Happy holidays
Since launching Wendolyn Reputation Management just four months ago, it has been an exciting whirlwind of speaking engagements, new clients, and fascinating work.

Thank you for being an important part of this past year, and here's to a happy and successful 2022!
Are professional advisors seeing the warning signs?
I have a five-minute presentation for accountants and lawyers whose responsibility is to flag business risks for their clients. It takes three questions, and these advisors quickly see threats yet to be included in their client discussions and reports. 
Are you raising Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risk mitigation with your private sector clients? 
The answer is usually no. ESG is most widely tied to public markets, with the impact investment community taking the lead. The advisors explain that their private company clients tend not to have investors, and many businesses are not public-facing. 
Did you know that the supply chain is the business function most exposed to ESG risk? 
We talk about how difficult it is to have visibility beyond a company's direct suppliers. And we agree that: as long as there is a connection between businesses and their supply chain, there is a responsibility, and therefore, risk. 
At this point, the information is interesting, but the advisors are not sensing any imminent concern or required action. Then comes question three.
What would be the impact of your client losing its biggest customer because they were not sufficiently socially minded?
The light bulb goes off. This risk is material. 

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Policy vs. message
For businesses struggling to communicate their return-to-work strategies, I remind them that a policy is not the same as a message. Messages translate the most important elements of a policy and deliver the information through the mediums employees use in digestible and memorable ways. I stress the importance of appealing to hearts and minds and making sure their message is part of a larger communications plan.

as part of a transaction
It was an honour speaking at the GTA Accountants & Finance Network as part of its two-day course on M&A and Finance. My session examined the role communications professionals can play as part of the transaction process. First, we explored preparing for sale by building awareness and enhancing reputation. Then, we skipped to the point when the deal is ready to be announced and how to manage this strategically. 

Wendolyn Reputation Management