November 2019
Your news & updates from
Animal Care Sanctuary

As we enter the months of November and December, the winter weather can be a challenge in completing exterior portions of a construction project. November and December can be mild without any extreme weather events, or we can experience rain and snow events, which can interrupt the normal process of completing exterior facade finishes.
The good news is the building envelope is complete enough where the interior partitions can continue without a concern for the changeable weather.
Currently the general contractor is finishing up interior block masonry work and interior stud partitions in the Veterinary Clinic.

  The electrical contractor is busy running electrical wiring throughout the building and setting up the new electrical service.

Ductwork for heating and cooling will be installed soon with the equipment to follow.
Exterior finish will continue as weather allows and if weather becomes severe, some exterior work may be postponed until Spring.

We are meeting with many of you in regard to helping with our capital campaign to raise the funds needed to complete the project.

If you are interested in any naming opportunities please let us know. We want all of you to be included in this long awaited new kennel and clinic to help save more lives! For more information: Clinic and Kennel Updates
Click on the above picture to see a short video of our progress and a sneak peek inside!

As of October 31, 2019:

Adoptions: 827

Spay/Neuter Surgeries: 2,513

Wellness Exams: 2,283

Total Clinic Appointments: 4,796

Make a Disaster Plan for your Pets
Disasters happen and often, there is no time to adequately prepare. Please begin exploring all your options before you have a reason to leave your home with your cat and dog to ensure the best outcome possible. Here are a few helpful tips.

  • ID your Pet: You’ll increase your chances of being reunited with your cat or dog by having both a tag on them and microchip in them. Remember, the average person who finds your pet cannot read a microchip, but they will be able to read a basic tag. Put your cell phone number on your pet’s tag. It may be a good idea to include the phone number of a friend or relative outside of your immediate area in case you would have to evacuate.

  • Assemble an emergency kit for all of your pets: Have packed and ready a waterproof kit: Pet food, water, medications, crate, first aid supplies and copies of vaccines.

  • If it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe for your pet: In the case of evacuation, you have no way of knowing how long you’ll be kept out of the area and you may not be able, or allowed, to go back for your pets. Pets left behind in a disaster can easily be injured, lost, or killed. Remember to make plans for all your pets.

  • If you stay home, do it safely: If your family and pets must wait out a storm or other disaster at home, identify a safe area of your home where you can all stay together.
  • Find a safe place to stay ahead of time: Contact hotels and motels outside of your immediate area. Find out if they accept pets. Ask about any restrictions on number, size, and species. Ask if a “no pet’ policy would be waived in the case of an emergency. Keep a list of animal-friendly places handy and call ahead for reservations as soon as you think you might have to leave your home.

  • Plan for your pet in case you're not home: In case you're away during a disaster or evacuation order, make arrangements well in advance for someone you trust to take your pets and meet you at a specified location. Be sure the person is comfortable with your pets and your pets are familiar with them. Give your emergency caretaker a key to your home and show them where your pets are likely to be (especially if they hide when they're nervous) and where your disaster supplies are kept. If you have a pet-sitter, they may be able to help. Discuss the possibility well in advance.

Credit: American Red Cross

We joined former U.S. Women's SOCCER player Heather Mitts, Lt. Governor John Fetterman, lawmakers and advocates in Harrisburg to show our support of #VictoriasLaw - we need to KICK puppy mills out of Pennsylvania!


Giving Tuesday, December 3

For Giving Tuesday, we are asking for donations towards our Spay It Forward Program – which provides an opportunity for community members to sponsor the financial costs of spay/neuter and vaccinations of another animal. Watch this short video to learn more about Spay It Forward!
We received Boo and Roz from another shelter - They were transferred because they tested positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), which this other shelter wasn’t equipped to handle. To our surprise, upon their intake exam, they tested positive for Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), not FIV! 
So what exactly is FeLV, anyway? FeLV stands for Feline Leukemia Virus; it isn't a form of cancer but an exclusively feline virus that attacks and weakens the immune system. Cats with FeLV can live normal, happy, healthy lives—they just have a shorter life expectancy.
FeLV is contagious, but only to other cats which is why it is recommended that they live indoors. They can totally cohabitate with other cats, but those cats should be vaccinated as it is spread from cat to cat via saliva, urine, blood and from mother cat to kittens. 

Historically, cats with this disease have been euthanized as soon as they are diagnosed - this is due to the most recent developmental research and the slow spread of information, as well as a lack of proper holding space for the animals.
ACS has taken a different stance – allowing FeLV cats to live out the time they have left, hopefully in a loving home. Our surprise FeLV kitties caused us to expedite finishing our " Felvie Room" and all that goes with it!
In addition, we have formed a partnership with shelters in the area so if they have a FeLV cat they can bring it to ACS (if we have the space). Since Boo and Roz arrived, two more FeLV kitties, Celia and Sully have joined them!

Boo and Roz don't let their FeLV keep them down! They're incredibly playful, jingly bells are their favorite toy and they love to meow at people for some attention. They're very curious and are always peeking over their windows to see what's going on. They love other cats and could potentially be friends with dogs.

 Click HERE to complete an adoption application for Boo and Roz. They are available with a waived adoption fee!

If you want to learn more about FeLV please feel free to contact us at 570-596-2200 or e-mail us at:

For our second installment of the Volunteer Spotlight , we want to highlight another incredible member of the ACS team – Marcia Rook!

Marcia decided, after 41 years of bedside nursing, that volunteering with ACS was top on her “retirement to-do list,” and has been at it for nearly a year.

Marcia is here at least one day a week, and helps immensely with laundry (a never-ending chore) and visiting our cats and kittens. She has also helped in the office, painted, done some gardening, and has recently started helping with our events! According to her, “There is something for everyone!”
Interested in becoming a volunteer with Animal Care Sanctuary? Click here to learn more!
In her own words: “Helping with the care of the shelter pets here is such a worthy cause and it makes me appreciate my own six contented kitties all the more. The staff is appreciative and friendly and always willing to answer questions. ACS is a good place to volunteer!”
Some dogs and cats don't do well in the shelter environment. Having a foster program, gives them alternative housing, to help improve their emotional and physicals well-being, to get them ready to find their forever homes. Since March of this year we have had over 120 animals in our foster program!

If you are interested in becoming a foster for ACS, click HERE!

CLICK HERE to view one of our foster success stories!

Generosity knows no season, but the end of year typically is the time many people look for ways of combining their desire to help the causes they believe in with their desire to save on taxes .

For the charitably inclined, there are strategic ways of giving, that can accomplish both goals.

Be sure to contact your attorney or financial advisor to find the giving option that will help you reach your giving and financial goals.

For more information on contributing to Animal Care Sanctuary, please reach out to Ann Lewis:
In October we hosted a Fall Festival at our Wellsboro location with food, drinks, crafts, and “Fall Photos with your Pooch." We also attended the Rally for Serenity in Elkland, PA to help raise awareness for mental health and drug addiction. 
 It was a busy month for cat and dog adoptions - in fact we have adopted over 150 dogs and cats in Wellsboro so far this year!

Sadie here, spent several months with us in the shelter. She is a spunky 8 year old but seemed to not get noticed as much as the other dogs due to her age. We are happy to say, Sadie is now living in her forever home where she is the highlight of the community!