June 3, 2020
Volume 10, No. 40
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Peaceful Protests Across the Diocese Against Racial Injustice
Canon Easterlin, the Rev. Kelly Steele, and the Rev. Guillermo Arboleda
On Sunday, May 31, a group gathered in Savannah for a peaceful protest. At the request of Mayor Van Johnson, clergy from different churches and denominations showed up in support of a peaceful march through downtown Savannah. The Rev. Guillermo Arboleda writes, " We received encouraging messages from both the Mayor and the Chief of Police who agreed with the need for structural reform to address the problems of racist police brutality with impunity. About sixty of us, including many Episcopal clergy, walked from that meeting at First African Baptist Church, to Johnson Square, in front of Christ Church Episcopal. There we gathered with hundreds of other protesters of all ages and races and ethnicities who were united in our opposition to racist policing practices. I was encouraged by the diversity of the crowd and the sheer number of young people (in their teens and twenties) who showed up in support of this cause. The Mayor and series of other speakers addressed the crowd at City Hall encouraging participants to turn their anger into action to push for policy reform that would protect the civil rights of all citizens, especially people of color. At 3:00 PM, the crowd was dismissed. Many older people went home shortly thereafter, but the Rev. Kelly Steele and I stuck around for about two more hours of marching throughout the city. Emotion and tension were high throughout the day, but the protesters, police, and National Guard all remained peaceful. Marching continued until well after 4:30 when we went home, but the local news reported very few arrests and no violent crimes of any kind."

Clergy making their way through Savannah

When the protest information was first making the rounds, many people weren't sure about the event, given that there had been some events in the larger area carried out by people with ill intentions. The Rev. Michael Chaney was able to contact the organizer of the event and connect him to the mayor in order to make sure that the protest was well organized and peaceful. Chaney also assisted in coordinating a deescalation team, run by local activist Coco Papy. Says Chaney,  "Coco gave us a brief overview of how to deescalate potentially volatile situations if they should occur.  She also did some on-the-spot training for a group of 30 people we assembled for the main event.  Throughout the afternoon we communicated with one another to ensure safety for those participating and insinuated ourselves into a number of situations to extinguish tension."

In addition to participating in the protest, the Rev. Chaney, the Rev. Michael White, and the Rev. Hunt Priest  were  invited to speak to the crowd.

The Rev. Michael Chaney speaking to the crowd.

Protests have been occurring across the diocese, with members of the clergy and parishes attending. Bella Pozo, member of St. Thomas, Thomasville, said of marching in downtown Thomasville, " It was awesome especially because so many teenagers were apart of it and I think it's important to have teenagers speaking up for what's right."

Bella Pozo (far right) joined in with protestors in Thomasville.

Support of Official Statements
The Diocese of Georgia is in full support of The Most Rev. Michael Curry and The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of the Diocese of Washington, in relation to the event of Monday night in Washington, D.C.
For more information on the statements made by Bishop Curry and Bishop Budde:

Subscribe to our new YouTube Channel
The current Diocese of Georgia YouTube Channel will become an archive of videos of Bishop Benhase's episcopacy. To subscribe now to the new Diocese of Georgia YouTube Channel click this link at then select "subscribe"
Consecration of the 11th Bishop of Georgia, the Rt. Rev. Frank Logue

On Saturday, May 30 at Christ Church Savannah, the Rt. Rev. Frank Logue was ordained and consecrated at the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia. 

Participating in the service was the Rt. Rev. Scott Benhase, 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia as the Chief Consecrator acting in his role as Vice President of Province IV of the Episcopal Church. Joining Bishop Benhase were the Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta, and the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, Bishop of Northeast Pennsylvania and Western New York. Presenting Logue will be the Rev. Ted Clarkson, the Rev. Cynthia Taylor, Victoria Logue, and Liz Williams. The Registrar for the liturgy was Canon Katie Easterlin. The Litanist for the morning was the Rev. Joshua Varner, and assisting with live music during the service was Tim Hall, organist for Christ Church. The MC for the morning was the Very Rev. William Willoughby III, Rector of Collegiate Church of St. Paul the Apostle, Savannah.

Despite the difference in original plans for the consecration to what played out on Saturday, it was still a holy and powerful moment. Many thanks to those who sent their prayers and participated in the livestream. Your support and presence was felt by all who were in the church on Saturday morning.

If you missed the live stream of the service, you may view it at our  Facebook page or  our YouTube Channel . To see photos of the day, visit our Facebook album.

Sermon for the Ordination and Consecration of Bishop Frank Logue

The sermon for the ordination and consecration of Bishop Frank Logue was delivered by the Rev. J. Sierra Reyes. Rev. Reyes recorded the sermon from her home in Denver, CO where she is the rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. 

For the full sermon text, click here.

For the video, click here.

