June 2015


Welcome to Driving Your Career Starts NOW/The Newsletter, showing you how you can direct and manage your career.

Be  in charge of your career. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. Your career is the treasury that funds your life, there's no parking allowed: drive it now!

         - Joanne Meehl, aka The Job Search Queen -
    Now celebrating 
12 years 
shortening job searches! 
The numbers in job search tell the truth

This article was published in my newsletter in 2010 but not a thing has changed: the numbers of a job search support networking. Here's one job hunter's story.

Don was a member of my Face2Face job search networking group, who joined in the 6th month of his search. He was finding his lone search frustrating, so ...  

.... continued 



Your career (or job search) doesn't know it's summer

Are you planning to take the summer off from working on your career (or your search) because it was such a tough winter that you deserve to? Are you thinking that  "nobody hires until September"?

Not so. Hiring takes place year-round. If you take the summer "off", you will have to start your campaign for that promotion or your search all over again in September -- when everyone else has decided to start their search. You'll have to start networking all over again if you take 2-3 months off! Don't get forgotten, keep at it. Keep up the connecting, the zeroing in on opportunities.

Consider this: During the summer, the usual gatekeepers are away so you may find it much easier to reach that targeted contact. And companies (even your own) do community service projects that you may be able to join in on, thereby getting to know people "inside". Some companies' fiscal years may end in the summer, so managers can push to make new hires way before September.

Sure, reward yourself -- with a new job because you didn't let your career or search take the summer off! 


It's the June Special!
Now that it's June, enjoy the warmer temps no matter where you are! 
Download Discovering A Company's Culture: What Are Their Values?  
This guide is   free only to newsletter recipients like you for a limited time. It tells you how do assess a company or organization for their culture, to see if you really want to work there. (You'll just have to give us your email address.)


You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts. 

        - Brian Tracy


See Joanne's videos -- all short and content-rich

Next Face2Face Mpls  meeting is this Thursday, June 4th!
*Meet The Recruiters! The Latest in Recruiter Secrets*, with panel of 5 top-notch recruiters representing the best in the metro. Boost your search: join us!
All info is at  the F2F site.
Career Tip from Joanne: 
Every few weeks, back up your LinkedIn contacts by copying them into a spreadsheet. If LinkedIn should somehow lose them, you'll still have them because you've backed them up. 
Go to Connections > Settings (the gear symbol) > Export 

The Blog:
People say
they pick up tips when they read the blog (and newsletter). I give a ton of info in each blog so  take a look at the latest AND the archives.

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The Job Search Queen and The Resume Queen are trademarks held by Joanne Meehl