A Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core
In a soon-to-be-released white paper, the Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work project team advocates adoption of a Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core within all technical programs. The paper outlines components of the framework: 1) the knowledge and skills in three broad content areas (data knowledge and analysis, advanced digital literacy, and business knowledge and processes) that comprise the cross-disciplinary STEM core; 2) recommended activities for successfully integrating the cross-disciplinary STEM core into technical programs; and 3) specific actions that technical programs leaders and faculty, employers, and community college presidents can take to support adoption of the core.
To encourage implementation of the framework, the Preparing Technicians project team offers tools for building partnerships with employers, identifying and prioritizing the core knowledge and skills required in your region, and integrating the cross-disciplinary STEM core into your technical programs.