The Rev. J. Sierra Reyes preaching from her home in Denver, CO.
COVID-19 Resource Page
As a reminder, on the diocesan website is a list of resources pertaining to COVID-19. You will find guidance on the Paycheck Protection Program, livestream calendar of services throughout the diocese, and more. 

As we move forward, Bishop Logue is in constant contact with Bishop Wright, Diocese of Atlanta, on when and how to re-open for in-person worship. Both are in agreement that June will remain with online service options.

For more resources on COVID-19, click here.
Grieving When Serving Others
Submitted by the Rev. Ri Lamb, Deacon at St. John & St. Mark in Albany. She is also one of the volunteer chaplains at Phoebe Putney Health System.
Early on in this period when "sheltering in place" began in Albany, perhaps earlier than most communities albeit too late to keep us from becoming "ground Zero" for Georgia, one of the first actions of Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital was to suspend all volunteer services. This included volunteer chaplains. That meant me. 
I was serving Phoebe not only one day a week as Chaplain but also "on call" for one week a month. It took about a week for me to post my despondency for all to see on Facebook, "I am as useless as a broken pot." Ps. 31
It is hard to miss the irony, though, isn't it, this period of isolation coming during Lent and Eastertide? As I read and try to inwardly digest the daily and Sunday Scriptures, I have found it easier this year to put myself in the company of the disciples, now called to be apostles. 
How oddly similar our worlds began to feel to me. The earth keeps spinning on its axis but the future seems so uncertain. What does our faith community, what does ministry look like now? Now that I must halt my hand in mid air as I reach out to touch? How many times I have known that my words are not enough? Now that a mask hides much of my facial expression and muffles the sound of my voice?
We know much about the "ministry of the presence", and how important it is. But this time of isolation has made my choice of words far weightier than ever before. I am overwhelmed with the difficulties that lie ahead as we ponder "reentry". But, just as God was present and the Christian community emerged in that first century, when what we do and what we say is done and said and shared in Love, won't our community emerge stronger also just as it did all those centuries ago?

Honey Creek is My Happy Place

Worship with the Diocese of Georgia tonight and Sunday
Tonight, the Diocese will offer Evening Prayer again online at 6 p.m. with the sermon given by Bishop Logue.

These liturgies are stored on both 

Find Livestream Worship 
There are a lot of options each day for Episcopalians in the Diocese of Georgia to worship online and now they are listed in one place. The Livestream Services calendar tells the time, location, and which liturgy the congregation offers for the whole Diocese. Click the image above or this link: Livestream Services Calendar.
Upcoming Ordinations
As we have seen across the board, despite changes in how we worship, the Church remains one.
In that spirit, we announce the following ordinations:

Vocational diaconate
July 24, 2020 - Rita Spalding

June 27, 2020 - the Rev. Leeann Culbreath

All ordinations will comply with the guidelines and recommendations of public officials and healthcare professionals. You can still participate in each service by watching the livestream through each respective Facebook page. 
Around the Diocese

Bishop Benhase signs the official documents affirming Bishop Logue as the 11th Bishop of Georgia.

The Rev. Archdeacon Yvette Owens (right) delivering the Gospel during the Consecration. Bishop Logue prostrating himself during the vows (right).

A gift from the Rev. Willam  Willoughby to Bishop Logue. It is a replica of the cross at King of Peace, Kingsland, the church plant began by Bishop Logue in the beginning of his priesthood.
Prayers for Weekly Liturgies
Our one-year prayer cycle combines prayers for every congregation in the Diocese of Georgia with prayers for our ecumenical partners and for our Companion Diocese of The Dominican Republic.   

The 2020 one year prayer cycle is now online here:  2020 Prayer Cycle

May 31 - June 6
In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our congregation in Louisville, St. Mary Magdalene. We also pray for our ecumenical partners in Louisville, especially St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church. In our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, we pray for the congregations in La Romana, especially The Encarnation ( La EncarnacioĢn ) and All Saints ( Todos los Santos) .

June 7 - 13
In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our congregations in Martinez, Holy Comforter and Our Savior. We also pray for our ecumenical partners, especially St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church in Grovetown. In our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, we pray for Christ Resurrected (
Cristo Resucitado ) in La Vega.

Additional Prayer Cycles
We also offer 30-day prayer cycles for those who wish to pray daily for the clergy and clergy spouses:  Diocesan Prayer Cycle and  Clergy Spouses Prayer Cycle .
Diocesan Office Update and News

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19,  Diocesan staff will be working remotely until further notice. Email will be the quickest way to get in touch with the staff, although you are still welcome to call us on the phone! Staff e-mails can be found here.
Let Us Know!

What are you doing to keep community right now? Are you gathering for virtual coffee hours, delivering groceries to your neighbors - let us know! Send any updates or photos to our Communications Manager Liz Williams at lwilliams@gaepiscopal.org. We want to hear from you!
The Bishops are Here!
The Bishops in attendance with Bishop Logue
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