News from your Parish
Please find below an outline of  pertinent events at the parish for the next two weeks.

Beginning June 2 and ending July 28, there will only be one service on Sunday at 9:00AM.

Monday, July 15
1:00PM Staff Meeting
4:30 Centering Prayer

Tuesday, July 16
9:30 - 11:00 AM Pastor @ Kilauea Hui

Wednesday, July 17
12Noon Noonday Prayer
4:00PM Bible Study
5:30PM Holy Eucharist 

Thursday, July 18
10:15AM Vision Process Team Meeting
2:00PM Peanut Butter Ministry – Prep Crew - Hilo United Methodist Church
5:00PM Peanut Butter Ministry – Serve Crew – Hilo United Methodist Church
Friday, July 19 - Office Closed

Sunday, July 21
9:00AM Holy Eucharist w/ Music
Immediately following service: Vision SpeakOut
Focus Group #3: Parish Office
Focus Group #4: Cook Room
Large Group on Lanai

Monday, July 22
1:00PM Staff Meeting
4:30-6:00PM Worship Team Meeting
4:30PM Centering Prayer

Tuesday, July 23
7:00PM ICIA General Meeting; Hilo Coast UCC - Honomū

Wednesday, July 24
12Noon Noonday Prayer
4:00PM Bible Study
5:30PM Holy Eucharist 

Sunday, July 28
9:00AM Holy Eucharist w/ Music
10:45 - 12:15PM Vestry Meeting

Monday, July 29
1:00PM Staff Meeting
4:30PM Centering Prayer
4:30-6:00PM Finance Committee Meeting

Tuesday, July 30 - UHH Lockdown DRILL

Wednesday, July 31
12Noon Noonday Prayer
4:00PM Bible Study
5:30PM Holy Eucharist

Saturday, August 3
9:00AM – 1:00PM Parish Clean-Up Day

Sunday, August 4 - School Supplies Drive begins TODAY thru August 25th !  
7:30AM Said Eucharist 
10:00AM Eucharist w/ Music
4:30PM Lincoln Park Service
5:00PM Feed the Hungry Program at Salvation Army

Monday, August 5
1:00PM Staff Meeting
4:30PM Centering Prayer

Wednesday, August 7
1 2Noon Noonday Prayer
4:00PM Bible Study
5:30PM Sung Evening Prayer

Thursday, August 8
10:15PM Vision Process Team Meeting 

Friday, August 9 - Office Closed  
Sunday, August 11
7:30AM Said Eucharist 
10:00AM Eucharist w/ Music

Monday, August 12
1:00PM Staff Meeting
4:30PM Centering Prayer

Wednesday, August 14
12Noon Noonday Prayer
4:00PM Bible Study
5:30PM Holy Eucharist

Thursday, August 15
10:15PM Vision Process Team Meeting
2:00PM Peanut Butter Ministry – Prep Crew- Hilo United Methodist Church
5:00PM Peanut Butter Ministry – Serve Crew – Hilo United Methodist Church 

Sunday, August 18 - Guest Musician Greg LeFevre
7:30AM Said Eucharist 
10:00AM Eucharist w/ Music
11:45 – 1:15PM Vestry Meeting 

Wednesday, August 21 - Deadline for all Vision input 

Fellowship follows all Sunday services.  

Upcoming events:
Backpack blessing - August 25
Choir Season Begins – August 28
Diocesan Clergy Retreat in Hilo – August 26-28
Sept 1 – Mass on the Grass; Onekahakaha Beach Park 

*ICIA – Interfaith Communities In Action 
Vision SpeakOut

Aloha Holy Apostles Family! Thank you to all who participated in our kickoff SpeakOut event this past Sunday . The effort of all was well appreciated!

On Sunday, July 21, 2019 we are holding part 2 of our Vision SpeakOut. The goal of our plan is to raise our voices in unison in order work on key priority actions as one congregation.

We will host a large group event on the lanai and 2 small focus groups. Everyone will be asked to answer 4 questions . (see below)

The SpeakOut will begin immediately after the 9:00am service and will last for 1 hour. 

Please make every effort to attend on Sunday July 21st.  We value your input and your voice counts! We promise this will be a fun and interactive event!

Here are the four questions that will be asked in Focus Groups. Please ponder and bring your thoughts to the meeting to share.

1.      In 1-5 words, what do you love the most about our Church of Holy Apostles?
2.  What changes would you like to see at CHA that we can try right now?  
• Is there something new you’d like to see us implement?
• What would you change in how we welcome, worship, pray, sing praises, fellowship, communicate, learn, get to know each other, etc.  
• Is there anything we could do that might inspire friends, family, or a newcomer to attend?
• What have you seen elsewhere that we could try?

