PEIFA Today | Tuesday, January 15, 2019
PEIFA Corporate Sponsor
PEIFA Partner Sponsor

Tuesday – January 15, 2019

PEIFA 78 th  AGM – Friday January 25, 2019 – Confederation Centre of the Arts
Are you planning to attend?   Please call or email Jennifer at  or
902-368-7289 to pre-register and help us plan.
Draft Agenda  HERE
Annual Meeting Luncheon Costs: Members free - Non-Members $25.00
Excellence in Agriculture Banquet: Members $40.00 – Non-Members $50.00

PEIFA Call for Resolutions
PEIFA members are encouraged to submit suggestions for resolutions for the Annual General Meeting.
Suggestions should be sent to Jennifer Murphy and she will forward them to the PEIFA Resolutions Committee at the PEIFA office or by e-mail to
The Resolutions Committee is Chaired by David Mol, and Robert Godfrey is an ex-officio member.
The Federation staff will translate your recommendation into proper resolution format and forward it to the resolutions committee. 
***Advance Payments Program through the PEI Federation of Agriculture****
Any producer who has an outstanding 2018 advance must declare their post production inventory to show they have enough to support the advance dollars they were loaned at the applicable advance rates. Any producer who used Production Insurance to secure their advance can simply send in copies of their post production summary reports as their declaration. If you do not have enough inventory to support advance dollars issued you must repay within 45 days. All post production reports are due by January 31, 2019.
L ocal, Regional, Canadian News

