PEIFA Today | Thursday, December 13, 2018
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Thursday – December 13, 2018

***Save the Date***
PEI Federation of Agriculture 78th Annual General Meeting - Friday January 25, 2019 - More details to come....

PEIFA Call for Resolutions
PEIFA members are encouraged to submit suggestions for resolutions for the Annual General Meeting.
Suggestions should be sent to Jennifer Murphy and she will forward them to the PEIFA Resolutions Committee at the PEIFA office or by e-mail to
The Resolutions Committee is Chaired by David Mol, and Robert Godfrey is an ex-officio member.
The Federation staff will translate your recommendation into proper resolution format and forward it to the resolutions committee. 
Call for Nominations for Gilbert R. Clements Award for Environmental Farm Planning

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in Prince Edward Island”
The PEI Department of Agriculture & Forestry is once again partnering with the PEI Enhanced Environmental Farm Plan Program to recognize producers or commodity groups committed to practicing and raising awareness of environmental farm planning and implementation. This award was established to recognize excellence in sustainable agriculture based on recommendation from the Round Table on Land Use and Stewardship. It is named in recognition of the Honorable Gilbert R. Clements’s commitment to the environment.
Each year this award is given to an enterprise that is environmentally and socially responsible in the production and/or marketing of agricultural products from a sustainable system. Island agricultural producers and commodity groups are eligible for nomination. Nominations should detail the nominee’s overall approach to environmental stewardship, community involvement and role in increasing public awareness about sustainable agricultural practices. 
Nomination forms are available on the PEI Federation of Agriculture website. Deadline for nominations is Friday, January 11, 2018 - Nominations should be submitted to:
JoAnn Pineau
PEI Enhanced Environmental Farm Plan Program
420 University Avenue, Suite 110,
Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7Z5
Fax: 902-368-7204    
***Advance Payments Program through the PEI Federation of Agriculture****
Any producer who has an outstanding 2018 advance must declare their post production inventory to show they have enough to support the advance dollars they were loaned at the applicable advance rates. Any producer who used Production Insurance to secure their advance can simply send in copies of their post production summary reports as their declaration. If you do not have enough inventory to support advance dollars issued you must repay within 45 days. All post production reports are due by January 31, 2019.
L ocal, Regional, Canadian News

Farm fined $15K in connection with P.E.I. fish kill
A P.E.I. farming operation has been fined $15,000 for its role in a fish kill,  a fraction of the amount recommended by the prosecutor. MORE
Quick discovery, response saves building in Brae from tractor fire
An outbuilding in Brae sustained some charred rafters after the tractor it housed caught fire Tuesday afternoon. MORE
Screening of film “Before the Plate” for Canadian Agriculture Day
When: February 12 th from 7pm – 9pm
Where: Duffy Science Centre at the University of Prince Edward Island
FREE event!
Let's celebrate Canadian food and agriculture by watching a Canadian film tracing one plate of food from an Ontario restaurant back to eight farms the ingredients originated from. 

