Meetings and Events
Sir Andrew Macphail Homestead Fundraiser
The historical homestead is having a silent auction as a fundraiser. One of items in the auction is a two-hour luncheon for two people with the PEI Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Alan McIsaac. Minister McIsaac has been a supporter of the Homestead. The luncheon is be at one of Charlottetown’s best restaurants – Sims Corner Steakhouse. The restaurant certificate is valued at $100.
Please join PEI COPC for the "Tips and Tools to Grow KICKA#S Veggies Workshop"
December 11th at the PEI Farm Center.
This event will feature a number of soil savvy farmers and researchers talking about how to grow vegetables organically.
Employer of the Year, Employee of the Year, and the PEI Minister of Agriculture’s Dedication to Agriculture Award.
Employers and Employees should keep in mind that there are three awards to recognize well deserving farm employers and employees -
Employer of the Year, Employee of the Year, and the PEI Minister of Agriculture’s Dedication to Agriculture Award. Applications are available on line and can be mailed or faxed to the PEI Agriculture Sector Council, deadline is December 31st, 2017. The successful recipient will receive a keeper plaque, a prize, and 2 tickets to the PEI Federation of Agriculture Banquet where they will receive their award.
For more information, visit the PEIAGSC website at This is a great way to recognize an employee or an employer for their hard work and dedication to a farm enterprise.
The following is a description of each award:
2017 PEI Department of Agriculture and Forestry Minister’s Dedication to Agriculture Award - The ideal candidate for this award is an agricultural employee that through long serving, dedication, devotion, involvement, and thoughtfulness has contributed to the success and long-term profitability of the agriculture enterprise. The candidate will have long-term service in the agricultural industry.
Deadline for nominations is December 31st, 2017.
2017 PEI Agriculture Employee of the Year Award - Agricultural employers are encouraged to nominate employees for the 2016 PEI Agriculture Employee of the Year Award. The ideal candidate for this award makes an invaluable contribution to any farm operation. The candidate will have demonstrated a strong work ethic and shown dedication and commitment to the agricultural industry. The award is sponsored by Kool Breeze Farms.
Deadline for Nominations is December 31, 2017
2017 PEI Agriculture Employer of the Year Award - Do you have an agricultural employer who demonstrates a tremendous level of dedication and support to their employees? Why not nominate your employer for the 2016 PEI Agriculture Employer of the Year Award. The ideal candidate for this award is an agricultural employer that goes above and beyond to ensure that their employees have a positive work experience. The award is sponsored by T&K Fire & Safety Ltd.
The deadline for nominations is December 31, 2017.
Pesticide Applicator Continuing Education Course (CEC)
The Continuing Education Courses will enable a holder of a Pesticide Class A Applicator Certificate to renew their certification without writing the Class A exam.
Certification is required every 5 years.
These courses are for RENEWING the Class A Certificate only.
For more information or to register click
WI Island Product Cooking Contest for Students
The fourth cash prize cooking contest targeting Intermediate and High School students is officially launched and deadline to submit entries is December 15, 2017.
Students in grades 7 through 12 are invited to send in recipes which contain three agriculture or fishery based ingredients.
Categories include: Appetizer, Soup, Main dish, and Sweets. Entries can choose one or more categories.
Cash prizes are $250, $100 and $50 will be awarded in each of the sections.
Top entries in those categories will be selected to prepare in advance appetizer size portions of their recipe in a cook off slated for February 13, 2018 to a group of select judges as part of WI’s Founder’s Day Week at the Farm Centre in Charlottetown.
The contest has been organized by the Prince Edward Island Women’s Institute and sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Deadline to enter is December 15. Entry and recipe forms are available at the WI office at 40 Enman Crescent or online at
PEI young farmers Annual AGM - Celebrating 70 years of PEI young farmers
January 20, 2018 – Speakers for this year include Lance Stockbrugger and Don Schuefelbien
Maritime Young Farmer Summit Ignite hosted by FCC
Feb. 9-10 Truro NS.- if your interested book your hotel early.
Lead Atlantic – Dalhousie University
EVOLUTIONARY LEADERSHIP TRAINING for Agriculture and Aquaculture
LEADAtlantic is an evolutionary leadership program for agriculture and aquaculture committed to creating an environment where participants can collaboratively grow and develop competencies to lead more profitable and innovative industries.
PEI Farm Technician Apprenticeship Program
Island farm employees now have the opportunity to enhance their skills and obtain Blue Seal certification through the PEI Farm Technician Apprenticeship Program.
This program provides farm employees a great opportunity to gain important skills and gain trade experience to use in the Agriculture industry they are working in.
The program is subsidized 100%, if EI eligible, by Skills PEI through the Labour Market Development Fund.
To be eligible to enter the Apprenticeship program, a person must:
Be at least 16 years of age
Grade 12 or equivalent (or be willing to complete during the program)
Be working on a farm with an employer willing to mentor
Have at least 1000 hours work in the agriculture industry
P.E.I Farm Technician Apprenticeship 2018 Training Block will be held Monday, January 8 - Friday, February 9, 2018 at the Farm Centre, 420 University Avenue, Charlottetown P.E.I.
To register contact PEIAGSC at 902-892-1091 by October 25th.
Developed in consultation with the PEI Agricultural Trade Advisory Committee, this one-of-a-kind, free two-year registered apprenticeship program combines classroom learning with on-farm experience, earning students a Certificate of Qualification in Farm Technician by the PEI Department of Innovation and Advanced Learning.
Apprentices work throughout the year gaining skills on-farm with a farm mentor in addition to participating in five weeks of in-class training delivered by Extended Learning, Dalhousie Faculty of Agriculture, on PEI.
This unique program was developed to address the demand for a skilled, sustainable, agricultural workforce on P.E.I.
Those interested in starting the journey to become a Blue Seal Certified Farm Technician must first register with P.E.I. Agriculture Sector Council at 902- 892-1091 or email:
3A Airbrakes Test Facilitation
From field to road…do you have employees that drive your trucks, but don’t have their licenses?
We are looking for experienced drivers that would like to obtain their Airbrakes and Class 3A license.
The PEI Agriculture Sector Council will be facilitating these two courses through JVI and Access.
This project will be processed through the Canada Job Grant and Skills PEI.
Draft Schedule:
Day 1- Airbrake theory
Day 2- Review of Airbrakes and Airbrake test (written on site), Preform a pre-use inspection
Day 3- Driving and Testing for Class 3A (time scheduled test on site)
Day 4- Driving and Testing for Class 3A (time scheduled test on site)
Requirements- must have valid truck driving experience, but not licensed & Medical completed and returned
Lunch will be provided
For more details on registration requirements, contact Laurie at 892-1091.
Registration is now open, limited seating available. To sign up, contact the PEI Agriculture Sector Council at 892-1091 or e-mail