Morningside United Methodist Church | April 2020
April 2020 Newsletter
Our Church Family
Caring For Each Other

While we may be physically separated during these times, there is no need for anyone to feel that they are alone.

If you are personally feeling lonely, you are encouraged to reach out to a member of our church family by picking up the phone and calling a friend to hear a friendly voice and share your need for some support.

After you'd been "recharged," pay it forward and call someone else that might need to hear your familiar voice and kind words.

Our Nurture & Care team is also busy trying to check in with folks and make sure all are doing okay.

If you are in need of a call, please let us know.
Kids Connection - Godly Play
Sunday Mornings @ 9 AM
Open Door Churches Facebook Page
Godly Play is a unique approach to Christian Education designed to allow children and adults alike to explore the mystery and wonder of God's presence in their lives and in the world.

As this experience is more important now, than ever before, this weekly time for kids and parents hosted by Salem First UMC, is now ONLINE and open to all Open Door Churches families.

Join in the fun via Open Door Churches Facebook page on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM prior to our Sunday morning worship service at 10 AM.

CLICK HERE or type in

See you ONLINE, Kids!!
In our prayers...
Those with health concerns, illness, and loss of loved ones:

The family of Betsy Stuller, Norm & Nancy Johnson, Joy Wilhite, Rev. Mario Gonzalez, Nahnie Williams, Liz Toy, Lynn Ham, Paula Kent, Allen Patterson-Sterling, Layton Gilson, Susi Bromley, Lyle Dragoo, Glen McCall, Diane and Brigitte Rolph, Robert Kuenzli, Arlen Hollinshead, and Elisa Reckendorf.
Staying Connected
A Special Message from Pastor Wendy
Pastor Wendy has a special message for all of us, including an update about the church office, a bit about our worship service this coming Sunday and more...

Blessings to all!
Pastor Wendy
"Let's Meet Together Online"
Interactive and Participatory Worship & Discussion
Tuesday, April 7th, 11 AM & 7 PM
NOTE: The day has changed for the evening "Let's Meet." The 7:00 PM call is now also on Tuesdays.

Our time together during Holy Week will focus on Jesus' Last Seven Words from the Cross and include reading of scripture and discussion along with a time of shared prayer.

As in the past, we will be using the Zoom platform and instructions are below.

Joining a Zoom Call:

• One way to join is to click on these Links:


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 586 132 945


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 432 204 414

• Second Way To Meet Together Online via Zoom Instructions:

  • Open the Zoom webpage –
  • Click on <Join a Meeting>
  • For Tuesday at 11:00am, put in 586132945
  • For Tuesday at 7:00pm, put in 432204414 
  • If prompted, click allow download
  • Follow instructions to double click on download
  • Follow and allow additional prompts to allow camera and microphone
  • You may need to click again <Join a Meeting> and reinsert meeting number above.
  • In order to see everyone on the call, click gallery view - top right.
  • Once you have done all of those steps, the next time you join a meeting, you only have to enter the meeting number.

In these challenging times, staying in contact with our church family (even if on-line) will surely provide comfort and support.

Pastor Wendy
Open Door Churches Youth Group - April
Zoom Call Sundays

We've had some great online youth group meetings the past 2 weeks.

We will continue our regular youth group zoom calls on Sunday at 1 PM. This week we'll do a scavenger hunt, play charades, and answer the question of the week!!!

CLICK HERE to join the call.

If you have any prayer requests let Jeff know
Open Door Churches Young Adult Group - April
The Open Door Young Adults are meeting on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 on Zoom. People can contact Pastor Alyssa for more information and for Zoom links. 
Worship Services & Holy Week
Open Door Sunday Worship
Facebook Live Stream
Sunday, April 5, 10:00 AM
"Jesus' Grand & Humble Entry"
Matthew 21:1-11
Let us join together in the waving of virtual palm branches this coming Sunday as we celebrate Palm Sunday during our Open Door Churches video worship.