Dairy and cattle farmers worry new food guide will hurt business
When Trevor Welch meets with other beef farmers across New Brunswick, they usually direct their attention to the latest weather conditions. These days they're concerned about Canada's Food Guide. MORE
P.E.I. company loses 12-year-old fight over rotten potatoes
The P.E.I. company Visser Potato has been ordered to pay more than $118,000 to one of its suppliers. MORE
Water Act regulations on the way but not for high-capacity wells
Environment Minister Richard Brown says Prince Edward Islanders will soon get their first look at some of the regulations to go with the province's Water Act. MORE
Job Opportunity
Winterbay Farm Inc - Position: Dairy Herdsperson
100 cows milked in a modern tie stall facility located 10 min east of Charlottetown in Bedford, PEI. Family run operation that prides itself in making quality milk from a top producing herd with strong genetics. MORE
Deadline For Perennial Crop Development Program applications - Friday, February 15th, 2019
The Department launched its new Perennial Crop Development Program in the spring of 2018, and in its first year the demand for the program far exceeded program funding. Through 15 projects, we were able to see significant increases in acreage and improvements in management and on-farm efficiencies in High Density Apple Orchards, Haskaps, Cranberries, Asparagus, Strawberries, and Highbush Blueberries.
The Perennial Crop Development Program is designed to increase environmental sustainability in PEI's agriculture sector. The Program supports perennial crop production and production systems. Emphasis is placed on technologies designed to improve efficiencies, reducing costs, adding value, improving production value and increasing market access. Additionally, the Program supports the establishment of new cropping systems and improvements in existing systems using technological advances and improvements in storage and production practices. 
The Program is now accepting applications for the 2019/2020 fiscal year, and the deadline for application submissions is Friday, February 15th, 2019. Program guidelines and an application form are attached.  
If you are interested in applying or have questions about the Program, please contact Lynda MacSwain at (902)368-4815 or Cameron Menzies at (902)314-0816.
PEI Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Gender Inclusion Survey
The PEI Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has initiated a Gender Inclusion in Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Project. The DAF recognizes that there exists a diversity of ways in which people experience programs and policies and that unintended barriers to participation can occur. The project will involve a survey and a series of focus groups and will help the DAF to better understand barriers to increased gender inclusion in the agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture industries in PEI.  Please note: The deadline to complete this survey has been extended to January 31, 2019 at midnight. 
Information gathered through this survey will support the DAF in making decisions with respect to program and policy improvement focused on reducing these barriers. The, the DAF is asking people to participate in a short (9-12 minute) online survey. The link to the survey can be found below.  
Gender Inclusion in Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture survey respondents will have the opportunity to be entered to win one of three prizes of a cutting board and a $75 gift card to a farmer’s market of your choice! Your choice to participate in the prize draw will not be connected to the answers you provide in the survey.
Gender Inclusion in Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Survey link:
The DAF encourages you to share this survey with your organization’s membership. The DAF will share the results of this project in 2019.
PEI Institute of Agrologists - New Member Promotion
Working in Agriculture? Have you considered joining a professional organization? For the reminder of January and February, new members are eligible to apply to join the organization for half price. Apply now – the promotion deadline is February 28, 2019!!
The PEI Institute of Agrologists is a professional organization committed to safeguarding the public through competent, qualified members who provide advice on agricultural matters.
As part of our organization, you’ll have the opportunity to network with other agriculture professional and attend our professional development and training events.
E-mail or visit our website at for more information
What You Need To Know About Hiring International Workers on Your Farm
Validation Meeting: February 26, 2019 2:00- 5:00 PM EST
Canadian Federation of Agriculture; Board Room, 21 Florence Street, Ottawa, ON MORE
Why the Liberals can't afford to ignore rural Canada
The Trudeau government created a new ministerial portfolio in Monday's federal cabinet shuffle. That suggests Prime Minister Justin Trudeau felt his government had a blindspot heading into October's federal election: a lack of focus on rural Canadians. MORE
Feds open agriculture tech competition
The federal government is offering up to $50 million in funding for agri-food automation and digital technology projects MORE
Canadian agricultural outlook still positive
The Chief Agricultural economist with Farm Credit Canada says, despite anticipated tighter profit margins on agricultural commodities, the outlook for Canadian agriculture in 2019 looks positive. MORE
Quebec moves to expand animal welfare laws to cover dozens of species
The Quebec government is moving to vastly expand the scope of its animal welfare legislation to offer increased protection to species ranging from horses and mink to ostriches and wild turkeys. MORE
Beyond buzzwords: Ag Excellence panel weighs in on ag export targets
Strong trade agreements, addressing labour shortages, reliable infrastructure, sound ag education and public trust are all key ingredients MORE
Greetings to all interested Atlantic Grain Growers and Value Chain partners 
Please be advised that an important industry meeting will be held at the Delta Hotel and Convention Center in Charlottetown from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. with lunch provided on Friday January 18, 2019 to discuss several topics of interest to the sector. The meeting is being hosted by the Atlantic Grains Council and involves a number of presentations from the Federal Government and Cereal / Seed stakeholder partners such as breeders, regulators, and seed distributors that fall under the general topic of ”Value Creation" .
If you are interested in learning more about cereal breeding in Atlantic Canada, Intellectual Property Protection, Plant Breeders rights, the need to see greater investment in plant breeding & innovation for wheat initially but for other grain crops soon to follow or  Contemplated regulatory changes that impact how seed royalties are paid & collected, by whom, how much, when, and to whom paid ? or  Commercial farm level impacts of regulatory changes that may affect when or if royalties must be paid on farm saved seed or not, you may be interested in attending this meeting.
You can obtain further information by contacting Heather Russell or Michael Delaney 902 836 8929, Please RSVP by January 14, 2019. 
Woman in Agriculture Recognition Award
The provincial board of PEI Women's Institute is now accepting nominations for the Woman in Agriculture Recognition Award. This award, in the form of a plaque and framed photo displayed at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, is presented bi-annually to recognize an Island woman making a major contribution to the PEI agriculture industry within the last five years. Members of the community or fellow farmers are encouraged to contact their local branches to nominate women in the agriculture industry for this award. March 31 marks the deadline for this and other scholarships and awards. A complete list of PEIWI awards and scholarships are available at or by contacting the WI Office at 902-368-4860 or
Governor in Council appointments - Chairperson for the Farm Credit Canada Board of Directors
On February 25, 2016, the Prime Minister announced a new process for Governor in Council appointments. This new process supports an open, transparent, and merit-based selection process focused on identifying high-quality candidates who demonstrate Canada’s diversity.
This process will be used to select the new Chairperson for the Farm Credit Canada Board of Directors. I am writing to you to seek your assistance in promoting this selection process.
To ensure that Farm Credit Canada continues to effectively deliver on its mandate, we are looking for candidates with experience serving on a board of directors of a major public and/or private corporation and experience in dealing with government. Experience in the agricultural industry would be an asset.
We encourage you to inform your members of this opportunity and to invite interested candidates to apply for this position HERE