Government of Canada helps improve swine health surveillance
Canada’s hog sector, which includes over 8000 hog farms, is a key driver of the Canadian economy, accounting for $4.5 billion in farm receipts and $4 billion in pork exports in 2017.  MORE
Ottawa and Quebec allocate $192,907 for animal health and welfare projects
The Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec have allocated financial assistance of up to $192,907 to two swine health and welfare projects.  MORE
Canadian maple syrup production plummets while honey output down 2.9 per cent
Statistics Canada says maple syrup and honey production this year fell to their lowest levels in three years. MORE
What is the value of an international farm worker?
The newest video of our campaign in celebration of international farm workers looks at the greater economic impact of the programs on our communities. MORE
Want to “buy” a Christmas tree and help Farmers Helping Farmers at the same time?
Come to the VanLeeuwen hobby farm, 19938 Highway 2, Hunter River. Across from Just Another Farm.
Colorado blue spruce and balsam fir are available of all shapes and sizes – we have live small ones in a pot near the road, or medium and large ones for cutting behind the house.
We have a saw or shovel and can cut or dig it for you (if the ground is not too frozen).
We do not deliver so bring out your trucks, vans, trailors or roof racks and ropes.
Afternoons of December 15 and 16 only.
All proceeds go to Farmers Helping Farmers
Governor in Council appointments - Vice-Chairperson for the Farm Products Council of Canada
On February 25, 2016, the Prime Minister announced a new process for Governor in Council appointments. This new process supports an open, transparent, and merit-based selection process focused on identifying high-quality candidates who demonstrate Canada’s diversity.
This process will be used to select the Vice-Chairperson for the Farm Products Council of Canada. To ensure that the Farm Products Council continues to effectively deliver on its mandate, we are looking for candidates who are primary producers with experience in maintaining effective relationships with multiple stakeholders with divergent views and balancing their interests. Experience as a member of an association, board or cooperative would be considered an asset.
We encourage you to inform those of interest in this opportunity and to invite interested candidates to apply for this position HERE.
The PEI Agriculture Sector Council is pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the following 2018 awards:
2018 PEI Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Minister’s Dedication to Agriculture Award.
This award recognizes an employee that through long serving dedication, devotion, involvement, and thoughtfulness has contributed to the success and long term profitability of your agriculture enterprise.
2018 PEI Agriculture Employee of the Year Award sponsored by Kool Breeze Farms
The ideal candidate for this award is an agriculture employee that makes an invaluable contribution to any farm operation. The candidate will have demonstrated a strong work ethic and shown dedication and commitment to the agriculture industry.
2018 PEI Agriculture Employer of the Year Award sponsored by T&K Fire and Safety Ltd.
The ideal candidate for this award is an agricultural employer that goes above and beyond to ensure that their employees have a positive work experience. The candidate will have demonstrated a tremendous level of support and dedication to employees working on their farm operation.
Please nominate a worthy candidate for these awards today. The deadline for nominations is December 31, 2018. The Awards will be presented at the PEI Federation of Agriculture’s Annual Meeting Dinner on January 25, 2019.
For further information or nomination forms, please contact the PEI Agriculture Sector Council at (902) 892-1091 or 1-866-892-1091 or at

Cattle hit six-week high on technical buying
U.S. live cattle futures rose sharply for the second straight session on Wednesday, reaching a six-week high, on technical buying and expectations that beef packers would pay higher prices for cattle this week, traders said. MORE
NCBA Hails Congressional Approval of 2018 Farm Bill
Senate and House lawmakers approved the 2018 Farm Bill, including important mandatory funding for animal disease prevention and preparedness efforts. US President Trump is reportedly expected to sign the legislation into law in the coming days. MORE
Meat corruption probe expands in Brazil  
Brazil’s meat packers are facing new corruption charges this week with police claiming more than $26 million US in bribes was paid to three senators and three representatives. MORE
New research funds will allow improved disease surveillance in Canada's pork sector
Pork producers were on hand yesterday (12 December) morning to welcome the announcement by the Government of Canada of a $1.6-million-dollar investment in the Canadian pork industry. MORE
US Congress passes 2018 Farm Bill
The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) praised Senate and House lawmakers for approving the 2018 Farm Bill, which includes important mandatory funding for animal disease prevention and preparedness efforts.  MORE
Jim Long Pork Commentary: hog weights continue to surprise
It appears that weekly US hog marketing's are tracking very similar to a year ago. This past week 2,558,000 last year same week 2,541,000 a 17,000 head difference. MORE
Atlantic Stockyards Market Report – December 6–  HERE
*Scroll down to find current report

