Family Connections
June 2022
Happy Summer
SWPREP would like to thank all of our students and their families for a great 2021-22 school year and to wish you a happy and safe summer. We hope you all use the summer break to relax, recuperate, and make memories with friends and family.
Summer Office Hours
Have a question about your child’s enrollment for the 2022-23 school year?

Contact Your Campus:
NE/ND - 210.829.8017
NW - 210.432.2634
SE - 210.333.1403
Seguin - 830.549.5930

Campus Summer Office hours are 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Monday - Friday.

Visit your campus website page often to get the latest information about the 2022-23 school year.

School Starts on August 15, 2022!!

4th of July: Honoring America's Independence!

Our District will be closed on July 4th in commemoration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Click to learn more about our Core Values.
Congratulations to our
2022 Graduates!
codes: SE2022, ND2022 and NW2022
Superintendent's Award 2022
Christinn Jean, Superintendent awarded Southeast student, Charles Calloway-Belisie the 2022 Superintendent's Award. The award is presented each year to a high school freshman, sophomore, or junior who models the core values of the district. We congratulate Charles Calloway-Belisie for exemplifying character, respect, self-discipline, and family values during the 2021-2022 school year. The Apple Ipad was donated by SWPREP's Education Foundation.
New MEDA Program
At our New Directions Campus, the new Media Education Design Academy - MEDA program will equip students to work in the Media Industry through mastery of professional software tools and real-world experience. Open to students in grades 6th - 12th.

Early College High School
ECHS students earn both a high school degree and a two-year associate’s degree (or up to two years’ credit toward a bachelor’s degree) in the time it takes to go to high school – saving the student both time and money.

Summer Learning
ALL young people experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer. Research shows that students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of the summer. Help prevent the Summer Slide by participating in some of the activities below. Don't forget to visit your local library for summer events and activities.
Build reading and writing into everyday activities

Some ideas to pass along: (1) watching TV with the sound off and closed captioning on, (2) reading directions for how to play a new game, or (3) helping with meals by writing up a grocery list, finding things in the grocery store, and reading the recipe aloud for mom or dad during cooking time. 
Free summer reading incentive programs

At Scholastic, you can take the Read-a-Palooza Summer Challenge — over the course of
18 weeks, kids can enter their summer reading minutes online, unlocking digital rewards as they complete weekly reading challenges; and access book excerpts, videos, and other summer-exclusive content.
Make cool things

Find loads of hands-on activities at Start with a Book. Just choose from one of 24 topics (art, music, dinosaurs, bugs, detectives, flight, sports, stars, planets and the night sky ... and more) and start exploring.
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