Message from the President
Settling in as RT New Day
By: Jefferey S. Lejfer, CPCU, President, RT New Day
As you are aware, New Day Underwriting Managers was recently acquired by Ryan Specialty Group (RSG) and is now operating as RT New Day under the R-T Specialty, LLC family of companies. Our team has had a chance to settle in over the past quarter and adjust to our new “home.” Companies are sold every day for a variety of reasons but Jeff Slivka, Tim Farrell and I saw this sale as an opportunity to partner with an established, reputable firm that would allow us to maintain the quality of the deliverables to our clients and provide capital for future growth. Our business approach has always been to operate with a growth strategy.  As we continued to hit significant milestones in our growth curve, we sought a partner that would provide us the opportunity to further grow our business and take it to the next level.
One of our first long-term goals for New Day was to reach $100 million in premium. I’m happy to report that this goal was achieved just this quarter. We expect that RT New Day will reach the next major milestone of $250 million in premium in a much shorter timeframe as we leverage the resources, capital, broker contacts and carrier relationships that are now accessible through RT Specialty. The business approach at RT New Day has not changed and our day-to-day goal is to provide the optimal solution for you to present to your client. 
Many of the time consuming tasks such as Human Resources, Accounting, Information Technology and Administration have been centralized within RT Specialty. This allows RT New Day’s management team to focus its efforts on strategy and growth of the business. The approach also provides for a high level of support to our consultants and account management team and allows RT New Day to focus on delivering the optimal solution to you. 
Our RT New Day team continues to provide a qualified technical staff to address the environmental and construction related professional liability risk management needs of your insureds. We look forward to working with Pat Ryan, Tim Turner and Ed McCormack, the RT Specialty management team as together, we grow to $250 million in premium and establish the national environmental and construction professional liability practice for RT Specialty.
We look forward to continuing this journey with all of our partners and strengthening existing carrier and retail broker relationships as well as developing new ones.
RT New Day Systems Up and Running
RT New Day is thrilled to be part of R-T Specialty, LLC. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we transitioned to RT Specialty technology. The conversion of all of our phones and computer systems is now complete and we hope that the transition was seamless from your perspective. Please note our new phone numbers and email addresses as shown below.
When Engineering Design Fails: The Impact of Faulty Design and Collapses

Faulty construction designs and collapses are on the rise as a result of workmanship, design and engineering issues. In his article titled "When Engineering Design Fails: The Impact of Faulty Design and Collapses, recently published in Construction Executive, Mitch Cohen discusses the startling statistics as well as insurance risk management strategies for construction professionals. Read the complete article by clicking the button below and contact Mitch for any additional information at 609.528.3888 or
Risk Tip - Impacts of Mold Claims
By: Brittany Negron, Consultant

Mold claims are having a serious impact throughout the environmental insurance industry. An increase in mold claims is pushing insurance companies to be more cautious when underwriting certain types of real estate risks where mold has become more prevalent. Most notably, over the past 12-18 months, there have been several seven-and-eight figure claims impacting the hospitality and habitational sectors of the real estate market. These claims included remediation/clean-up of mold as we;; as millions of dollars in restoration costs and reimbursement for business interruption.
Participation in NASBP and InCite Conferences

It's been a busy quarter with regards to conferences at RT New Day. We attended both the National Association of Surety Bond Producers (NASBP) Conference and the InCite Performace Ignite 2018 Strategic Partners Conference.

Held this year in Scottsdale, Arizona from April 30 to May 1, we enjoyed meeting with our surety colleagues and introducing them to environmental and construction-related professional liability insurance and risk management.

InCite Ignite 2018 was held April 17 to 20 in Las Vegas. As usual, it was a terrific conference. Despite the wave of mergers and acquisitions within the retail agency space, InCite is providing valuable support to the independent agency. RT New Day is happy to be partnering with Larry Linne and his team.  
New Day Named Best Place to Work in NJ
RT New Day, formerly New Day Underwriting Managers, is pleased to announce that for the fourth time, we have been recognized as a top company to work for in New Jersey. This year we ranked 19th in the small company category on the NJBiz 2018 list of Best Places to Work in New Jersey. This award is a testament to RT New Day's commitment to providing the insurance community with the finest risk management resources available but also ensuring that our employees receive the support, guidance and attention needed to thrive in a nurturing, team-oriented environment. We couldn't be more thrilled with this award and honor.

To qualify for this award, RT New Day employees voluntarily responded to an anonymous survey regarding the company's benefits, culture and environment. A special thank you goes out to our team for allowing us to earn this great distinction.
RT New Day Takes in a Broadway Show
The RT New Day team spent the day in New York City on May 16th. Despite the rainy weather we enjoyed the day with a nice pizza lunch, the Broadway show School of Rock and a fabulous Brazilian dinner. We also celebrated Mitch Cohen's and Nicole Jeffer's birthdays and had a warm send off for Heidi Burke who relocated to Florida. It was a wonderful day and we send a special thank you to all of our partners for allowing us to enjoy the day.
Recent Placements
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2465 Kuser Road, Suite 202
Hamilton, NJ 08690