The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region
January 29, 2021 - 16 Shevat 5781
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In this Issue
  • From the Region President
  • A Friendly Reminder from WLCJ
  • In Our Region
  • From Women's League
  • Upcoming On-Line Programs from WLCJ and Other Arms of Conservative/Masorti Judaism
From the Region President
This week we celebrated the holiday of Tu B’Shevat. I recall that since I was young, I had difficulty understanding this very simple holiday. The birthday of the trees? But here I sit in Syracuse, New York - however many feet deep in snow! And true to form, although winter started slow this year, the snow did come throughout our region. So, instead of planting trees, we celebrate Tu B’Shevat with Seders and it stirs hope that spring is approaching.
What is definitely approaching is Masorti Women’s Days of Study. There are three separate dates you can register for: February 9 and 23 and March 2. If you donated $36 or more to Masorti Days of Study on Giving Tuesday, your registration fee is covered. The topics look very interesting. You can find more information in your WL Week email or by clicking here.
Also fast approaching is our next region program. On February 23rd, we will host author Elizabeth Bettina who wrote It Happened in Italy. The flyer is below. Be sure to email Adele Weinstein at and make your reservation soon!
And of course, don’t forget to save the date for our Virtual Spring Conference. The Conference Committee is hard at work to bring you a day packed with interesting programs and events! April 25 will be here before you know it so save the date. And by then – maybe we will be planting trees.
I wish, above all else, good health for you and your loved ones, a Chag Tu B’Shevat Sameach, and of course, a peaceful and meaningful Shabbat.
Joan Lowenstein
In Our Region
From Women's League
By Wendy J. Glasser, North by Northwest Region President

We tend to look at Exodus through the lens of the plagues, the wanderings, and through the story of God punishing Pharaoh and then hardening his heart so he can punish him some more. But God didn’t just punish Pharaoh, he punished all the Egyptians, most of whom were serfs to Pharaoh, and probably not much better off than the Israelites.

In Exodus chapter 8.1 the Torah says there arose a King who did not know Joseph. The Haggadah adds, “who acted like he did not know Joseph.” Joseph brought Pharaoh great wealth. In exchange for grain the Egyptians gave the Pharaoh all their money, then their land, and then themselves. It wasn’t Joseph that Pharaoh forgot; it was gratitude and kindness. We hear very little about the Egyptian people’s reactions to anything. Pharaoh certainly didn’t care about their suffering.

Have we also forgotten gratitude and kindness? How often do we really stop to appreciate the cashier at the market, the Doordash driver, or the engineers who created Zoom? When we say thank you, do we really think about the effort behind what they have done? Could you imagine living this past year without delivery services, Zoom, and Facetime?
This past December I attended “Illumination,” a Chanukkah event bringing together members of Synagogues from across the United States, coordinated by Kol Emeth in Palo Alto. One speaker was A.J. Abrams who wrote the book “Thanks a Thousand.” He decided to thank everyone involved in enabling him to have his morning cup of coffee. He started by thanking the Barista at his coffee shop. He ended up traveling all over the world to thank everyone involved in him getting his cup of coffee.

While I am not advocating everyone go around the world to thank the people who created something they use all the time, imagine if you could. Who would you thank? Why not start with the people close to you? I cannot think of a single story in Exodus where anyone thanked Moses. Every time they run into an obstacle they are complaining. Maybe that’s why we have a blessing to thank God for every little thing now, to remind us to be mindful and grateful for all we have and each other.

So why not start with family? My husband and I are married 47 years and we still thank each other for doing little things to help. Why not make a point of thanking someone for something they did that made a difference for you?

Let me start: Thank you to my mother, Avis Joseph Z’l, for telling me to join Sisterhood. Thank you, Debbi Kaner Goldich and our International Women’s League Board, for all you do for us. Thank you to the women who went before us led the way for us; because of your efforts, I have found friends all over North America. Thank you to my NXNW Region board for all your support. Thank you to our Sisterhoods, you strengthen us and your Synagogues. Thank you to our all membership for your support of Women’s League and Thank you to our Torah Fund supporters for all you do for our Seminaries and our Students.

Your Turn!

Wendy J. Glasser
North by Northwest Region President
Programming Idea of the Week
Visit the Kotel Without Leaving Home!
“The Kotel: A Case Study for Jewish Pluralism in Israel, a Conversation with Devora Greenberg and Tammy Gottlieb.”

