Ministries Program Director, has been busy creating this important ministry in the time of COVID-19 - a challenge to be sure!

We are getting started on a new project that we call "Sunday School in a Box. It will be going out to any families in the Morningside Church and also Open Door Churches who are interested. It will be some games and activities for families to do together during the online service that ties into the theme and scripture for each Sunday's worship service. We will be going over the activities during kids connect so that you all can follow along. Our hope is that it gives families a chance to do something together and also help kids understand and/or talk about the scripture that was used.

We are planning on getting the boxes out to those who sign up by Oct 11th so that families can begin to do the activities starting with the online service of Oct. 18th. Tes will have more information to send out with in the next week.

We are also still doing a Parenting Class/Support Group via Zoom on Thursday nights. We usually begin at 8:15 to just say hi and then focus on a specific topic at 8:30. Join us if you can. Class meets every Thursday, from 8:30-9:15pm via Zoom.

We are working on other plans including a Halloween Trunk & Treat Drive Thru experience and an Advent kit filled with holiday activities for the whole family.
  • Tes Lacy, Director of Family and Program Ministries

SPRC Committee:

SPRC has been meeting as needed, to consider issues related to staff/parish relations.
Our last in person meeting was in January. However, when an issue has arisen, I have send out an email to each of the members.

Most recently we've addressed our custodial situation and will continue with the minimal staffing we currently have until we move forward to reopen the building. We also been working on our music staff situation.
  • Sara Amend, SPRC


Currently in final stages of upgrading the Sanctuary technology to allow us to live stream when worship resumes. The building requires continuing maintenance, including repair of leaks, installation and hookup of the solar panels (which is now completed and we are hooked up to and supplying electricity to the grid!), mowing and landscaping upkeep, and working with other agencies who have expressed a desire to rent space in our building for Emergency Services for Youth and Children's Programs (all still pending at this point due to CoronoVirus issues).  Recently put up BLM banners in front of Church.
  • Fred Cooper, Trustees

Disabilities Connections Team:

Disabilities Connections Team is committed to make our church a comfortable, accessible place for everyone. We continue to work toward complete accessibility. We have disabled parking spaces, an automatic ground level front door, accessible restrooms, accessible pew spaces, assisted listening devices and large print bulletins with songs and hymns.
In 2019, we continued our work by developing a short training for ushers and greeters to make everyone's visit to Morningside more comfortable. We also met the criteria as a “Bronze/Basic” Church. Due in part to our input on the Audit, the scoring has been revised. We also presented our annual Disabilities Awareness Sunday service that fulfills one of the Audit's items.

2020 has changed the way everything has to be done, which makes it much more difficult for people who need personal assistance. Currently we are brainstorming ways that we can provide that needed aid and educate others about individuals with disabilities all from a safe distance.
  • Nancy O'Loughlin & Deb Freels
In our prayers...
Those with health concerns, illness, and loss of loved ones:

Joy Wilhite, Gary Moore (husband of Kay Delaney Moore), Pastor John's father, Duane Medicine Crow, Ann Jeffries, Fred Wiedner, Layton Gilson, Celeste Kent, Jim and Phyllis Boston, Norm & Nancy Johnson, Joy Wilhite, Nahnie Williams, Liz Toy, Lynn Ham, Allen Patterson-Sterling, Susi Bromley, Lyle Dragoo, Diane and Brigitte Rolph, Robert Kuenzli, Arlen Hollinshead, and Elisa Reckendorf.
Staying Connected
Story Time with Ms. Tes
Home schooling? Computer troubles? You're not alone. Check in with this week's episode of The Berenstain Bears and how they are coping with their computer problems!

Have a great weekend!
Kids Connection
What's New for Kids and Families?

Drive Through Halloween coming to Morningside UMC, Saturday, Oct. 31st, 3:00 - 6:00 PM This event will be open to the neighborhood, friends and families. More details to come... so stay tuned!