Ontario Cattlemen's Association Market Report – Wednesday, December 12  HERE


Farm Credit Canada (FCC) is offering support to customers in Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick whose potato crops were impacted by an unusually wet, cold fall, causing a loss in revenue. MORE
Results somewhat down for major UK potato supplier
Despite a harvest boost, turnover and profits at Manor Fresh, the Lincolnshire-based supplier of potatoes to retail giant Marks & Spencer, have dropped. MORE
Argentina: First PVY resistant potato will go on sale next year
After 20 years of biotechnological research, the first potato that is resistant to the PVY virus will go on sale next year. MORE
Potatoes in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain
That the potato harvest this year in Europe was  well below average due to extreme weather conditions is well known by now.  MORE
When you think of China, do you think of potatoes? Maybe not, but in the Loess Plateau region of northwestern China, potato is the main food crop. MORE
In Algeria, the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries Abdelkader Bouazghi said Saturday, Dec. 8 in Guelma: “Algeria will stop the import of potato seeds in 2021.” MORE
AAFC / InfoHort Potato Reports  HERE

USDA - Daily National Potato and Onion Report  HERE


North American Grains and Oilseeds Review: Canola struggling to find strength
The ICE Futures canola platform closed mixed, failing to find strength from the soy complex. MORE
Cheaper canola could stir up export interest
The ICE Futures canola market has seen contracts become cheaper of late, which could lead to an increase in demand — but the market is also still closely following the ongoing saga between China and the U.S. MORE
Market depends on India’s fortunes
When it comes to Canadian pulse crops, David Newman of Commodious Trading says producers, speculators and processors are long — and that has been of great concern to him. MORE
Hemp quality starts at the farm
Good agronomy is the starting point to ensure food-grade hemp MORE
Funds reduce short position in canola
Fund traders lowered their net short positions in ICE canola futures during the week ended Dec. 4, according to the latest Commitment of Traders (CoT) report from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). MORE
Opinions differ on quinoa prices in 2019
There are opposing views on what will happen with Canadian quinoa prices in 2019. One buyer believes the specialty crop will increase a few cents per pound; another believes the price will slightly decrease in the New Year. MORE
Soybeans trend up, but trade off headlines
Speculative short-covering and optimism over trade with China helped soybean and corn futures at the Chicago Board of Trade move higher over the week ended Wednesday. MORE
Water from sewage rivers used to grow vegetables in Bolivia
What gets flushed down in Bolivia's capital city is used to irrigate the green, leafy fields that supply its produce markets. MORE
Soybeans rise as China buys U.S. supplies
U.S. soybean futures hit a 4-1/2-month high on Wednesday as China bought U.S. soybeans for the first time since U.S. President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping met in early December.  MORE
W.A. Grain and Pulse Solutions - Pulse Crop Update as of December 10, 2018 HERE
Grain Farmers of Ontario - Daily Commodity Report HERE

More Futures Prices HERE and HERE

General Interest

Selling sales
When schools look down on sales, marketing and personal skills, you the farmer lose as much as the students MORE
Job starts
Here’s how one corporation is responding to the same challenge farmers face — creating great team members out of today’s college and university grads MORE
U.S. House approves farm bill without tighter food stamps criteria
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the farm bill on Wednesday, capping months of acrimonious debate to finalize the legislation funding the nation’s US$867 billion food and agriculture programs. MORE
Farm equipment sales remain strong  
Despite belt tightening by farmers, farm equipment sales in the United States have remains positive this year, reports the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. MORE
Congress approves $400 billion for farmers, forests, poor
After months of debate and negotiation, Congress voted final approval Wednesday to a massive farm bill that will provide more than $400 billion for agriculture subsidies, conservation programs and food aid. MORE  
Regular Updates

Weekly PEI Agriculture Market Reports – December 7 HERE
Rayglen Market comments – December 12 HERE
Ontario Farm Market Summary Friday, December 7 –  HERE

Today's Local Weather -  HERE

Meetings and Events

W.A. Grain Producer Information Discussion
It is never too early to start talking about future planting. W.A. Grain & Pulse Solutions is hosting a Producer Information Discussion in December for past, current, and new Producers. You do not have to be a producer to attend. We encourage all interested Agriculture Industry professionals to join us for this information session:
Where: Loyalist Country Inn - EMPIRE II ROOM
195 Heather Moyse Dr, Summerside, PE
 C1N 5R1 (902) 436-3333
Date :   December 12, 2018
Time :   9:45AM – Noon
W.A. Grain & Pulse Solutions CEO Chris Chivilo will be on hand to introduce himself and our team, if you have not already met us. We will have a brief presentation and leave lots of time for discussion on a number of topics including:
  1. Challenges this year, weather etc...
  2. Market info.
  3. Crops and targets for 2019.
  4. New de-hulling line.
  5. Seed Program.
And anything else that you would like to discuss, understand, or ask about. We encourage lots of questions, as we have found that this kind of interaction yields the best results for all involved. We would appreciate you letting us know that you will be attending by contacting Josette Maillet at 902-724-2170 or so we can prepare accordingly.

How To Cook The Perfect Christmas Turkey and Not Pull a Griswold
This Sunday, December 16th from 2-4 pm at the PEI Farm Centre, PEI Certified Organic Producers Cooperative (COPC) in collaboration with whole animal butcher, Brad Doiron, offers a "How to Cook The Perfect Christmas Turkey" workshop. 
For those big projects sometimes it can be nice to have your hand held... In our last workshop of 2018, Brad will demonstrate how to cook the perfect turkey. Depending on your experience level, you can consider this workshop an introductory lesson are a refresher on spatchcocking your Christmas turkey. Whether it's your first time or you are a seasoned turkey cooker, Brad will guide you through tips and tricks to cooking your Christmas turkey with confidence. 
The turkey for this workshop is provided by Humble Farm and fed with 100% certified organic feed :) There will be sampling of the final product - so bring your appetite! 
Registration is required and workshop fee is $30. 
No refunds available for missed workshops, however, your seat is transferable. 
How to Register: Email Hanna Hameline at: or Phone: 902-894-9999  

Canadian Food Inspection Agency offering webinars
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is offering webinars on the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) for food businesses. The 90-minute webinars will provide an overview of the key elements of the SFCR, My CFIA, timelines for coming into force and information on the ongoing CFIA activities to prepare for the implementation of the regulations. They will also include a question-and-answer session.
A session will be conducted from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. (EST) on December 18, 2018 which will be reserved for small businesses. Please share this information with your small business networks.
The sessions will be conducted in English, with simultaneous French interpretation. Space is limited so interested parties should register early.
Businesses are encouraged to sign up for one webinar only. Space is limited so please register early. 
December 18, 2018
12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. (EST)
Register to participate in English: HERE
Register to participate in French: HERE
December 20, 2018
12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. (EST)
Register to participate in English: HERE
Register to participate in French: HERE
For those unable to participate, we will be recording the webinar and posting it to the SFCR section of the CFIA's website in early January 2019. 

Screening of film “Before the Plate” for Canadian Agriculture Day
When: February 12 th from 7pm – 9pm
Where: Duffy Science Centre at the University of Prince Edward Island
FREE event!
Let's celebrate Canadian food and agriculture by watching a Canadian film tracing one plate of food from an Ontario restaurant back to eight farms the ingredients originated from. 

Attention: Class A Pesticide Applicator Certificate Holders
There are three ways to renew your Class A Pesticide Applicator Certificate:
Option 1 - Continuing Education Credits
Option 2 - One-day Training Course & write the Exam Immediately Following
Option 3 - One-day Training Course & Make Appointment to Write the Exam at Another Time  MORE

February 19-20: 2019 PEI Potato Conference & Banquet
Red Shores Racetrack & Casino, Charlottetown
The PEI Department of Agriculture & Fisheries and the PEI Potato Board are excited to team up on a two day event featuring a conference, tradeshow and industry banquet (banquet to be held at the Delta PEI).
More details to come - Mark your calendars!

AgriStability Program
AgriStability late participation for PEI producers  
If your farm experienced large yield losses because of the severe cold snap in June 2018, AgriStability can help. Although the 2018 enrolment deadline has passed you can still participate in AgriStability as a late participant. MORE
 To remove your name from our mailing list, please click here.
 Questions or comments? E-mail us at or call 902-368-7289 
PEI Federation of Agriculture | Phone: 902-368-7289 | Fax: 902-368-7204