Live. Learn. Hope. Li. Lean. Hop Li. Summer 2022
Our Volunteers of the Year!
Learn about the Mary Mahoney Professional Nurses Organization.
He’s got as much tenacity as the professional wrestlers he covers, but he's probably more funny.
Read Jim's story.
President of Highline College, Dr. John Mosby sets an inspiring example for his students and fellow patients.
He spoke recently about his experience with kidney disease.
During national volunteer week in April, members of our leadership team kicked off a green space stewardship project at a community green space near our Rainier Beach Kidney Center.
A group of staff members hoist the Pride flag at our Burien Campus on June 1.
Magic moment:
The first home
dialysis patient
Since the 1960s, patients have chosen to dialyze at home for many good reasons. Learn about the very first home patient.
Highlights from recent surveys.
Honoring our legacy, this short video touches on our spirit of innovation, which will propel us into the next 60 years.
Dr. Ian de Boer becomes the second director of the KRI.
Save the Date:
Discovery Gala comes to Seattle October 15
Another memorable night is in store.
Get your tickets today!
The annual HopeBuilders Luncheon supports important patient services. This year the community responsed in a big way!
New Vice President
New Vice President