June 2022
President's message
"The lights are back on"
Latest @IJBNPA
The president's message is available by clicking on the image below.
#ISBNPA2022 - The lights are back on!
(credit Neville Owen for pointing us to this expression)
The first ISBNPA hybrid meeting was a success. With 440 in-person plus 230 online participants, we feel that new paths are illuminated to run our research.
The entire length of the scientific program is now available in the final Abstract Book.
And a glimpse of networking, scientific sessions, look and feel of the conference is registered in the video below.
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash
ISBNPA awarded several prizes during the conference.
Tom Baranowsky Lifetime Achievement Award 2020
This award was decided in 2020, but only now have we had the chance to create the in-person ceremony to deliver the price to Professor Jim Sallis.
Thank you to Hidde vand der Ploeg and all the editorial team. And welcome Ric Rosenkranz, the new IJBNPA Editor-in-Chief.
See the complete list of awards at this link.
Best in-person overall presentations
We thank the SIGs, judges, and Chrisa Arcan for all her work managing the over 30 judges and scoring procedure. You can see the complete list of nominees here and the awards list below.
Video recordings of the Annual Meeting
All videos are now available here for ISBNPA members (the password to access the website was sent to our members in a separate email).
We will be releasing some of the Annual Meeting recordings during the rest of the year. Watch the opening ceremony and first keynote here.
Uppsala - ISBNPA 2023 Annual Meeting
Everything is already on the move in the organization of our next annual meeting.
Uppsala is waiting for you, so save the dates and stay tuned for the call for workshops and satellite meetings opening this summer.
In the meantime, watch the video below, with the organizing committee welcoming you to Uppsala on June 2023.
ISBNPA Vision and Mission Statement
We consulted our members about the new ISBNPA's Vision and Mission Statement during the conference.
The result is below:
- ISBNPA is the leading international research community in behavioral nutrition and physical activity.
Mission Statement
- Stimulate and promote impactful research in behavioral nutrition and physical activity to improve human and planetary health worldwide.
Strategic planning ISBNPA community consultation
ISBNPA's Executive Committee met several times and invited a strategic thinking specialist to help us identify and operationalize the plan.
The next step is to learn what you think about it. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Please complete this consultation form (10 minutes) to help ISBNPA refine the plan and allocate resources to execute it.
If you are an ISBNPA Member, you may already answer to a form similar to this one. While we have changed a few things since then, feel free to skip replying to this one.
Meet ISBNPA's new Executive Committee Members
The elected EC members' term started at the Assembly General of the Members in Phoenix on May 20, 2022.
Climate Action Committee
ISBNPA members voted climate action as their top priority. As a result, ISBNPA created the Climate Action Committee pushing our climate action efforts even further (click here to see the videos of our previous efforts).
Some of the Climate Action Committee members are Sebastien Chastin (chair), Erica Hinckson, Ester Cerin, Delfien van Dyck, Rodrigo Reis, and Deborah Salvo. The Climate Action Committee is joining forces with ISPAH and looking for other partnerships and ISBNPA members to join in or send us their ideas.
Student & ECR spotlights
Meet Stephen Barrett, who is researching hospital-based physical activity promotion in adults.
Chad Han does research on health services to return autonomy back to the patient, and to help pre-frail/frail older adults prevent hospital readmissions and STAY AT HOME independently.
NESI Evaluation
NESI blog
Read our new blog by Dr. Leigh Vanderloo: Straddling the academic and not-for-profit sectors in physical activity research.
Reach u!s
Follow @ISBNPA on twitter and #NESI_ISBNPA for NESI-related messages on twitter, linkedIn, instagram or facebook. Any questions or comments? A publication to highlight?
Take care!
Parvin, P., Amiri, P., Masihay-Akbar, H. et al. A pragmatic multi-setting lifestyle intervention to improve leisure-time physical activity from adolescence to young adulthood: the vital role of sex and intervention onset time. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 65 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-022-01301-4
Ruggiero, C.F., Moore, A.M., Marini, M.E. et al. A mixed methods study of siblings’ roles in maternal feeding practices in early childhood: an application of the learning from experience process. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 64 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-022-01302-3
Fransen, K., Cruwys, T., Haslam, C. et al. Leading the way together: a cluster randomised controlled trial of the 5R Shared Leadership Program in older adult walking groups. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 63 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-022-01297-x
Cummings, J.R., Lipsky, L.M., Schwedhelm, C. et al. Associations of ultra-processed food intake with maternal weight change and cardiometabolic health and infant growth. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 61 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-022-01298-w