Fed cattle market lifts feeder prices
Compared to last week, western Canadian feeder cattle markets traded $4 on either side of unchanged.  MORE
Clanwilliam-Erickson beef operation honoured at MCDA 2018 convention
Nine awards for land stewardship were presented at the MCDA December 11 MORE
Canada approves Phibro solution for beef cattle  
V-Max™ (Virginiamycin) medicated feed additive has received regulatory approval by the Veterinary Drugs Directorate (VDD), Health Canada for use in beef cattle.  MORE
Tuberculosis puts 16,000 cattle, 25 premises into quarantine 
A case of tuberculosis detected at a packing plant has led the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to a British Columbia farm where three more cattle have been detected with the disease. MORE
Healthy Start Equals Improved Performance in the Feedyard
Starting cattle the right way is better for the cattle and the consumer. MORE
UK Must Stay Vigilant for Bluetongue After 2007 'Lucky Escape'
A set of fortunate circumstances may have prevented the UK from being harder hit by bluetongue in the past but the threat of future outbreaks is only set to increase, new research reveals. MORE
Hog futures drop in technical sell-off
U.S. lean hog futures fell for the second straight session on Monday, sliding to a one-week low on pressure from technical selling and a lack of bullish information to propel gains, traders and analysts said. MORE
New guidelines on responsible antibiotic use in UK pigs
Published on the AHDB website, the new guidelines provide support for the UK pig industry in its strategic aim to reduce antibiotic use. MORE
EU pig prices: Balanced markets and positive prospects
The European slaughter pig market appears well-balanced this week. Almost all quotations in EU member states remain consistent. MORE
African swine fever death toll exceeds 900,000 pigs in China
China has culled 916,000 pigs after around 100 outbreaks of African swine fever in the country, the agriculture ministry said today (15 January 2019), as the disease continues to spread to new regions and larger farms. MORE
Maltese pig farmers facing the chop
Cut-throat competition from imported meat may force Malta’s pork industry into collapse, farmers have warned as they also grapple with a new threat: food fraud. MORE
Atlantic Stockyards Market Report – January 10–  HERE
*Scroll down to find current report

Ontario Cattlemen's Association Market Report – Monday, January 14  HERE

Potahto Week Returns to Winnipeg February 23 - March 3
Registration is now open for restaurants hoping to be crowned champion during the 2nd annual Potahto Week sponsored by Peak of the Market.  MORE
Syngenta launches fungicide for pink rot and Pythium leak
Orondis Gold Potato combines two systemic fungicides with a different mode of action to suppress pink rot and Pythium leak and manage resistance. MORE
MicroVent Vision Works with Any Storage System Design
With a myriad of potato storage systems out there in both bulk and box form, Gorman Controls knows that it’s crucial to have a ventilation system control panel that’s versatile and works with any storage design. MORE
MicroVent Vision Offers Flexibility in Potato Storage
When it comes to controlling your potato storage ventilation system, flexibility is crucial. MORE
Gene find unlocks potato coloring
Scientists at The James Hutton Institute have unlocked the genetics of potato skin and flesh colour paving the way for new colourful varieties.  MORE
Film released on Potato Biodiversity
“Opening the Earth: The Potato King” is a documentary about Peruvian Julio Hancco, one of the few remaining true guardians of biodiversity left in the world. MORE
The Archaeology of Potatoes
What does archaeology tell us about the antiquity of potatoes as food? In southern Chile, near the limits of potato-forming Solanum species along the Andean Cordillera, small pieces of tuber have been excavated from a 15,000-year-old hearth at a site called Monte Verde. MORE
John Keeling honored as the Potato Man for All Seasons
John Keeling is The Packer’s 2018 Potato Man for All Seasons.  MORE
The Traceability Trend
Vivien is part of a growing cohort of consumers who want to be able to trace the sources of the food they feed their families all the way back to the farm. MORE
Just like tomatoes, potatoes can flourish in Kenya’s dry north
Bute is a fertile yet arid region about 200 km from Wajir, the capital of Wajir County, towards the mountainous border area with Ethiopia.  MORE
'Increased supply of French potatoes in retail'
The Christmas and New Year potato business was relatively quiet in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.  MORE
China wants to buy potatoes from Pakistan
China is keen on building stronger socio-economic ties with Pakistan and is interested in importing more from the country, said Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing.  MORE

