Since SSV’s last update on May 20, 2022, there have been 13 positive cases at Sunshine Village (as compared to the previous month of 98.) The total positive cases since March 17, 2020, is 285 (141 clients and 87 employees.)
Recruitment: We are fully staffed with DSP positions (which could change at any time…) and we continue to recruit for a Float Nurse.
Employee Bonus Compensation: To celebrate our 55th Anniversary, next week, we will be giving all employees up to a $2,500 bonus in appreciation for their hard work. This bonus is being partially funded by ARPA funds. We will then let employees know that we will distribute the remaining ARPA funds in a Retention Bonus in late September 2022.
Census: Our census as of May 30, 2022 – being 351 clients – is 66% of the census we had at the time of the emergency closure. We continue to work to encourage the remaining clients who have not yet returned to us to return – as we work to transition new clients (turning 22 and clients leaving other organizations) into our programs. We are still using Universal Supports as criteria to return – and hope to be able to change this requirement at some point in the future as the impact of the pandemic and workforce crises lessen.
Bringing the Community to Us: In September, we will be adding “craft-tacular classes” to this program – through a new partner, Mary’s Creative Corner. Our current partners include Out of the Ark, African Drumming, and Music Therapy.
Inclusion: Our CBDS programs in Chicopee, Three Rivers, and Agawam have all secured a variety of volunteer opportunities – as well as recreational options and personal wellness activities – for CBDS clients who are engaging with these partners up to four days a week. On the fifth day, full-time CBDS clients participate in professional development activities at the site to help develop skills for a future career pathway. We are helping people make friends, partake in new experiences, excel in known interests, and grow as individuals in fun and exciting ways.
Funder / Referral Open House: Today, we hosted open houses at all of our programmatic sites to showcase our services to representatives from DDS and local SPEDs. We had a very limited interest – with only one visit to each site.
55th Anniversary Celebrations: Please note the schedule of client celebrations – and plan on attending! Let us know if you can join us – email me at: