Click on the image below to view last Sunday's Advent 3 worship experience.

"The Rung of Renewal"

Luke 1:26-38

Six months later, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a young woman named Mary; she was engaged to a man named Joseph, of the house of David. Upon arriving, the angel said to Mary, “Rejoice, highly favored one! God is with you! Blessed are you among women!”


Mary was deeply troubled by these words and wondered what the angel’s greeting meant. The angel went on to say to her, “Don’t be afraid Mary. You have found favor with God. You’ll conceive and bear a son and give him the name Jesus – Deliverance. His dignity will be great, and he will be called the Only Begotten of God. God will give Jesus the judgement seat of David, his ancestor, to rule over the house of Jacob forever, and his reign will never end.”

Join us either in person Sunday mornings at 10:30AM or via FaceBook Live for worship.

We are open!!

Click here to join us on FB Live.

*NEW* Agape MCC’s Holiday Series

"Ladder to the Light"

This series based on the visions and wisdom teachings of Steven Charleston, a member of the the Choctaw Nation, former Episcopal Bishop of Alaska, and President and Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School. Our guide will be his most recent book, Ladder to the Light; An Indigenous Elder’s Meditations on Hope and Courage.  

We will be climbing the ladder slowly throughout the upcoming holiday season, including Advent, and our ascent will culminate on Christmas Eve. Please join us beginning this Sunday as we make the descent into the Kiva. If you are practicing virtually, you have the advantage of creating your own sacred space and time for our gatherings. It should be a space that evokes cave energy, solitude, and closeness to the earth. We will talk more about that at this week’s gathering. See you in the Kiva.

10/24 The Vision of the Kiva

10/31 The Rung of Faith/All Saints Day

11/02 All Souls Day/Día de los Muertos (Facebook Live Blessing with Rev. David at 7PM)

11/07 The Rung of Blessing

11/14 The Rung of Hope (Congregational Meeting Sunday)

11/21 The Rung of Community

11/28 Advent 1 – The Rung of Action

12/05 Advent 2 – The Rung of Truth

12/12 Advent 3 – The Rung of Renewal

12/19 Advent 4 – The Rung of Transformation

12/24 Christmas Eve, 7:00 p.m. – The Emergence

Click here to join us Sunday on FB Live.

This Wednesday December 8th at 6:30.

Meeting ID: 816 8960 6902

We will be gathering via Zoom for our weekly check-in. Topics for discussion will include the current series, "Ladder to the Light", and whatever else bubbles up during our time together. Please join us for a time of personal and spiritual community connection

Click here to join us via Zoom 

Watch for Thursday Announcements with Rev. David

(TAD TALK) each Thursday on Facebook Live. Find out all the latest news and updates by clicking on David's picture!

The drawings for the Samsung Tablet and the Bluetooth-noise cancelling wireless headphones will be this Sunday, December 19th following our morning worship service.

We will open ticket sales for a brief time prior to the drawing. Tickets are $1.

You do not need to be present to win!

Sanctuary Online every Tuesday

A Celebration of Fire and Light: Seasonal Symbols

5pm Pacific / 6pm Mountain / 7pm Central / 8pm Eastern / midnight GMT

Sanctuary's Zoom Room:

November 30th - Judaism Hanukkah - Festival of Lights. 


December 7th - Hinduism - Diwali - Festival of Lights/Lamps and Buddhism - Loy Krathong - Festival of Floating Lamps

December 14th - Islam and the Festival of Winter Solstice

December 21st - Christianity - Advent and Christmas


To see a special invitation from Rev. Ken Martin, please click on the video link below!


As we embark upon the holiday season, we know there is a need to help those underserved in our community.

To that end, City employees with the assistance of our Forest Hill Police Department, are seeking donations of new toys for distribution to our needy families on December 18th.

We hope that you can join us and support our efforts to give our kids the gift of Christmas. This Sunday, December 19, will be the last Sunday we will collect toys.

You can drop off your donations at Agape' and we will deliver them for you.

Want some good spiritual advice: let go of worrying. I am sharing my own experience when I say that over-worrying is not good for you. A natural anxiety about something difficult in your life makes perfect sense. Worrying to the point of distraction does not make sense. It is the dog chasing its tail response that any of us can easily fall into. So I send out this small suggestion to us all: keep your worry balanced. Do all you can reasonably do to help in a difficult situation but recognize that you will not be able to control the outcome. Let go of worry when worry won’t let go of you.

Steven Charleston, "Daily Meditation" 12/8/21

I will sit quietly with you, in my heart, waiting with you, praying with you, watching with you for the hope you hold to become real. Sometimes there are no more words to say. Sometimes silence is the only companion that you want or need. It does not distract from the focus on what is most important. It does not seek to fill the empty places with a comfort that is too easily expressed to be healing. The quiet can be enough. So I will sit with you. I will wait with you. Both of us present in a timeless moment, both of us aware we are not alone. Listening into that silence, leaning into it, to reach the love on the other side.

Steven Charleston, "Daily Meditation" 12/13/21

Advent 4

Click on the image below to view the Advent message on Vimeo.

