News analysis from a prophetic Christian worldview
The perfect example of socialism
NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Against the backdrop of a Harris poll indicating that Millennials and Generation Z are more likely to embrace socialistic policies and principles than past generations, the lights are out in the poster child for modern socialism-literally. Venezuela, once a gemstone in South America, is in the dark thanks to socialism. That's what happens when socialist dictators take over under the pretense of equality for all and pure democracy. It's lights out. Checkmate. No food on the table. No gas in the car. No car (check Cuba's 1940's US models still being driven, and, oh yes, Fidel Castro's funeral jeep breaking down in his final ride). But there is even a deeper message for America's youth in Venezuela's socialism.
The UK Telegraph reports that "In the well-lit dining room of El Alazan, dollar bills are flying. Waiters whisk expensive cuts of meat and bottles of whisky between tables; a couple dances to a band playing in the corner. This steakhouse in the affluent Altamira neighborhood is busier than ever and the front desk juggle payments with wads of cash. Juan, a nightclub owner in his sixties who sips a vodka and orange at the bar, says he has come here with his friends as "there is nowhere else in Caracas you can do this right now".  Outside, the streets are deserted as night falls, a crippling nationwide blackout imposing a de facto curfew after another long day of searches for food, water, and fuel."
Every Millennial and Gen Zer in the US needs to hear this. Behind the promises of guaranteed minimum wages, free education, healthcare for all, free transportation, everyone being equal and all the esoteric concepts of everyone having their needs met-Isn't this the same as the current Democratic Party platform?-is the reality. Somebody has to pay. And while somebody is paying, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The socialist "president's" (democratically-elected dictator's) buddies get the jobs, get the food and can party all night in the well-lit places while the masses suffer in the outer darkness. That's progressivism, socialism, communism-different names for the same results.
I can't repeat it enough. The Communist Manifesto says, "But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis." Other linchpins of communism are enumerated in the Manifesto: 1) Abolition of property ownership, 2) a heavy progressive income tax, 3) abolition of all rights of inheritance, 4) confiscation of property, 5) centralization of credit, 6) centralization of transportation, 7) centrally planned economy, 8) obligation to work, 9) abolishing distinction between towns and country, and 10) a free education for children. Exodus 20:3 says, "Thou shalt have no other god's before me." When government replaces God, bad things happen--ask citizens of Venezuela. They see the truth, even in the dark. America needs to wake up, especially the "Church."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson


Caring for those even the Church ignores: 
The Disabled in Ghana

By Pastor William Agbeti

[ NOTE: In addition to our ongoing clean water, feeding, and clothing efforts when you support The Daily Jot, you are helping wipe tears off the faces of suffering mothers and fathers seeking rehabilitation of their disabled children]
UN figures put persons living with disabilities in the world at 20% of the global population. 80% of this number can be found in developing countries. In Ghana alone, there are some 3 million persons living with various forms of disabilities. 
Our Ghana ministry serves where others will not.This two-day residential program for children with disabilities provide food, clothing and recreation

Their plight is demoralizing. Many in the Ghanaian society consider them taboos. Scores of local churches have not opened their doors to them. Several families neglect their disabled children, to fend for themselves. Sadly, some communities go to the extreme to put a newly born disabled child into a mortar and use a pestle to pound it to death, with the belief that their souls will not return to the communities again. In the main, the disabled are ostracized from the society. Only a handful of homes, families and communities treat them with a modicum of respect and acceptance. Read the rest of the story by clicking here

The Daily Jot is totally reader supported. My wife, Chris, and I do not take a salary or receive any remuneration for this work. Your gifts go directly to assisting us in maintaining this column, the website, outreach, and the Lord's work we do in Ghana, West Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day,

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot