March 24, 2021
Volume 11, No. 29
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Join the Diocese for Holy Week

The Diocese will be offering online services for Holy Week and Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday at 10:00am. You can find all of the services streamed from the Diocesan Facebook and YouTube pages.

CDC Vaccine Guidance
As we have hoped, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued guidance for those who have been fully vaccinated. This refers to those who are two weeks past their second shot for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and two weeks past receiving the single dose of the Johnson &  Johnson vaccine. 
You can read the complete information here.
"Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others."
-Philippians 2:4
What does this mean for our worship?
For now, it means no changes to worship. We always hope our worship will not be limited to those who are currently eligible to receive the vaccine. Limiting worship only to those who have been vaccinated is not in keeping with our understanding of the Body of Christ being made up of people of every age and stage in life. Furthermore, our guidance permits 50 persons indoors and 75 persons outdoors. And even under the new CDC guidance, all worship services would still qualify as gatherings that require everyone in worship to wear a mask, and stay at least 6 feet apart from those who are not in your household.

This will have an impact on other small groups, including choirs and those recording worship.  For more information, see the diocesan website here.
Most important for all of the above
We would never want to shame or exclude anyone who can not yet receive the vaccine, including many of our deacons and priests. We anticipate that eligibility and opportunity to receive the vaccine will expand in the coming weeks, but in the meantime continuing patience is essential.

Parochial Report Past Due
Online filing for the annual Parochial Reports is still open, which are the way the Episcopal Church gains annual insight into its life, ministry, finances, and membership. While the Parochial Report is not the complete portrait of congregational life or vitality, the data you provide is indispensable.

 The website to submit your report is If you have any difficulty, contact Executive Assistant to the Bishop Maggie Lyons at or Assistant Administrator Daniel Garrick at for assistance. 
Canons require each congregation to complete the parochial report and file it online or mail it to the Diocese as soon as possible. Click here for the required forms and instructions.

Audit Review Time!

Deacon's Retreat Scheduled for June
"Being Changed by the Face of Christ"

The 2021 Deacon's Retreat, scheduled June 4, 5, 6th at Honey Creek, welcomes the Rev. Becky Rowell and the Rev. Terri Degenhardt to lead us through a weekend of Icon Writing, Meditations and Music. 

Bishop Frank Logue will be spending some time with us during the weekend to answer any questions, concerns, or thanksgivings we may wish to offer. 

Reservations must be made by contacting our Retreat Coordinator, Deacon Geri Nelson at  Please RSVP as soon as possible so that we may arrange all the details for your visit. 

If financial assistance is needed please contact:

Registration is open
for Honey Creek Family Summer Camp!
"How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!" 
- Psalm 133:1

A few weeks ago we invited you to let us know about your interest in a different kind of summer camp this year, one that is geared toward allowing families of all types to experience Honey Creek this summer. Thanks to the interest expressed, we are happy to announce that registration is now open for three summer Family Camp sessions! These sessions will take place June 4-6, June 18-20, and July 16-18. Cost varies depending on the number of people attending and the number of lodge rooms occupied.

This camp will be supported by Canon Joshua Varner, along with other Diocesan staff and experienced youth and children's ministers from across the Diocese. Families will have activities they can do together, during each weekend, as well as some activities that youth and older children can participate in to give everyone some space. All activities will be structured so as to minimize the potential spread of Covid-19, while still allowing as much of a camp experience as possible!

This type of offering allows us to expand our traditional age range. All families, whether individuals, couples, or families with children are welcome to sign up!
Please contact Canon Varner at with your questions! We are looking forward to a different kind of summer camp, including the whole family!

Roger Speer to offer art during Holy Week

To register, visit

Resources for Lent and Eastertide

The Diocese's daily reflections during Lent, written by both clergy and laity throughout the Diocese is well underway online and a print copy of the devotions is now available as well. The reflections began on Ash Wednesday and carry through to Easter Sunday. These reflections continue with the theme for this past November's Diocesan Convention: "Thriving in the Vine." Jesus gave this image of himself as the vine and us as the branches to his followers on the night before he died, as he knew they would face tremendous hardships and he wanted them to see how life-giving connection to him is for each of us.

The Diocese of Georgia's social media pages (FacebookInstagram, and Twitter) will post a piece of each day's reflection, along with a link to the PDF with the full reflection. 

To view and download the reflections, click here.

Lent devotions available as a book
A few people have said that they would like to have these devotions as a book, and we now offer that option for $3.60 each plus shipping. You can order copies from the print on demand website by following this link: Purchase a book

Beginning Monday in Easter week, the Diocese of Georgia will offer a 1Book1Diocese read of Presiding BishopMichael Curry's Love Is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times. While you may enjoy reading the book yourself, the audio book version is read by Bishop Curry is an enjoyable way to hear experiences from his  life to challenging us to make the ethic of love a guiding principle for our lives. 

Book Discussion Guide Now Available
A book discussion guide for the Diocese of Georgia's 1Book1Diocese read of Love is the Way is now online here: Discussion Guide PDF

Bishop Curry to meet with us online
We will offer a discussion guide for groups that want to meet online for a discussion at the congregation level. Individuals may also read the book and then join us for online meeting with Bishop Curry to discuss the book. 

Look for more news on this study in upcoming issues of From the Field and at the Diocese of Georgia's Facebook page.

Livestream Calendar Update

  We are collecting updates for our newly organized Live Stream calendar. Please list your updated live stream services including any services throughout Lent and Holy Week. For any future updates to the Live Stream calendar, you can send them to

To update your service schedule, click here.

Across the Diocese

Volunteers from Holy Comforter in Martinez cheer for the 1600 pounds of food and $200 in donations for 143 Ministries, a food program for the the community. The shelves were completely bare leading up to the food drive, so the timing for the drive was perfect. Since the beginning of the year, Holy Comforter has donated 3600 pounds of food to the ministry.

St. Peter's, Savannah held a food drive for the I AM Pantry at St. Michael's, Savannah (left) and the Rev. Hunt Priest blesses the Holy Week bags for parishioners (right).
The Rev. Canon Loren Lasch preaches for Palm Sunday at Trinity in Statesboro for this Sunday's online Diocesan service.

Worship with the Diocese of Georgia in Statesboro on Sunday

On Sunday we will stream Holy Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Palms at 
10 a.m. from Trinity Episcopal Church in Statesboro with Bishop Logue as celebrant, Canon Lasch as preacher, and assisted by the Rev. Charles Todd.

Find Livestream Worship 
There are a lot of options each day for Episcopalians in the Diocese of Georgia to worship online and now they are listed in one place. The Livestream Services calendar tells the time, location, and which liturgy the congregation offers for the whole Diocese. Click the image above or this link: Livestream Services Calendar

Have you adjusted your livestream schedule? Let us know! We have a running calendar that you can find here. Check to see if your schedule is correct, and if there are any changes, email Administrator Assistant Daniel Garrick at

Prayers for Weekly Liturgies
Our one-year prayer cycle combines prayers for every congregation in the Diocese of Georgia with prayers for our ecumenical partners and for our Companion Diocese of The Dominican Republic.  

The 2021 one year prayer cycle is online here: 2021 Prayer Cycle

March 28 - April 3 
In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our congregations in Darien, St. Andrew's and St. Cyprian's. We also pray for our ecumenical partners in Darien, especially Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church. In our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, we pray for St. Anthony of Padua (San Antonio de Padua) in El Carreton. 

April 4 - 10
In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our congregation in Douglas, St. Andrew's and for our ecumenical partners in Douglas, especially St. Paul's Catholic Church. In our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, we pray for The Ascension (La AscensioĢn) in El Seibo.

Additional Prayer Cycles
We also offer 30-day prayer cycles for those who wish to pray daily for the clergy and clergy spouses: Diocesan Prayer Cycle and Clergy Spouses Prayer Cycle.

Diocesan Office Update and News

This Sunday, Bishop Logue will will celebrate the Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist with Canon Lasch as preacher online at 10 a.m from Trinity in Statesboro. To view the service, visit the Diocese of Georgia Facebook Page or the Diocese of Georgia YouTube page. 

Canon Easterlin will be out of the office on Friday.
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Diocesan staff are not all in the office at the same time with some working remotely. Email will be the quickest way to get in touch with the staff, although you are still welcome to call us on the phone! If we miss your call, please leave a voicemail with a detailed message. Staff e-mails can be found here.

Let Us Know!

What are you doing to keep community right now? Are you gathering for virtual coffee hours, delivering groceries to your neighbors - let us know! Send any updates or photos to our Communications Manager Liz Williams at We want to hear from you!

Family Fun

When your mom is the Rev. Helen White at Christ Church, Savannah, you get to play with a Rubik's Cube during church!

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