AAFC / InfoHort Potato Reports  HERE

USDA - Daily National Potato and Onion Report  HERE


North American Grain/Oilseed Review: Canola mixed after choppy day
ICE Futures canola contracts settled mixed on Tuesday, with gains in the most active contracts as early selling pressure subsided by the close. MORE
A risky business
Moisture extremes are just one of the realities that make farming in Manitoba a real challenge and can affect trade MORE
Funds view grains and oilseeds more favourably
Speculators rang in 2019 with a much less pessimistic take on Chicago-traded grains and oilseeds than a year earlier, though trade tensions and the lapse in U.S. government data are providing the market with plenty of uncertainty. MORE
Soybeans sink on weak China trade data
U.S. soybean futures fell to a 1-1/2-week low on Monday on technical selling and on concerns about demand from China as the world’s top soy importer remains locked in a tariff war with the United States. MORE

W.A. Grain and Pulse Solutions - Pulse Crop Update as of January 7, 2019 HERE
Grain Farmers of Ontario - Daily Commodity Report HERE

More Futures Prices HERE and HERE

General Interest

Women in agriculture say barriers to equality persist
A 17-country study conducted by Corteva Agriscience shows most respondents report progress toward gender equality, but cite key actions needed to remove obstacles for full participation in agriculture MORE
Rooted in Strength: Managing change on the farm
Producer Cynthia Beck, a suicide intervention responder in rural Saskatchewan, explains how being proactive and facing challenges as they arise can help manage the impact of continual change in our lives. MORE
Rooted in Strength: Balancing life and farm stress
Producer Cynthia Beck, a suicide intervention responder in rural Saskatchewan, says reducing stress can start with simply taking a moment to stop what you’re doing and appreciate the legacy you’re building for yourself and your family.  MORE
Farming insects may solve one problem, create others
Insects have great potential as an alternative source of protein, but further research is urgently needed before mass production begins in order to avoid environment disaster, Swedish researchers warned Monday. MORE
Brazil plans to fight invasions by landless workers
Brazil’s right-wing government under President Jair Bolsonaro will seek to classify invasions of farmland by landless workers movements as akin to terrorism, with harsher penalties for perpetrators, an agriculture ministry official said on Monday. MORE

Regular Updates

Weekly PEI Agriculture Market Reports – January 11 HERE
Rayglen Market comments – January 9 HERE
Ontario Farm Market Summary Monday, January 14 –  HERE

Today's Local Weather -  HERE

Meetings and Events

Screening of film “Before the Plate” for Canadian Agriculture Day
When: February 12 th from 7pm – 9pm
Where: Duffy Science Centre at the University of Prince Edward Island
FREE event!
Let's celebrate Canadian food and agriculture by watching a Canadian film tracing one plate of food from an Ontario restaurant back to eight farms the ingredients originated from. 

Attention: Class A Pesticide Applicator Certificate Holders
There are three ways to renew your Class A Pesticide Applicator Certificate:
Option 1 - Continuing Education Credits
Option 2 - One-day Training Course & write the Exam Immediately Following
Option 3 - One-day Training Course & Make Appointment to Write the Exam at Another Time  MORE

February 19-20: 2019 PEI Potato Conference & Banquet
Red Shores Racetrack & Casino, Charlottetown
The PEI Department of Agriculture & Fisheries and the PEI Potato Board are excited to team up on a two day event featuring a conference, tradeshow and industry banquet (banquet to be held at the Delta PEI).
More details to come - Mark your calendars!

AgriStability Program
AgriStability late participation for PEI producers  
If your farm experienced large yield losses because of the severe cold snap in June 2018, AgriStability can help. Although the 2018 enrolment deadline has passed you can still participate in AgriStability as a late participant. MORE
 To remove your name from our mailing list, please click here.
 Questions or comments? E-mail us at or call 902-368-7289 
PEI Federation of Agriculture | Phone: 902-368-7289 | Fax: 902-368-7204