Pastor Dan will offer the morning's message commemorating Jesus' triumphant, yet humble, entrance into Jerusalem. Pastors Alyssa, Sandy and Wendy will help lead the worship that begins Holy Week.

Open the Open Door Churches Facebook page at: or simply CLICK HERE to go directly to the page.

See you online! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Invitation to Participate in the Easter Service
1) Share you musical talent as an individual or a family:
Record just the chorus of “Alleluia” (Hunduras Alleluia), in the Faith We Sing book, #2078. You can use piano, guitar or even ukulele — add in some percussion.  
Just have fun with it and be energetic. Have youth and kids participate if you can.
Brace and Aimee will be doing this as well.
Record it on your phone and send it to Wendy Woodworth at her email:
Contact Wendy if you need music, Jan Nelson has guitar chords and Mary Ann Robinson has ukulele chords.
Please record in the key it is written in.

2) Community Easter Response. Grab your phone and do a selfie video — include members of your household and record the phrase: "Christ has Risen: "He has Risen Indeed.” “Alleluia” Send your clip to Wendy.

3) Send a photo of your favorite and most meaning image of New Live/Resurrection. Send to Wendy

DEADLINE : It will take time to put these all together into a video for our worship. Please get them to me by Sunday, April 5.

Blessings, Wendy
Holy Week Worship Schedule
Maundy Thursday - 7 PM
*Virtual Communion*

Good Friday - 7 PM
*Stations of the Cross*

Easter Sunday - 10 AM

Note: All services will be streamed via the Open Door Churches Facebook page. CLICK HERE or type in your browser's search bar.
Open Door Churches
Sunday, March 29, 2020 Worship Video Now Available
In case you weren't able to join us on Facebook Live Stream Worship this past Sunday, here is the video from the service. It is loaded on YouTube so no Facebook account is needed. This was a wonderful way to be connected with our entire Open Door Churches family during these challenging times!
News & Announcements
Concludes Tuesday, April 7th 1:30 PM
Our Lenten Class, "Seven Thousand Ways to Listen" concludes this Tuesday. Please join us

Copy and paste this URL into you browser search bar:

Or simply CLICK HERE to access the Zoom call directly.
March Giving
Many thanks to all who diligently and in faithful stewardship maintained their contributions and giving in March. The month was a challenge for all of us and your efforts to help maintain the ministry of Morningside is much appreciated.

The Finance Committee will be meeting next week and an official update will be published afterward.

Ways to Continue Giving

Considering using the BILL PAY feature on your checking account. You can set up your monthly offering to be sent as a check directly to the church from your checking account. Please remember to use the church's mailing address of PO Box 3076, Salem, OR 97302.

Write a check at home and mail it directly to the church using the church's PO Box.

Set up your monthly offering via automatic withdrawal. If you are interested in doing that, please email the church's bookkeeper, Christine, at: to get that process stated.

No matter what the method, your ongoing contributions are vitally important to help keep the ministry of Morningside going strong.
Reverend John Fleming
You may have heard everything is bigger in Texas and that includes the heart of John Fleming, our new Open Door Churches lead pastor who will be joining us starting July 1st. Personable, inclusive, and supportive, John is excited to have the opportunity to join our Open Door Churches community and help us continue to grow and learn together.

John has served in the ministry as a pastor for over 22 years, including four appointments as a pastor in charge—Gainesville First United Methodist Church in Texas being the most recent. With a conversational preaching style, he loves supporting people and building others up—passions he used while serving on the Board of Ordained Ministry and is looking forward to sharing with us. He is a firm believer that we are all in this together and is dedicated to supporting us as individuals as well as a community.
It will not take you long after meeting John to know that he loves music and playing his guitar. A performer and songwriter, he loves how music connects us and brings people together, helping us express the things that can be hard to communicate otherwise but can be said beautifully when sung. John also loves to be out in nature on hiking trails and is delighted with the miles and miles of beautiful scenery that our great Northwest has to offer. When he is not playing the guitar or out hiking, you may also find him on a golf course, warming up those clubs after his long drive from Texas.
John is married to his wife Rona (rhymes with Donna) who is a gifted teacher. She currently works in a juvenile detention center down in Texas and is undecided what she wants to do once they move here. They have two adult daughters, Emma (24) and Tori (27) who both live in Texas. While John and Rona will greatly miss being close to both Emma and Tori, they are looking forward to flying down to Texas and visiting with their daughters on a regular basis.