Devora Greenberg is the Director of the Education and Activism Department of the Jewish Pluralism Watch and Director of the Masorti's Rav Siach Program and Tammy Gottlieb is Vice Chair of Women of the Wall. These amazing women will take you on a tour and share their inspiring stories of how they came to be female activists fighting for Jewish Pluralism at the Kotel.
This program is currently being offered by Forest Hills Jewish Center Sisterhood, Queens, NY on Sunday, March 14, 2021, at 10:30 AM EST via Zoom. All are welcome!
For more information, please email
Alternatively, you can contact Devora at and Tammy at to design your own program
Submitted by
Debra Weil, FHJC Sisterhood President
Doria Kalt, FHJC Programming VP
Rae Theise Kerzner, FHJC Treasurer
Submitted by Grace Schessler
WLCJ VP, Programming Team
Social Justice Blurb of the Week
We’ve been talking about the growing epidemic of food insecurity for several months. We’ve acknowledged the need, now we’re excited to announce the solution! No, we don’t expect WLCJ to end hunger in America, but we can be proactive in working toward a resolution.
We are excited to announce our new Social Action initiative: Project Stock The Shelves
How can you help? While the plan for each sisterhood will vary, the object is to connect with your local food pantry to find out what their greatest need is. The Social Action will publish a recommended monthly selection if your pantry doesn’t have a specific request.
The project is simple:
1.   Select a collection spot; a box in the synagogue lobby if you have access or a designated member’s home.
2.   Encourage members to consider purchasing the monthly recommendation during their regular shopping trip and drop it off in the collection box.
3.   Deliver collected items monthly to the selected pantry in the name of WLCJ and your sisterhood.
That’s it! Simple enough yet will result in a huge impact.
Many sisterhoods are already working on a similar project, which is great! If so, you are a step ahead. Continue what you’ve been doing and let us know about it. We will highlight your story in Women’s League Week.
To help plan ahead, and in case you see the item on sale, the recommendations for the next several months are:
January – Cereal and shelf stable milk
February – Peanut Butter and jelly
March – Soup and crackers
April – Pasta and pasta sauce
May – Tuna and macaroni and cheese
June – Canned fruit and protein bars
Consider using local brands. Be aware of “sell by" dates. While they may not be harmful, food pantries are not able to distribute “expired” products. Unless you are supplying a kosher pantry, there’s no need to check the Heckscher. Gift cards and cash donations are always welcomed. Diapers and feminine hygiene products are needed too. These items cannot be purchased with food stamps.
Thank you in advance for your generosity, we look forward to taking on this initiative together and making a true difference in our communities!
Debbie Bettan
Social Justice
Project Chair
Karen Block
Social Justice
Ardis Wexler
Social Justice
Makom B'Yachad
Monday-Friday 12PM Noon ET; 11AM CT; 9AM PT; 10AM MT

Join Zoom Meeting:   
Meeting ID: 630 830 287          
Password: 875936                      
Dial by your location: 
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York); 
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose); 
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
*On Tues. Feb 9, Tues. Feb 23, and Tues. March 2 - because of the Masorti Women's Day of Study, our Makom B'Yachad will be at 11 AM EST
*On Mon. Feb 15 we will not hold our Makom B'Yachad. We will have the Zoom line open for all who want to connect in observance of President's Day.
Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, Pirkei Avot, and Kaddish?
All are welcome. We have many available spots to fill.
Click here to SIGN U
Parashat Beshalach Shabbat, January 30, 2021
Singing while others are drowning...

In Parashat Beshalach, we read the Song of the Sea, Shirat HaYam, which is part of our daily Pesukei D’Zimra, morning preliminary prayer service. In Shirat HaYam, we sing praise to God, as the Egyptians drowned in the Sea of Reeds. God is described as an ish milchama, a man of war. Is it appropriate to celebrate and sing, while others were drowning? Do you ever find it difficult to recite this prayer which describes our God, who is supposed to be a loving God, as an ish milchama, a man of war?
WL Programs in February 2021
How to Live Forever: Sharing Your Story with Future Generations
Mon., February 8th @ 7:30 PM EST
Jews in Comedy, Part II
Monday, February 22nd
@ 3:00 PM EST
Repro Shabbat
Friday, February 12th & Saturday, February 13th
co-sponsored by WLCJ
Repro Shabbat is an opportunity for congregations, organizations, and communities to celebrate the critical importance of reproductive health access, reproductive rights, and reproductive justice, and to learn more about Judaism’s approach to these issues.
For more details and to RSVP, click here.

For the booklet version, click here. For additional information, click here.
Stay Connected with WLCJ Groups
WLCJ American Mothers of Olim GoogleGroup
WLCJ has googlegroups that benefit many of our communities. There is a group for sisterhood presidents, for Judaica shop chairs, and Women's League Reads. 
A lesser known group is for American Mothers of Olim (Children who have made aliyah to Israel). With more people staying in place and travel being put on hold, there has been renewed interest in this group. Women's League members are invited to participate.
Interested? Contact Ellie Kremer,
Israel Committee Chair
Join the WLCJNet 

WLCJNet is the Sisterhood without Walls. This is a site where each member of Women’s League can share ideas, exchange opinions, and get suggestions. We share stimulating ideas for programs, fundraising ideas, and ways to grow our membership. We may need some suggestions for holiday recipes or places where we or family members can stay while traveling. We share information we learn in our Jewish community. We grow together and learn from each other. The WLCJNet is open every day except Shabbat and Jewish holidays. We welcome new members. 
To join the WLCJNet, please send an email to Sherry Lynn Rubin at
Please send your name, name of sisterhood, location of sisterhood, and email address, and you will be added to the WLCJNet.
Posting the WL Week on any Social Media?
We would like to advise our WL members to refrain from posting exact Zoom links for our events on Social Media. It takes great care and hard work to provide these amazing programs specifically for our members. If you know of anyone who is not a member but would like to join a program, please refer them to join WLCJ, and take advantage of all we have to offer!
Upcoming Region Events
North Atlantic Region

