
As the recently released  Emissions Gap Report  shows the time for climate procrastination is over. The world will miss the opportunity to limit temperatures to 1.5°C degrees if we don’t reduce emissions by 7.6% each year until 2030. Halting deforestation and scaling up reforestation are key nature-based solutions to respond to the challenge.

And forest action is gaining momentum. Last month the Green Climate Fund (GCF), at its 24 th  Board meeting, has approved REDD+ emission reductions in Paraguay for a value of USD 72.5 million. This is the fourth results-based payment by the GCF this year, which demonstrates that investments by governments into halting deforestation through REDD+ are increasingly paying off.
To support forest action the IPCC released an update to its methodology to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and removals. This will help governments to strengthen their GHG inventory-related methodologies and practices. And in order to also ensure benefits beyond carbon a series of articles features lessons learned from Argentina, Cote d’Ivoire and Vietnam.
The UNFCCC COP25 in Madrid provides another crucial moment to further strengthen the action agenda on nature and forest-based solutions, and to agree on the guidelines for the implementation of article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

You are cordially invited to join us in Madrid for the UN System side event on SDG 15

Nature-Based Solutions on the ground: 
UN support to people and landscapes
9 December, 18:30 – 20:00, Room 1, IFEMA

Season’s greetings!