Voting Procedures for Church Conference
Sunday, September 11
Must be listed on the membership roll of Killearn to vote.
Ballots must be picked up in person in the courtyard* between 4:45 PM and 5:45 PM. There will be several hundred people coming to the Church Conference. Please plan on arriving early!
The Church Conference is scheduled to begin at 6:00 PM. We want to make sure all our volunteers assisting church members with ballots can also be in Sanctuary or fellowship hall ready for the start of the Church Conference.
One ballot per person only. No replacement for lost or misplaced ballots.
Due to space limitations, we ask that only members with ballots enter the sanctuary or fellowship hall for the meeting. Childcare is available for 5th grade and under starting at 5:00 PM.
Ballot will be placed in ballot boxes in the front of the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall once our District Superintendent opens voting. No early voting per the District Superintendent. Remember you are coming to a church meeting and casting your vote during the meeting.
Here is a sample ballot:
The Killearn United Methodist Church in Tallahassee, Florida votes to disaffiliate from The Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church under the terms of Paragraph 2553 in The Book of Discipline. We authorize the Board of Trustees of the Killearn United Methodist Church to sign the disaffiliation agreement set by the Board of Trustees of The Florida Conference.
Yes _____ No _____ Abstain _____
Please note that it includes Yes to disaffiliate from the UMC, No, do not disaffiliate, and Abstain. Please vote yes or no, as an abstain vote is simply a “present” vote.
*In event of inclement weather, ballots will be distributed in the gathering area in Asbury Building immediately adjacent to the courtyard.