Meetings and Events
W.A. Grain Producer Information Discussion
It is never too early to start talking about future planting. W.A. Grain & Pulse Solutions is hosting a Producer Information Discussion in December for past, current, and new Producers. You do not have to be a producer to attend. We encourage all interested Agriculture Industry professionals to join us for this information session:
Loyalist Country Inn - EMPIRE II ROOM
195 Heather Moyse Dr, Summerside, PE
C1N 5R1 (902) 436-3333
: December 12, 2018
: 9:45AM – Noon
W.A. Grain & Pulse Solutions CEO Chris Chivilo will be on hand to introduce himself and our team, if you have not already met us. We will have a brief presentation and leave lots of time for discussion on a number of topics including:
- Challenges this year, weather etc...
- Market info.
- Crops and targets for 2019.
- New de-hulling line.
- Seed Program.
And anything else that you would like to discuss, understand, or ask about. We encourage lots of questions, as we have found that this kind of interaction yields the best results for all involved. We would appreciate you letting us know that you will be attending by contacting Josette Maillet at 902-724-2170 or so we can prepare accordingly.
How To Cook The Perfect Christmas Turkey and Not Pull a Griswold
This Sunday, December 16th from 2-4 pm at the PEI Farm Centre, PEI Certified Organic Producers Cooperative (COPC) in collaboration with whole animal butcher, Brad Doiron, offers a "How to Cook The Perfect Christmas Turkey" workshop.
For those big projects sometimes it can be nice to have your hand held... In our last workshop of 2018, Brad will demonstrate how to cook the perfect turkey. Depending on your experience level, you can consider this workshop an introductory lesson are a refresher on spatchcocking your Christmas turkey. Whether it's your first time or you are a seasoned turkey cooker, Brad will guide you through tips and tricks to cooking your Christmas turkey with confidence.
The turkey for this workshop is provided by Humble Farm and fed with 100% certified organic feed :) There will be sampling of the final product - so bring your appetite!
Registration is required and workshop fee is $30.
No refunds available for missed workshops, however, your seat is transferable.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency offering webinars
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is offering webinars on the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) for food businesses. The 90-minute webinars will provide an overview of the key elements of the
My CFIA, timelines for coming into force and information on the ongoing CFIA activities to prepare for the implementation of the regulations. They will also include a question-and-answer session.
A session will be conducted from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. (EST) on December 18, 2018 which will be reserved for small businesses. Please share this information with your small business networks.
The sessions will be conducted in English, with simultaneous French interpretation. Space is limited so interested parties should register early.
Businesses are encouraged to sign up for one webinar only. Space is limited so please register early.
December 18, 2018
12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. (EST)
Register to participate in English:
Register to participate in French:
December 20, 2018
12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. (EST)
Register to participate in English:
Register to participate in French:
For those unable to participate, we will be recording the webinar and posting it to the SFCR section of the CFIA's website in early January 2019.
Screening of film “Before the Plate” for Canadian Agriculture Day
When: February 12
th from 7pm – 9pm
Where: Duffy Science Centre at the University of Prince Edward Island
FREE event!
Let's celebrate Canadian food and agriculture by watching a Canadian film tracing one plate of food from an Ontario restaurant back to eight farms the ingredients originated from.
Attention: Class A Pesticide Applicator Certificate Holders
There are three ways to renew your Class A Pesticide Applicator Certificate:
Option 1 - Continuing Education Credits
Option 2 - One-day Training Course & write the Exam Immediately Following
Option 3 - One-day Training Course & Make Appointment to Write the Exam at Another Time
February 19-20: 2019 PEI Potato Conference & Banquet
Red Shores Racetrack & Casino, Charlottetown
The PEI Department of Agriculture & Fisheries and the PEI Potato Board are excited to team up on a two day event featuring a conference, tradeshow and industry banquet (banquet to be held at the Delta PEI).
More details to come - Mark your calendars!
AgriStability Program
AgriStability late participation for PEI producers
If your farm experienced large yield losses because of the severe cold snap in June 2018, AgriStability can help. Although the 2018 enrolment deadline has passed you can still participate in AgriStability as a late participant.