What Black History Month Means to Me
It’s an everyday action of being comfortable with educating those around you and upholding the dreams of those before me. Black History means strength and unity. Despite the horrid past of African Americans, we have always found a way to triumph. To be Black is to carry the pain of my ancestors while never forgetting the pride that goes along with being in my skin. My mom always jokes about how when I was younger, I would recite Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech to the kids in my neighborhood. The constant urge for me to enlighten others about Black experiences and continue to advocate for people of color has always been a big part of what makes me, well me. Black History Month is so much more than just a few weeks in February. It’s an everyday reminder in the Black community to defy all odds and to always strive for advancement and equity.
Updates - BSU is continuing to promote change and educate others about the Black community. We cannot wait to reveal the events we have for both Black History Month and spring term. Stay tuned. :)
A’Blessin King
ASMS Senior and President of the ASMS Black Student Union
NO Assembly Tomorrow - Study for Finals!
Life is a Highway
We need 100+ more!!! -- You can now promote and support the school every day as you drive your car! Pre-commitment has opened for an ASMS license plate. We need 250 pre-commitments in order for the plate to become an official license plate.
For every license plate purchased, ASMS will receive $41.25! Attached is a photo of the license plate. Click here to pre-commit. Click on the tab “8/1/21 to 7/31/22” and find the ASMS Plate (4thone from top). Sign up today!
🎉 ASMS Responds to a Great Need
During last December's blood drive, ASMS students, faculty, and staff happily surprised local Red Cross leaders with their willingness to give. Organizers were not prepared for the encouraging generosity of the ASMS community! Together, the ASMS community gave 28 units of blood, saving 84 lives. To match this generosity, ASMS will have two more blood drives before the end of the school year. The Red Cross is currently experiencing their worst blood shortage in over a decade and if any community can respond to this great need, it is ASMS! The next drive will be an all-day event (8-5pm) Thursday, March 10th. As the drive nears, the ASMS blood drive team will be in more contact!
Student Updates and Opportunities
Careers in Civil Engineering Alumni Lunch and Learn
Students - Join us in the Media Room on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:00 PM -12:40 PM (Bring your own lunch from The Caf). You'll hear from ASMS alumni Tabatha (Class of 2007) and Daniel (Class of 2008) Dye as they share about their similar but different Civil Engineering education and career tracks!
If you would like to attend the Lunch & Learn, please complete this form. By completing this form you are committing to attend and be present on the16th.
Careers in the Defense Industry Alumni Lunch and Learn
Students - Join us virtually on Thursday, February 24, 2022 12:00 PM -12:40 PM (Bring your own lunch from The Caf) to learn about tech, business, and entrepreneurial defense industry careers from ASMS alum Greg Bacon (Class of 1995)!
If you would like to attend the Lunch & Learn, please complete this form. By completing this form you are committing to attend and be present on the 24th. A Teams link will be sent later.
ASMS Has Talent!
The Gulf Coast Spotlight Talent Showcase was created to shine the spotlight on talented young performers right in our own community, encourage and reward their pursuits and give funds to our local schools to support arts programs.
FEBRUARY 11: Sign up and submit talent video
FEBRUARY 14: Participants announced
MARCH 13: Showcase at Murphy High School
Around the ASMS Community
It's the SGA's annual tradition where students jump in the pool together during winter term- Polar Plunge! Dr. Hoyle jumped with the students this year!
In celebration of Black History Month, the ASMS BSU hosted a young alumni panel for recent graduates to share about their experiences attending HBCUs and PWIs! Graduates also shared their insight on deciding what college to attend and transitioning from ASMS to the college they chose!
The Public Organic Education Series at ASMS is a series of seminar presentations by ASMS students about organic chemistry topics covered in research articles. Chemistry Department instructor, Dr. Rambo, says the series focuses on chemistry in the world around us and how it impacts our everyday life. Many ASMS students, faculty, and staff attended this year! Here's a sample article one of the students presented on.
Check out a sampling of this year’s topics presented by our students!
- Hyaluronic Acid: The Everywhere Biopolymer
- Searching the Galaxy for Signs of Life
- Cracking the Case of a Mysterious Plant Toxin
- Versatile MOF Separates Drug Molecule Enantiomers
- Climate Change Could Alter Undersea Chemical Communication
- Radioactive Isotopes for Cancer Treatment
- Materials Collect Water from the Air
- Can Microbes Save Us From PFAS?
- Looking to Young Blood to Treat The Diseases of Aging
- A Natural Mosquito Repellent’s Most Active Form Found
- The Chemical Needs of Autonomous Vehicles
- CRISPR Meets Its Match
3 ASMS Students presented one tiny aspect of their current research in three different STEM areas in German -- Shrish Shetty, Elbread Roh, and Hannah Nguyen. This was VERY labor intensive to prepare and VERY difficult to do (with less than three years of German), but they did deliver! It was the goal they had set for themselves for this term of our year-long “German for Engineering” class.
"I am so excited for my students to be going to college already able to present their favorite intricate subjects in German, potentially studying in Germany for a term and able to follow lectures and discussions. You can see on the pictures that students were in control of their topics, taking and addressing questions on the spot and very flexible with their elaborations. I could not be more proud," says Ms. Hoequist.
Every year the Alabama Bandmaster’s Association division of the Alabama Music Educator’s Association holds Allstate Band Festival. It is made up of the best students from around the State of Alabama and students audition at the district level. At the auditions, each student must perform 12 major scales, 2 minor scales and a chromatic scale covering the entire range of their instrument at 100% mastery. If they pass their scales, they continue to the section where they demonstrate their technical and lyrical mastery of their instrument, then on to the sight reading section where they must perform a piece of music that they have never seen before the audition. The top students are placed in the Red Band, then next in the White Band and the next in the Blue Band.
A Junior at ASMS, tuba player Abigail Saalwaechter placed 2nd in District 7, earning a chair in the White Band.
ASMS Senior French Hornist Praveena Kumaresan placed 6th, placing her in the Blue Band.
ASMS Sophomore Emma Saalwaechter placed as an alternate in the Clarinet Section.
These students will also participate in District Honor Band that will be held March 24 & 25 at Daphne High School.