3.      Being God centered – what will Holy Apostles look like in 10 years?  IMAGINE CHA in 2030! 
• What will our entrance, grounds and parking lot look like?
• How will the inside of our Sanctuary look?
• Who will be worshipping in our Sanctuary?
• How will our Lanai be used?
• How will our Cook Room be used?
  How will our Parish Hall/kitchen be used (currently Joyland Preschool)?
• What  current ministries in our community will we continue?
• What  new ministries in our community will we engage in?
  How will we serve University of Hawaii students?
• What will we be doing to attract families with young children to our sanctuary/services?
• Using your out-of-the-box thinking and imagination – what else do you see?

4.     Pretend a generous donor just gave CHA a sizable donation.  How would YOU spend this money to further our work in Christ?    
Can you think of any new projects, events, programs, public relation efforts, communications, existing/new ministry, etc.?
• How could we expand our evangelism efforts? (This could be used onsite or offsite)
Reminders and Announcements:

The Back-to-School season is coming up fast and you’re invited to participate in our School Supplies Drive! It will benefit kids that go to the Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island after-school study programs and our next door neighbor, Joyland Preschool. The collection drive begins Sunday, August 4 and ends on Sunday, August 25, 2019.  

Young families are struggling. With the high cost of clothing, housing, gas and with more students enrolled in the free and reduced meal programs, many parents are unable to provide the basic school supplies their children need. In addition, schools are facing budget cuts and lack the full funding to purchase necessary classroom supplies and must haves. Teachers are forced to spend money from their own pockets.

How can you help? We are collecting school supplies for needy students by giving our neighborhood kids the tools they need to succeed. After you have selected items from our posted List of Supplies, go to Walmart, Target, Amazon Smile, CVS Longs, Office Max or any retail store to make your purchases. On Sunday, simply drop off your donations in the front row of our church pews. 

Let’s help our students succeed by providing them with proper tools for their classrooms. Please drop off your donations beginning Sunday, August 4. Your contributions are much appreciated and THANK YOU for your assistance. 
Bible Study is held every Wednesday at 4pm in the office.
How can our Holy Apostles Community take steps to be more sustainable and kind to our environment?

July Green Tip Rapid 'Ōhi'a Death or "ROD" is a deadly fungal disease /affecting our 'ōhi'a lehua. Over 2 million trees have already been affected on the Big Island and Kauai. Disappearance of these trees will greatly alter the natural forest experience in Hawaii since they make up 80% of our native forests. Birds, insects and plants will be impacted and the 'ōhi'a forest cannot be recreated. The fungus causes the crown of trees to quickly turn yellow then brown. Once brown it is already dying.
How can you help? When going to forested areas where the 'ōhi'a tree grows, always make sure your shoes are clean of debris and seeds. State law prohibits the interstate movement of 'ōhi'a plant parts and soil. Please kokua and leave all 'ōhi'a  plants where they grow. Help save our 'ōhi'a forests!
Noonday Prayer is now being held every Wednesday. Join us in the sanctuary.
Sung Evening Prayer will be held the first Wednesday of each month. (Please disregard last weeks post).
The Diocesan Annual Clergy Retreat is coming up August 26-28, 2019, at the Grand Naniloa Hotel in Hilo on the Big Island.
Sunday school will resume on August 25th.
The Church of the Holy Apostles
 cordially invites the
 Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island and
Joyland Preschool
to a
 Back-to-School Blessing of School Supplies
On Sunday, August 25, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.

Bring your backpacks to be blessed!

For more information contact:
Lindy Marzo
Looking for a spiritual network of individuals committed to receive the gift of contemplative prayer in which we experience God's presence within us? This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship.

Visit our weekly Centering Prayer meetings held on Mondays at 4:30p.m..
Whatʻs going on in the Diocese?
Click HERE for the most current news!
Kupuna Korner:

Get the most current edition of the Hawaiʻi County Office of Aging monthly report here:

Mahalo to all who helped to the SpeakOut event a success! That includes Facilitators, Cheerleaders, Vestry and participants! Mahalo!
Mahalo Judy for providing child care for parents at the SpeakOut.
Susan Gagorik reading suggestions from fellow parishioners
Focus Group #2 engaged in conversation
Hard at work on the Lanai
Focus Group #1 deep in discussion
Pastor Katlin facilitating on the Lanai
Pastor Katlin is available for Pastoral Care at #808-333-7693
Prayer List: Call the church office or speak with our pastor if you have a prayer request. (808-935-5545) or Prayer Lists are refreshed monthly.
Hurricane Season is here! Are you prepared?
With NOAA predicting 5 to 8 tropical cyclones for 2019, we thought we would send you some links to resources to prepare yourself:

Phone: 808-935-5545  
CHA is now registered at Amazon Smile ! When customers shop on  AmazonSmile  ( ), the  AmazonSmile  Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to CHA! Be sure to select CHA from the list of charitable organizations FIRST.