Weekly news & updates
Friday, Nov. 6, 2020 | Newsletter Archive | View as Webpage
Above is the DCSD's Decision Dashboard that shows the three different Frameworks that decisions are based on. You can stay informed of recent cases and data via the Tri-County Interactive Data Map. Additionally, you can view DCSD's Decision Dashboard to find out more on how the district is tracking cases.

DCSD last updated their Decision Dashboard on Friday, Nov. 6 at 3 p.m., indicating a score of 8, which means that we are within the Yellow 12-5 Framework for Hybrid Learning. Additionally, DCSD sent out a communication today indicating the following:

"At this time, the Douglas County School District is NOT moving to full remote learning (nor are we moving our elementary schools back to the hybrid learning model). However, the current COVID-19 data in our community is quickly trending in the wrong direction. It appears that tomorrow our Decision Dashboard score will have dropped for the second week in a row. While this Dashboard is not the sole basis for our decision-making regarding DCSD’s learning models, it is an indicator that we may need to start preparing for a possible shift back to remote learning in the not-so-distant future if things do not turn around soon."

What does this mean for STEM?
For our Elementary School, we will continue to operate on within out three Academic Plans of Four Days In-Person, Hybrid and 100% Virtual/Online Learning. For our Secondary School, students will remain on the two Academic Plans of Hybrid and 100% Virtual/Online Learning.

If DCSD makes the call to move schools to 100% Remote Learning, we will provide an update on how we will transition as well via an Infinite Campus Message. Please know that we will communicate as quickly as possible and make every effort to make the transition as smoothly as possible.

What do we need from our families?
We ask that you please begin planning for remote learning as a possibility for your student. Additionally, we ask that you please keep watch of your emails, our website and our social media channels. These are the platforms by which we will share out information.

Additionally, please review DCSD's updated Health and Safety Mitigation Measures for the most recent updates.

Helpful Documents
  • Click here to see the most recent At Home COVID-19 Screening Information.
  • Click here to view the COVID Staff/Child Assessment Flowchart.
  • Click here to view the COVID Staff/Child Return to Learn Flowchart. (View R2 on page 2)
Check-in with School Nurse Karen Lewis (karen.lewis@stemk12.org)
Don't forget to submit recognitions for any Veterans you'd like recognized on Veterans Day
Mark your calendars! State of STEM Coming Up on Tuesday, Dec. 8
We hope you can join us for our virtual State of STEM event on Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 6-7:30 p.m. State of STEM is where we provide our community with accomplishments and highlights over the last year. A Zoom link will be provided in the coming weeks.
STEM PTO presents our 4th annual STEM Gives! fundraiser! STEM Gives! is a direct giving campaign that will run November 9, 2020 to December 13, 2020. All benefits will go to our STEM School Highlands Ranch for teacher and school grants and STEM PTO events.
Have feedback for STEM? Use the button below to access the Feedback Form to help STEM improve.
Have a question? Check out our Communications Pathways that outlines the Communication Process for specific questions.
AllHealth Network Offering FREE Support in Response to COVID-19
AllHealth Network has received a FEMA grant to start a Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) to provide FREE disaster behavioral health support in response to COVID-19. The program is named Colorado Spirit. Colorado has set up similar programs in the past after floods and wildfires. All of our services will be by telephone or video for now. 

Areas where Colorado Spirit can help:
  • Support around feeling of worry, sadness, hopelessness, anger, isolation or disconnection that life with COVID brings up.
  • Understanding and managing stress
  • Help with coping strategies
  • Connection to resources

Anyone can access these support services by calling 720-707-6789, emailing COSpirit@allhealthnetwork.org, or filling out the contact form on our website www.allhealthnetwork.org/Colorado-Spirit
AllHealth Network Colorado Spirit Coping Tips
Click here to access some helpful tips on how to cope with feelings of stress. You can also contact a team member at Colorado Spirit free of charge if you'd like to get more support at 720-707-6789, or visit allhealthnetwork.org/colorado-spirit
Free Two-Hour Training on Psychological First Aid
Click here to access a flier with upcoming dates on free Zoom sessions on Psychological First Aid. You'll learn how to support people after an intense event by: Supporting Safety, Listening, Comforting, Connecting and Instilling Hope. Click here to sign-up.
Mental Health Supports Page
If you haven't checked it out, our Mental Health Supports page, has a number of helpful resources for students and parents.

DCSD Mental Health Support Page
Douglas County School District has a Mental Health Resources page with a variety of resources for students and families. Please take a moment to review all that they have listed.
STEM Center for Strength
The STEM Center for Strength is taking shape. Click the logo to above to visit their website to get helpful resources as we continue our journey through recovery. You can also visit the STEM Center for Strength Facebook Page.

The STEM Center for Strength is excited to open its doors--virtually--to serve the community of STEM School Highlands Ranch. We are here to support students, parents, staff, and any community members affected by the incident of mass violence on May 7, 2019. 

Please join the mailing list to get information on free services and events at the STEM Center for Strength over the summer!

The STEM Center for Strength has therapy dogs, student groups, social activities, yoga, clinicians, and a variety of programming over the summer. Please check the website frequently for updates!
Check out our Facebook page to use the Camera Frame or add a Frame to your Profile Photo. Share with us how long you've been at STEM so we can celebrate together.

Click here to see STEM's history of Innovation.
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit which works with corporations and organizations to develop private resources to enrich education within Douglas County schools for the fulfillment of lifelong learning experiences of our students, citizens and community. Visit the website.