With John also comes two new friends of the four-legged variety, Mia, who looks like a silver fox and is super-affectionate, and Buddy, a 12 year old chihuahua mix John found in the parking lot when he was a pastor in Garland, Texas.

Already familiar with our area here in Oregon, John and Rona have spent time visiting Rona’s brother and his husband up in Portland. Both men are thrilled to have John and Rona closer and are looking forward to more family time in the near future.
It didn’t take long with John when interviewing him for this article to realize he has a servant leader’s heart. John loves helping people feel good about themselves, develop their gifts, and find their voice. When he first heard about Open Door Churches, he thought it was a genius idea to come together as one community and to go from each having a pastor to a pastoral team caring for all. Thrilled to become a part of it, he is looking forward to assisting in the innovation and creativity as he helps us all implement our ideas and to discern the next piece of the puzzle.

Like our pastors of Open Door Churches, John and his fellow ministers did a live Facebook feed down in Texas. To see it for yourself including John preaching, you can find the video here. While John is a lover of preaching and worship, he believes that preaching is just one of many essential components of worship and that liturgy is indeed, as the word means, a “work of the people.” Above all, it is the experience of God, not the form itself, that is important.

It is fun to hear about a pastor when things are easy but it is especially revealing of their character to hear someone’s perspective for when things get hard. John knows that in whatever ministry we each do, we will have to insert ourselves into uncomfortable places. When conflict then inevitably comes, how we handle it and get on the other side is our true witness. It is especially at these times we can proclaim who we are and who God is by being people who are loving, kind, compassionate, and forgiving while always assuming the best of each other. Dedicated to approaching all situations with humility, John is someone who walks his talk. He listens well, hears and speaks the truth in love, and strives to unpack equality in all its expressions.

“The people I trust the most are the ones who are willing to tell me the truth. If I have done something that has hurt or upset them in some way and they come to talk to me about that, then I will respect them always. I’m not a reactionary person and don’t get defensive.”

Reverend John Fleming will be joining our community starting July 1st of this year. I am sure it will be a delight to get to know him better and to share fellowship with him.

In this time of separated togetherness as we each stay in our homes and look forward to when we can be together again, I would like to leave you with one last thought in this season of Lent that John pointed out to me. During the last supper, the dinner was not the center of the event—the table was. It wasn’t about the form of the Last Supper, it was the community that shared it. As we go forward into the weeks ahead, be the community I have come to know and appreciate—a people who truly care for one another and the world around us. Gather around the table, virtual as it is, and care for one another.
Sarah Katreen Hoggatt
Contact Us
Morningside United Methodist Church
Physical Address: 3674 12th Street, SE
Mailing Address: PO Box 3076
Salem, OR 97302
Telephone:  503-364-5013
Office Hours:  Monday - Thursday 9:30-2:30
            Office is CLOSED on Friday

Ministry Team
Ministers: All the Laity
Lead Pastor: Rev. Wendy Woodworth 
Communications/Office Administrator: Vicki DeVol
Bookkeeper: Christine Stevens
Family & Program Ministry Director:   
Chancel Choir Director: Sam Kinney 
Praise Band Leader: Jan Nelson 
Organist: Brace Langenwalter 
Keyboardist: Teresa Stewart 
Custodian: Tim Bulletset 
Childcare: Noemi Morales, Fabiola Morales, Carlee Hunt, Maya Nelson-Tilkens, Natalie Kawell
 If you need a printed copy of the newsletter, copies are available on the counter in the Narthex.