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Live. Learn. Hope. Li. Lean. Hop Li. LeaHop.. Fall 2021


Before outpatient dialysis became possible in 1962, people did not survive kidney disease. Our model for providing life-saving dialysis has been emulated throughout the world and has extended millions of lives. Above, Dialysis Technician Gretta Bachmeier with Keuthmy Thatsanavongsa at our Kent clinic.


60 years of birthdays

In 2022, Northwest Kidney Centers will mark its 60th anniversary as the world’s first outpatient dialysis provider. On Jan. 9, 1962, we opened our doors as the Seattle Artificial Kidney Center in Eklind Hall on the campus of Swedish Hospital with the capacity to treat three patients. Fast forward to today and we serve nearly 2,000 patients annually at 20 clinics in the Puget Sound region.


We look forward to a year of celebrating our legacy of innovation and ongoing commitment to providing the best possible care.


Stay up to date on our anniversary events in 2022.

[email protected]

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The first three dialysis patients, from left Clyde Shields, Rolin Heming and Harvey Gentry, celebrate 10 years of dialysis in the early 1970s.

Health and safety update: COVID

At Northwest Kidney Centers, the safety of our patients and staff is our top priority – everything from administering vaccines for patients and staff to the use of proper personal protective equipment (PPE). We continue to follow current safety protocols and limit the number of visitors to clinics to limit potential of exposure.

Stay safe during flu season

Flu shots are all the more important given the continued presence of COVID in our communities. All patients and staff members can get their flu vaccine at any of our clinics. Our goal is that 100% of our eligible patients be vaccinated! 

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Kidney Palliative Care brings much-needed support to patients

Promoting the optimal quality of life for our patients means taking a holistic approach to support them throughout their journey. Learn about the profound support our Palliative Care team has provided to more than 450 patients.



These services are not reimbursed by Medicare but are 100% funded through our community of donors.

Support Kidney Palliative Care

Our 2021 Annual Report is online

“The continued support of our community, together with our dedicated staff, is what has made Northwest Kidney Centers strong and resilient in the face of adversity. Thank you.”

- Rebecca Fox, CEO and President

Read about our impact on the community



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Free nutrition classes can help

A kidney-friendly diet can help someone avoid dialysis or delay the need for dialysis by years. 

Find a class near you

Congratulations to

our Employee Scholarship winners

Northwest Kidney Centers is a place where all can learn, grow and contribute, which is why we’re proud to have a robust employee scholarship program.

See this year's recipients

"I am always grateful to have an employer and donors who are willing to support the employees' development and career advancement."

- Ray Robles, Clinical Educator and 2021 scholarship recipient


More than $400,000 raised for kidney research

The Discover Gala on October 9 was another inspiring evening and a great success for kidney research and dialysis innovation. 


Thanks to our amazing community and corporate sponsors for your vital support!


Watch the Discovery Gala (Program starts at 34:30.)

Support kidney research

Rainier Beach wins second design award

The innovative design of our Rainier Beach clinic gets a 2021 Healthcare Environment Award for outpatient care facilities.


Pillow-sized wearable, portable kidney prototype

The Center for Dialysis Innovation wins more notoriety for the AKTIV (Ambulatory Kidney To Increase Vitality).

New clinic construction in Port Angeles

From left, CMO Suzanne Watnick, President and CEO Rebecca Fox, and Washington State Representative Mike Chapman breaking ground for the new Port Angeles clinic on Nov. 1.

Read more

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People News

New CFO comes on board

Welcome, Tonia Campbell! She joined us in November 2021 as Chief Financial Officer.

Read more

Two pillars of Northwest Kidney Centers retire

Nutrition and Fitness Manager Katy Wilkens

Read about Katy's amazing contributions to renal nutrition

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Clinical Director of Staff Education Mary Lewis

See Mary's important contributions to the care of dialysis patients


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