Together in Harmony: A Celebration of the Resiliency of the Human Spirit
Monday, February 1st
@ 7:30 PM EST
Featuring: Rabbi Dr. Bradley Shavit Artson, Elana Artson, Jacob Artson, Neshama Carlebach, and
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
BQLI Region

Free Program & Open to All! 
Women's Heart Health
featuring renowned cardiologist
Dr. Stacey Rosen
Thursday, February 4th
@ 7:00 PM EST
To view the flyer, click HERE.
Beth Shalom
Atlanta Mah Jongg Madness
goes "Virtual"
Play at rotating tables using tournament scoring to win Amazon gift cards for one of 4 top prizes!
Sunday, February 14th
@ 11:00 AM EST
Cost is $20 to Register
To view the flyer, click HERE.
Central Great Lakes Region

Preserving YOUR Past as a Keepsake for YOUR Future
Sunday, February 21st
@ 1:00 PM EST
To view the flyer, click HERE.
Mid-Atlantic Region
Free Program & Open to All!
8th Annual Open a Book...

Open Your Mind for 2020-21.
NOW until April 2020
To view flyer, click HERE.

Tell us about YOUR Sisterhood 
event coming up!
Masorti Women's Study Days
February / March 2021
Separate registration is required for each of the three programs. As a reminder, all those who donated $36 or more to the Women's League Giving Tuesday campaign can register free-of-cost; additional donations are always welcomed.
Any trouble registering, contact
Ellie Kremer, Women's League Israel Chair, at
Torah Fund Study Day
Sunday, January 31 @ 10 AM PST/1 PM EST
We, Pacific Southwest Region of Women's League for Conservative Judaism, hope that you will attend this global event. Our theme is "B'Yachad, Together, Throughout the World." We are having representatives from all five of the Seminaries that Torah Fund supports. Not only will they represent their seminaries but also their regions in the world, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Israel. 
This will be a very special program. Please publicize our event to anyone that you feel will enjoy this program, including students of your Seminaries, Sisterhood, and Synagogue members as well as members of the Jewish community.
The only requirement is that they register for the event. Click here to see the event's flyer.
Please RSVP by January 25, 2021, to receive Zoom Information.  
Zoom information will only be sent to those registered for the event.
There is no charge for this program. However, we are asking attendees to please make a voluntary donation to Torah Fund instead. A donation of any amount will be appreciated.
Please make a voluntary donation to Torah Fund in honor of our participants.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Roberta Spaccia
PSW Torah Fund Vice President
We are excited that four institutions of the Conservative/Masorti Movement -- the Rabbinical Assembly, USCJ, The Jewish Theological Seminary, and the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies -- have created a joint initiative to offer high quality adult education opportunities to all those interested in participating.
ScholarStream is an exciting series that will give individuals and communities the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading scholars and engage deeply with our texts and traditions.
For more information on the ScholarStream, please click here to 
Three-Part Mini-Series: "Touching and Not Touching" Teachings and Practices for Approaching Spiritual Experience
Join Rabbi Ami Silver and Rabbi Zac Kamenetz on a journey into the history of psychedelic therapy. Jewish spiritual practice, direct Divine encounter, and the transformative potential of these healing modalities.
Date: Mondays, February 8-22, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST / 6:00 PM CET / 7:00 PM Israel
  • Opening Lecture Only: $10
  • Mini-Series Only: $36
  • Combined Opening Lecture + Mini-Series: $40
Post Holocaust Odyssey, Jewish Journeys, Stanley Kubrick Cinema + more!
For more information on B'Yachad Together spirited by AJU, please click here to REGISTER or READ MORE.
Don't Miss February's Offerings
For more information on the Whizin Center for Continuing Education, please click here to REGISTER or READ MORE.

Women in the Talmud; A Summer of Torah Study; Jewish Life in Medieval Cairo; and More
For more information on JTS news and events, please click here to
Become a Member/Renew
Your Membership to Mercaz
The new membership year begins July 1, 2020. There are two ways you can become a supporter of Mercaz:

WL Calendar Diaries

To purchase your
WLCJ Calendar Diary
please click on the link below or
to download the order form,
email Razel Kessler
Continue the love

We're continuing to collect fleece blankets and t-shirt shopping bags for The ARK as our Social Action Project for Convention 2020.

If you have any questions or have already completed fleece blankets and/or t-shirt shopping bags, please contact Edna Schrank or 847-651-2231.

UPDATE: My last delivery to The ARK, on December 1, 2020, of our fleece blankets and t-shirt shopping bags was a special moment. In total WLCJ members and families created 122 fleece blankets, 216 t-shirt shopping bags, and donated 58 reusable premade bags...

Women's League for Conservative Judaism