Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche's Teaching Of:

Blue Zambala

Bring Prosperity and Health Into Our Lives

March 7 – 11, 2024

Zoom or In Person

Yeru Retreat Center

The Blue Zambala is the wealth deity whose blessings remove the obstacle of poverty, bringing wealth and abundance to practitioners. Prosperity does mean just financial prosperity, but removal of negativities that are creating obstacles within our daily lives.

The Blue Zambala deity increases not only our wealth and fortune. But helps with our health, our joy and more goodness. Helps us to develop inner happiness through the wealth of spiritual understanding.

Yang Drup means to have prosperity and good fortune. Wealth, harmony, positive relationships, merit, health and positive opportunities.

Rinpoche will teach us the rituals to strengthen the force of personal good fortune and good luck by both requesting the assistance of a wealth deity and by calling back any of this energetic force that might have become separated from the individual.

The purpose of this teaching is to learn how to summon many kinds of fortune we need for ourselves and others in our lives. This will include cultivating well-being for ourselves as well as for others and learnning to develop a successful spiritual practice.

Early Registration Fee: By Februry 25th

Fee; In person 575.00

Zoom: 175.00


Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche’s teaching of

The Practice of Tum Mo

of the Dzogchen Kusum Rangshar

The Self-Arising of The Three Enlightened Bodies


March 12 – 17, 2024

The Kusum Rangshar, or “Self-Arising of the Three Enlightened Bodies,” is one of the most important Dzogchen practices within the Bon tradition.

Tum Mo is a Dzogchen practice which develops our natural feminine wisdom energy that is within you.

We just completed part 4 of Latri Rinpoche’s teaching of “The Practice of Tum Mo” Dzogchen Kusum Rangshare. A couple of weeks ago.

This last teaching was wonderful and intense. Putting all of the pieces of this practice together, understanding how to sit, visualizations and more.

Rinpoche has requested this retreat done only in person. He realized it was difficult for students to follow all of the different positions and practice via Zoom. So this will be an in person retreat only.

Rinpoche strongly believes this practice is very important and should be done correctly. He feels if we do this practice incorrectly, it would not be good. He would like to be sure the students fully understand the foundations underlying in the Tum Mo practice.

So, as he said during the teaching. He would like to change his schedule and schedule a weeklong “Practice of Tum Mo” This retreat will include all of what we learned in Part 1, 2, 3 and 4.

You will be asked to review all of the videos and come to the retreat center and work with him on the Tum Mo practices.

When we complete the week, we will be strong, positive and productive Tum Mo practitioners.


Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche’s

Khyung Mar ~Red Garuda

Drubpa Retreat

March 19th -26th, 2024

In Person Only

Rinpoche felt it was time to have a serious Khyung Mar ~ Red Garuda Drubpa retreat to help the students who are learning the Khyung Mar ~ Red Garuda practice and to deepen and refresh past students who have taken or practice with the Khyung Mar ~ Red Garuda practice.

Connecting with the Yidam Khyung Mar, experience the serious ceremonial structure under the guidance of Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche.

This advanced tantric practice of the Khyung Mar will be taught and lead by Latri Khenpo Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche. He would like all students to acknowledge this retreat as a serious sacred advanced retreat. Rinpoche welcomes all who have studied the Red Garuda ~ Khyung Mar, either by his online course, retreats or by other masters and who are genuine and willing to practice for self or healing for others to join us at this retreat.

Rinpoche will guide us in keeping inner experience of Khyung Mar blessing and energy. This Drubpa will be opened with the installment of the Khyung Mar altar, daily Tsok offerings, Phurba, Ta Chen, Chi Tsam and other sacred ceremonial practice. Items will be collected and placed on the alter till the Drubpa is over. Rinpoche encourages everyone attending to have a Phurba, and Melong at the retreat for a blessing and transfer of the Khyung Mar energy during the retreat.

Through this retreat, you will discover the deep mysteries of the Red Garuda. By the end of this retreat, you will be able to close your eyes, hear the call of the Red Garuda, see the Red Garuda and feel the power of the Red Garuda instantly when in need.

This practice will take you to a place of greater understanding, where you may be able to unveil the mystery of the Red Garuda, and be even more powerful in your practice.


Yum Chen Sherab Cham Ma

The Great Loving Mother

August 24th – 31st, 2024

Crete, Greece

In person and Via Zoom

Yum Chen Sherab Cham Ma is the Great Mother of all beings, who shines wisdom and loving kindness on all sentient beings.

“Yum Chen Mo” means “great mother,” referring to her as a source of love, wisdom, unconditional compassion and kindness to all sentient beings regardless of their original belief.

Cham Ma, the short form of her name means “loving mother.” She is the base of all manifestations of all enlightened ones (sangye or buddhas), and the source of their wisdom, compassion and loving kindness.

She is the embodiment of all enlightened females. Like Kuntu Zangpo, she is the primordial origination of our true natural state of mind. She is a protector, a guide and a loving mother.

She manifests and appears only to serve and benefit whoever is in need, whoever is calling her from the core of their heart with devotion and trust.

There are many different ways and different types of practices for Chamma. In this weeklong retreat, Rinpoche will teach us how to connect with Cham Ma and how to receive her blessings and energy, through meditation, prayers and reciting the sacred 21 syllable mantra.

Through connecting with Cham Ma, we generate our inner compassion and love and wisdom. We awaken from the closed-mindedness of emotions, and expand our inner love, compassion, and inner kindness for ourselves and others.

For this reason, this teaching of Cham Ma is very important for sentient beings that are looking for love, healing and compassion. As Cham Ma is the source and embodiment of wisdom and unconditional compassion of all the enlightened ones, in this time of crisis, Cham Ma’s teaching, healing, protection and guidance are important and reliable. By calling her by name from the core of our heart with genuine trust motivation, Cham Ma will be reached. She will hear our inner voice and she will help us manifest what is needed to benefit us.



In years past Yeru Bön Center has been blessed with our “End of Year Gift Giving Campaigns”, enabling us to help the children at the Bön Children’s Home.

Our “End Of Year ~ Gift Giving Campaign” is mainly set up to help the Bön Children’s Home, with their daily living needs. “Further Education Scholarship programs”, Facility Repairs.

This year we are struggling with helping to achieve the funds needed not only for the children's basic needs, but there are urgent repairs needed at the Bon Children's Home.

The children survive on generous donations. Right now, is a critical time to get certain repairs done and to help the children stay safe, healthy and educated.

We understand funds are tight everywhere, but we are truly grateful for any funds we receive so we can help Rinpoche with his Bon Children’s Home projects, his teachings, and the costs of being a center.

Most importantly, priority to save the elevated playground that hosts the children while they do homework, meet in assembly. It has started to collapse.


Donation Contribution

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