If you are interested in helping, please contact Tes Lacy - email her at

Sunday School in a Box - Having trouble keeping keeping the kids focused on the online worship service? How about a kid-friendly activity box to help keep them engaged and increase their understanding of each week's service theme? Ms. Tes and her team are busy working out the logistics of preparing and distributing these activity boxes to those who would like to sign up for them.... stay tuned for more information.

Online Get-Togethers - There are several opportunities throughout the month, for families (kids and parents) to meet-up via Zoom for fun, conversation and fellowship.

Here's the schedule this month:

Zoom Party - Kids and Parents get together. October 11th and the 25th (2nd or 4th Sunday of each month) from 9:30-10:00 AM! (Contact Christina Gordon for more information:

Family Fun with Tes - Open to anyone (singles, couples and families) from Morningside or Open Door Churches! A chance to visit, laugh, check in and have some fun! Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM via Zoom:
Open Door Churches Youth Group - October
Come to the Zoom youth group -- Email any of the youth leaders below for information about joining Zoom on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and at 1:00 p.m. on Sundays.

Rev. Jeff Lowery -

Maddy Hickerson -

Kelly Mason -
Open Door Churches Young Adult Group - October
Young Adults Online (email Alyssa Baker for zoom link)

The Open Door Young Adult Group is switching to meeting twice a month on Zoom. Please email Pastor Alyssa for information on how to connect.

Open Door Churches - Shalom Prayer Group Invitation
All are welcome to join in our Open Door Churches online prayer community via Facebook. CLICK HERE or search for "Shalom Prayer Group - Open Door Churches" from your Facebook page.
News, Announcements & Opportunities
Walk to End Alzheimer's
Saturday, Oct. 10th
Dear Friends,

The Morningside UMC congregation has supported the Walk to End Alzheimer's for TEAM DIANE for the past six years. Diane is the daughter of Brigitte Rolph (long-time MUMC member) and was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's in 2012 when she was 49 years old.

We are planning to support the cause again this year and would love to expand the support and participation to include all Open Door Churches members.

The Alzheimer's Association is organizing a Walk to End Alzheimer's in the Outer Salem Area on October 10, 2020. Because of the pandemic, health and safety is a top priority and the walk will be different this year. There will not be a large-in-person gathering as in the past. Sorry!!!!

However, we invite you to walk in small teams of family and friends anywhere in your own neighborhoods. Other teams in our community will do the same.

We are walking and fund-raising for the same cause, awareness, advocacy, support and prevention - A world without Alzheimer's and other dementia.

Thanks to Anni Powell, Sally Neff and Brigitte Rolph, who formed a committee to make the walk possible.

There are several ways to register and donate for the walk:

1. You can register and donate online.

2. You can mail a check made out to Alzheimer Association, to:

3. You can also join us on Saturday October 10th from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm for a safe DRIVE-BY-EVENT at Morningside UMC.

Contact the Pastors - New Email Addresses!
Contact Us
Morningside United Methodist Church
Physical Address: 3674 12th Street, SE
Mailing Address: PO Box 3076
Salem, OR 97302
Telephone: 503-364-5013
Office Hours: Office is currently CLOSED

Ministry Team
Ministers: All the Laity
Pastor Team:
  • Rev. John Fleming:
  • Rev. Alyssa Baker:
  • Rev. Kalina Malua Katoa
Communications/Office Administrator: Vicki DeVol
Bookkeeper: Christine Stevens
Family & Program Ministry Director:  Tes Lacy
Chancel Choir Director: Sam Kinney 
Praise Band Leader: Jan Nelson 
Organist: Brace Langenwalter 
Keyboardist: Teresa Stewart 
Custodian: Jan Wetherbee 
Childcare: Noemi Morales, Fabiola Morales, Carlee Hunt, Maya Nelson-Tilkens, Natalie Kawell
 If you need a printed copy of the newsletter, copies are available on the counter in the Narthex.