What a busy summer it is going to be for veterinary educators! There are so many meetings this summer for veterinary educators that you are going to be spoiled for choice…we wanted to list some of them here so that everyone can find something to expand their teaching skills.
March 6-8 at the Hyatt Regency in Washington, D.C.
CIVME will be holding a grant application workshop to help AAVMC members transform an idea into a fully developed project that may be suitable for funding CIVME grants available for up to $10,000 in funding over a 24-month period of time with proposals being evaluated based on relevance, impact, fit with CIVME goals, feasibility, and risk analysis. Want to learn more about veterinary education research? This workshop is for you!
INVEST (Grenada) 2020
St. George’s University in Grenada, West Indies will be hosting the
INVEST (International Veterinary Simulation in Teaching) conference from May 1-3, 2020. The theme is “Taking technology and educational simulation into the next decennium.” The conference will feature keynote speakers, short presentations, workshops, poster presentations, and opportunities for networking and establishing future collaborations.
Veterinary Educator’s Collaborative (VEC) 2020
The summer meeting hosted by AAVMC for all its member institutions and international colleagues is going to be held at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas from June 21 – 23. This year’s theme is “
It Takes a Village.”
Veterinary School Council’s VetEd (UK) 2020
This comprehensive veterinary education
meeting will be held at the University of Surrey School of Veterinary Medicine in Guilford, Surrey from July 8-10th. The theme this year is partnership. In recent years, VetEd has grown to be an international meeting that emphasizes sharing of ideas and connections between colleagues.
ICBME (International Competency-Based Medical Education) Collaborators World Summit 2020
This pre-conference activity to AMEE 2020 will be held September 4-5, 2020 in Glasgow, Scotland. It will provide an opportunity for health professionals working at all levels of CBME implementation to share information and innovations from around the world.
The 3rd international summit will offer networking opportunities, four plenary sessions, eight sessions with multiple learning tracks including poster presentations. The conference theme is “From Theory to Practice: Making CBME Real.”
Click here to learn more about International Competency-Based Medical Education Collaborators. To access AAVMC’s Competency-Based Veterinary Education resources please
click here.
AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) 2020
This key
meeting for all involved in medical and healthcare professions education including teachers, educationists, researchers, administrators and students will take place in Glasgow, Scotland from September 4-9, 2020. New features this year will include virtual and augmented reality, as well as a holographic demonstration. It is expected more than 3000 delegates will attend.
And Don’t Forget the JVME!
Finally, we just want to put in a plug for the AAVMC’s own
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education (JVME). If you can’t make it to any of these fine educators’ conferences this summer, then please take advantage of reading the latest wherever you are! Or even better, consider contributing your own fine work!