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Live. Learn. Hope. Li. Lean. Hop Li.         Winter 2022


Doors open at new Port Angeles clinic

A new state-of-the-art dialysis clinic began serving Olympic Peninsula residents in November. 

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Distinguished Leader Award for CMO Suzanne Watnick

Our leadership continues to inspire near and far.

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Meet Julia

She’s a strong advocate for Peritoneal Dialysis and for our community.

Read Julia's story

Support patients like Julia


When it comes to the kidney diet, NKC writes the book

Nutrition Manager Beth Shanaman recognized for kidney nutrition expertise, a tradition at Northwest Kidney Centers.

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The relationship between diabetes and kidney disease

Along with hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease.

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Check out our Annual Report

A closer look at our care,

our commitment and our community. 



Discovery Gala hits new heights

Community shows strong support for equitable care and transformative research at annual event!


Patients join research to improve care and push progress

Watch this video with patient Lavenia Natuna.

New clinic will open in Panther Lake in spring

New clinic will be our second in the Kent area.


The continuing contributions of Dr. Christopher R. Blagg

As a member of the Heritage Society, Dr. Blagg ensured his support of kidney patients would continue into the future.

Learn about making a planned gift.


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