Friday, March 20, 2020
Mozambique Special Offering

We ask your continued prayers for the victims of the recent Mozambique minibus accident where five were killed, including one child, and all on the bus were injured. Bishop Carlos has assisted in helping these families as they grieve and struggle, and we took up a special offering on Sunday, March 15. Sadly for many reasons, there were not many in church last Sunday. If you're able, we ask that you please mail in your donation to help with funeral costs and medical expenses. A check may be made payable to St. John's with "Mozambique Special Offering" in the notation. St. John's will be wiring monies that include a donation from Bishops Laura and Ian next week. This is another reminder to help us help those in Bishop Carlos' care who are in great need.
Join us on Sunday, March 22, at 10 a.m. for a live-streaming of our service of Holy Eucharist. You can link to the St. John's YouTube page here St. John's YouTube page . The St. John's website will also have a link to the service bulletin we will use on Sunday. On the St. John's YouTube page, you will find a service of Morning Prayer and a service of Compline . We will continue to do all that we can to stay connected with one another during this trying time of coronavirus pandemic.
Discernment Discussions Postponed!
The Discernment discussion groups that were scheduled for Sunday, March 22, and Sunday, March 29, have been cancelled and will be rescheduled. More to come on that.
During this time while we are apart physically, please remember to keep your 2020 pledges up to date by mailing them into the office. We are regularly checking mail and ensuring that our bills are being paid. In advance we thank you for your generosity.
Remember to Pray and Stay Connected!
Please continue to keep in your prayers all who are affected in any way by COVID-19—all those who are in danger of losing jobs, all whose health is at risk by the jobs they must do, all who are sick or live in fear, all who are isolated and lonely, all who are without safe lodging, all who are without food, those who are most vulnerable, those who must make difficult decisions for the safety of us all. Many of us have some extra time on our hands. How about reaching out in love and in prayer? 

Contact Linda+ at 860-559-5070 or Fr. Benjamin at 614-561-8913 if you need assistance.