Click on the image below to view the Advent message on YouTube.

[Transcript of video]

Hi I’m Karl Hand, I’m an Elder and a Pastor and I live on Wangal Country, and minister in Gadagal Country of the Eora Nation which is now called Sydney Australia.

This reflection is about economic justice.

And often around this time of year, we remember the way that the family of Jesus looked for shelter, and the keeper of the inn said, “we don’t have enough, we can’t give you anything.”

Maybe they were genuinely full up, but what stays with us is what an incredible honor and joy they missed out on because they didn’t have room for one more family.

I think one of the most destructive lies we have been led to believe is that if our neighbor has something more than us, or something we don’t have, we are worse off because of it. Like somehow them being greater diminishes us.

And I put a name on that lie, it is a scarcity mentality.

NOW, There is another moment in the Christmas story which I wish we heard more often… in Luke 1:41-44, Mary the soon-to-be mother of Jesus is visiting Elizabeth, who is also pregnant with John the Baptist.

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. With a loud voice she blurted out, “God has blessed you above all women, and he has blessed the child you carry. Why do I have this honor, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy.

Elizabeth responds not with a scarcity mentality, but from a place of abundance.

She could have worried that Mary’s arrival would detract from her own moment in the spotlight. She could have said, “Mary is giving birth to the Messiah, and all I have is this lousy prophet for a son.”

That’s what a scarcity mentality says to us.

Instead she says, “why do I have this honor, that you come and visit me.”

The abundance mentality says, if you have more, then we are all better off together.

And I want to give an example from very recent life — from the COVID pandemic. And pandemics have a way of highlighting in our world the difference between the haves and the have-nots.

And I come from Australia where, for a lot of 2020 people thought we were doing so much better than the rest of the world, and we pretty much as a country, did what we needed to do to keep ourselves safe.

I would often hear elected officials saying things like, “our electorate expects us to put their interests first.”

What almost no countries did was think ahead and say, in the global south, in the majority world, many people do not have access to testing, they don’t have as many hospitals, or vaccine supply. And people will often have to choose between going to work to survive or social distancing at home.

And as the pandemic spread rapidly in those countries, the risk of mutations and variants increased, and now the Delta strain emerged, and knocked over all of Australia’s protections.

And don’t get me wrong I’m in awe of how quickly these vaccines have been developed and released, but at the same time a scarcity mentality meant most places in the world protected our own interests without thinking globally, and without thinking about what was in the best interest of all people.

2021 was much worse for us than 2020. But if we learn how to have a global vision to protect all the world’s people; if we live with an abundance mindset, instead of a scarcity mindset. If we found room in the inn, and said, “I am so blessed that the mother of my Lord would come to me” carrying within her the poorest and least powerful in the person of Jesus Christ — we can do even better.

Amen. God Bless.


Rev. Elder Karl Hand

MCC Council of Elders

Survey Opportunity

Hello Agape' MCC! 


My name is Olivia Hucks and I am the community outreach coordinator for Project PASSION, which is a research project led by Dr. Dominic Parrott at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. The project is funded by the National Institutes of Health.  Given the aims of Agape MCC, I think you would be interested in learning about this project. 


We know that when people have healthy intimate relationships, their overall mental and physical health is good as well.  Our primary goal is to conduct research that gives back to the LGBTQ+ community. Indeed, we hope that this information can be used to develop culturally-sensitive recommendations and programs to promote healthy intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people. 


Thus, in our project, we want to learn more about what can lead to healthy, and unhealthy, intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people. Our project focuses on factors that lead to negative health outcomes as well as factors that promote resilience. We are seeking participants for a study that is completed entirely online. 


Who is a good fit for the study? The study may be a good fit for someone if: 

  • They and their partner are both 21 years or older 
  • They identify as LGBTQ+ and are in a relationship 
  • They currently drink alcohol (i.e., they are not in recovery) 
  • People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome 


What would happen if someone enrolls in the study? We invite all interested people to call or visit our webpage to learn more (see contact information below). Each partner will earn a minimum of $40 for completing questionnaires and meeting with our research staff for a video call (2 hours). Each partner can also earn up to an additional $145 for completing all online surveys (Study 2). 


Our team is very excited about this project. We believe that it can provide much needed data that will ultimately help to promote healthier intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people, which again is one of the most important predictors of a person’s general physical and mental health.   


Contact Information: To take part in either research study or for more information, please contact us at: 


Best regards, 



12/03 - Carol Boutwell

12/05 - Jim Simmons

12/09 - Dan Leaver

12/10 - Jeremy Phillips

12/11 - Taylor Wolfer-Stephens

12/11 - Tom Wren 

12/15 - Cassy Batts

12/15 - Trish Ashton 

12/15 - Randall Roberts 

12/20 - Linda Crear

12/24 - Johnny Price 

12/26 - Pat Kaiser

12/27 - Val McMullan 

12/29 - Jo Pierce

12/30 - Phyllis Sasser

Agape' MCC |

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