Dear #Positivity Friends,

The month of March is a tricky one. Those random, unexpectedly warm days and the bulbs peeking through the soil in your garden make you think you’re in the home stretch to springtime. Then a ferocious storm dumps a foot of snow on all your dreams. Bummer.

They say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. “They” being the farmers and folklorists of yore, whose own lives and livelihoods were turned upside down so often by the severe weather for which this month is famous. They made a fair point! 

Here’s an idea: Instead of just lying low until the bad weather passes this month, walk right out into the storm, have a look around, and consider what’s possible. Take the curveballs and other surprises that come your way and turn them into opportunities to learn and grow—think of it as your own personal Spring Training! Say you’re hit with an unexpected setback in your work. Look at the situation from different angles until you see an alternative approach or a brand new idea. 

March is the time to harness the power of turbulence and change. Be the lion not the lamb!

As always, I hope that you are enjoying my newsletter. If you miss any edition, you can find it on my website. Pass this newsletter along and encourage your family and friends to sign up.

With hope and positivity,

#Positivity® Stories

Butterflies and Blue Violets

Along Northern California’s Mendocino County coast, there is a noticeable absence of Behren’s silverspot butterflies, a brilliant orange species that once thrived in the area. There have only been around 100 sightings of these butterflies in the past 15 years, thanks to the invasive grasses crowding out the early blue violets that are the primary source of nectar for the silverspots. Over the next four years, the Mendocino Land Trust will clear 53 acres of the invasive grasses and plant 35,000 early blue violets in their place. During the same period, more than 1,400 silverspot caterpillars that have been bred in captivity by Speryeria Conservation and Research will be released into the area. Talk about a butterfly garden! 

Hay There!

When western Kentucky was devastated by tornadoes in December 2023, communities came together to provide aid. Local businesses held fundraisers and collection drives for essentials, but one anonymous donor had a different kind of donation in mind. Their $25,000 donation was used to buy 300 bales of hay that was delivered by Mercer Transportation to the farmers who were hardest hit by the tornados. Dale Corum, general manager of Mercer Transportation, noted: “Animals need to be taken care of. They need food, they need places to lay. One of the things that gets overlooked in situations like this is that animals have to be protected.”

A Whale of a Find

Millions of years ago Alabama was covered in shallow seas that receded over time but left behind treasures you’d never expect to find so far from the beach. As a child, Lindsey Stallworth, a Mobile high school student, spent many an afternoon looking for sharks’ teeth and shells on her family’s farm in the country. One day last year, Lindsey invited her biology teacher Andrew Gentry, a paleontologist, to come to the farm to search for fossils. Shortly after the eagle-eyed student spotted some bone fragments in soft rock, they discovered a whole 34-million-year-old whale skull. It took many long, hot days of careful digging to excavate the skull, but it was well worth the effort. “I was really overwhelmed, but at the same time I was just full of excitement.” Lindsay said. “As a high schooler I didn’t think I’d get to do any of this stuff!” There is more “stuff” to come—student and teacher hope to find the rest of the whale skeleton when school lets out for the summer.  


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Moshe Means Business

Tip of the Month

If you find a great property at a good price, try to find a way to pay for it in cash. This motivates the seller because it streamlines the buying/selling process and you can both move fast. You can always refinance later, but cash is king if you want a property in a competitive real estate market.

Check Out Our Web Series

Moshe is passionate about highlighting small businesses and what makes them unique, successful, and fun.

Make sure to subscribe to Moshe’s YouTube channel so you never miss a show. 

Follow #MosheMeansBusiness on FB and Instagram for more tips!

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Million Dollar Weekend: The Surprisingly Simple Way to Launch a 7-Figure Business in 48 Hours by Noah Kagan

Have you been kicking an idea for a business around in your head? Maybe you’re looking for the next big idea to get you out of a dull job. Serial entrepreneur Noah Kagan’s gift to you is a concrete way to for change your daydream into reality. Take 48 hours to combat “Frequent Excuses,” gain “Creator’s Courage,” and use the “Million Dollar Weekend” process to start building your business now. Kagan has used this process to launch eight businesses worth more than a million dollars each. Instead of bingeing your TV shows this weekend, launch a business and earn some creative and financial freedom!

If you like our #Positivity® Newsletter...You’ll 💕Our Podcast, Common Denominator. Each week, I have inspiring conversations with great thinkers.

New Episode! Jon Gordon on What All Great Leaders Have in Common

Jon Gordon’s a bestselling author and one of the foremost experts on leadership, culture, sales, and teamwork. His principles have been implemented by Fortune 500 companies, pro and college sports teams, school districts, hospitals, and non-profits. He shares his thoughts on shaping your mind for success, leading with caring, and how to become the hero of your own journey.

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Catch up on previous episodes:

  • Finding Peace In Trying Times with Joshua Aaron
  • Why Being A Contrarian Is Essential To Thriving In Business with Moshe Popack
  • How To Stop Burnout And Increase Productivity with Erica Keswin

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Spreading #Positivity®

Thank you, readers, for sending us your photos with your comments. We are so excited that you are helping spread a positive message everywhere you go! Let’s keep spreading #Positivity® together! Send us your photos and stories to [email protected] and include your name and social media handle. We will feature them in the next newsletter and on Facebook!

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